most newbie-thing done on fallout

when i come to think about it, im not sure if i died from rad-away addiction or radiation, BTW first time i played fallout1, i never used any bombs, but i did on fo2, then one time i was playin' around in necropolis after killing everyone (still hadnt used any bombs on fo1, but on fo2) i took a bomb , probably to blow up a door or sumpin, set the timer, ran away, waited, BOOM....huh, ooops :oops:
i went to the enclave with a level 5 character..............and died really fast(i hadnt saved the whole game :twisted: ), but other than that i can beat fo2 in a day(i have just about every situation memerized, Besides the random enconters), man i love the 44 mag
with a heroic luck level and 200 percent in small guns..... :lol:
i beat f01 the first time in under 20 hours(lots of caffiene). and i am a finatical fallout lover :twisted:. i have killed every town in the game completely, and then killed my companions, then all the homeless people that came my way :evil:, all the animals, dogs, cows, mutants, gouls(lets just say that my characters karma SUCKED BAD).

ive beat fo1 and fo2 with just about every character type, and still to this day play the game like a nut.
well check this out, on my way to vault 15 i ran into the saucer encounter, and managed to snag me the nifty laser pistol thing. I went to vault 15 and ran out of ammo. So when i got to shady sands i sold it for a rifle (not knowing i can reload the pistol with fusion cells).
n00biest thing i did?........

When i first got Fallout i played through the entire game without realising the BoS existed.......

Also when i first heard of necropolis i didnt enter it for about a month (I upgraded to a shotgun and leather armour) As i was too scared to enter.........Hell i was scared to get my character i avoided all fights.....
My friend played this for the first time today and chose the bloody mess trait. I think you can guess what he did when he got to shady sands.
One bad thing I did was try and go to San Francisco almost immediately after leaving Arroyo. Those Enclave patrols are quite unforgiving.

Another blooper was pissing off first citizen Lynette. I killed her she was such a bitch, then found the Mentats in her bookcase. I was like WTF?! and ran around vault city before getting slaugtered.
I took a while to figure out bartering. I just didn't get the interface right away. My first character lost most of his goods because I would put them on the table and press "offer" and they'd just go away! And I tried again in unbelief, and yes those goods went away too. Then I read the manual.

lying about being a janitor without even walking away first... (sierra army base)

where do you get the holy hand grenades.
Huumm.. let me see. First time I played F1 I played the water merchants from extra 100 days, finished the mutant army and was almost finding out master when my vault ran out of water (and I knew that Necropolis existed). Oh yeah, and I also specialised in stealing and barter…
Warped314 said:
One bad thing I did was try and go to San Francisco almost immediately after leaving Arroyo. Those Enclave patrols are quite unforgiving.

one IDIOT of a friend of my brother, did that to, although he never learned, he went straight down everytime he played it, with a leather

edit: he didnt even get through the game without cheating...
Playing only with weapons like knife,ripper and so on becouse I didnt know how to reload.Pretty stupid ah?And now my character is 21 level and has small guns - 140 big guns - 160 energy weapons - 160 and melee weapons - 130. :twisted:
weeell.. I played Fallout2 first too.. I met Sulik and went looking for his village he mentioned was on the coast (Or maby i was just looking for the coast to see the sea) and after finding the seashore I ofcourse followed it down... I actually got past half way to san Fran until I was asked if I wanted to encounter a bunch of fire Geckos... Well ofcourse i thought: "Hah geckos.. they cant be hard I've got this 10MM pistol and a leather jacket after all....."

Didnt live too long... :P
Dove said:
Going to set explosives at radscorpion caves, setting timer. Running away, forgot to drop explosives. Kaboom.

I'm pretty sure I've done that.

Big_T_UK said:
I used to always play with 1 or 2 luck. Not entirely sure why now...

And that.

Sy said:
My first character lost most of his goods because I would put them on the table and press "offer" and they'd just go away! And I tried again in unbelief, and yes those goods went away too.

And that!

I've also tried to pick up the rats I killed outside Vault 13.

I went into the Skulz den in Junktown at night with 12 hitpoints and 37% steal, and tried to rob them. Got a bit deaded.

On my first ever game I arrived at Shady Sands at night, and clicked 'rest untill morning on the pipboy. And at six, as it was still dark, I thought the entire game was like that! :ugly: