Well, the n00best thing I did was when I played Fo1 for the first time. Of course I was to eager to start the game I didn't bother to make a char and took that cool russian chick (she has nice stats, you have to admit). On my way to Shady Sands I got attacked by a radscorpion. After emptying my 10mm and getting hurt pretty badly I attacked it with a... flare. Though that fire will scare him away.
Well, I could say that the game isn't very realistic, but...
the flare wasn't even lit.
(this reminds me - anyone of you used the flare to illuminate a dark place to reduce the modifier while shooting?)
At least I then had the occasion to make my own char.
The second n00best thing was going to Junktown with a rifle in my hands. The guards told me to holster my weapons, so I though "WTF, they are ordering ME to do somethin'?" and decided to scare them a bit. So I changed hands (I had a frag in the other) and - suprise! - the guards attacked me. I though they were mean sobs so I killed them all and took their stuff. But, as a result, I didn't explore the town further than the gate and thus I didn't know that Junktown is such a interresting location untill I played the game for the second time.
And when people told me that the Water Merchants controled the water reserves of the Hub and were very mean jerks, I decided to kill them. And after doing so I was highly suprised that the city guards are attacking me.
Well, what can I say - I played very emotionaly for the first time.