most newbie-thing done on fallout

I played Fallout 2 first, started with narg ( as this was my first RPG)
joined the slavers, became a berserker, and shot at anything with better armour than me :D I actually got that character to san fransico, but stopped becuase of the critical drawbacks of having the charisma and inteligence of a door stopper.
In New Reno I took a drink with Mrs. Bishop and when she started feeling me up, well, let's just say PsychoSniper would call me a pussy, because the next thing I knew I was being attacked by Bishop's men... I then decided to get my balls with me, so we had some fun, then I completed the game. I then realized what the condoms were for, and felt sick to my stomach. I was a father.

Yes, I roleplay way too seriously, and too timidly. Then I played UT and it changed my whole outlook on games. Ultra Kill!
PsychoSniper, you make timid people like me cry. Um... But don't let me get you guys off topic, now...
I went through most of my entire first game with the misconception that Tool boards, workbenches, and, most notably, "Stuff"s could never actually hold items. Yes, that means that I missed out on 50% of the inventory in San Fran, and almost all of Buster's. (although I still wonder why his shop sells crap like rocks)

I showed Fallout 2 to a friend of mine, and meant to give her a crash course in making a character that wouldn't fall on its ass, but she insisted that she experiment herself, so I let her go. Needless to say, she did some incredibly silly things. For Example, tagging Barter, First Aid, and Repair, taking Bloody mess and something else inane, having a high ST and a low PE, etc, etc, etc. Needless to say she didn't finish the game with that character... I showed her Per's guide once day, and dawn came like a nuclear airburst.
n00best thing I ever did.. (First time I played F1),

#1: Gave an SMG to Ian
#2: Couldn't figure out how to make the SMG shoot in burst mode
#3: Decided that walking in radioactive sludge is fun
#4: Found out that shooting characters in the groin causes 30% more critical hits
#5: Died from thirst.
Well, i played FO 2 before playing the first one, kind of rushed through the game, never did any side quests, went straight the Klamath - Den - Vault city - vault 15 / 13 route, then went back to arroyo, talked to hakunin, and off i went to invade navarro with a .44 revolver and metal armor
Another thread reminded me of one...

FO1- Didn't use the "steal" on NPC's because I didn't want to tick them every time I gave them something to carry I had to buy it back from them (usually with ammo for their weapon of choice). I think that at one time I had Ian packing around every round of 10mm in the game, not to mention a load of my caps...

My friend left all of his NPC's on the first screen of the Oil Rig. When he chose "Continue playing" and went back to the oil rig to rescue them, the oil rig blew up and he could never continue playing because he saved it on the oil rig for the second time!

Also on the oil rig I took out every Enclave soldier with nothing but Sulik with a supersledge and me with plasma grenades, and Vic with a Gauss rifle.. because I thought you were supposed to kill everyone.

I also tried to get my entire party through the 9-room-electricity-grid in the enclave by having them "follow me close".
Iggy320 said:
I also tried to get my entire party through the 9-room-electricity-grid in the enclave by having them "follow me close".

I have tried that before to!
Didn't try more than one time! :wink:
I borrowed fallout 2 to friend of mine (whos pretty dim sometimes) and I heard that the first thing he did was to stab the brahmin in arroyo with a knife :D , and he said that there was way too much talkin in the game cant blame him dumbs always a dumb :roll:
I didn't realize that I had a pistol in my inventory (I didn't even realize that I had an inventory) for the first two days after I got the game. I kept getting killed by radscorpians and eventually I accidentaly hit "i" and saw what I had.
It took me quite a while to discover "push your NPC" button, so every time someone blocked my way or stood in the door i went like "Drats, you bloody bone-nosed redneck!" and reloaded.
The fist time I played Fallout (1), it was a copy, without instructions or anything. After messing around in the caves for a while and figuring out that the combat in this game was turn-based, I head out to the world map. Because I didn't understand english very well at the time, I had no idea Vault 15 would have been a good starting place to solve my quest. So I just went straight down the worldmap... comming across Junktown after a while.
Ok, so I'm walking around there (running? eh? how do you do that?), but I was really, honestly annoyed at how bad this game was: "How am I supposed to get inside those houses?" I had no idea you could switch cursors by left clicking... Took me a real long time to figure that out (by accident).
I soon gave up on this stupid game (houses you can't enter, who-ever made this up?). When I tried again later, I understood I had to go to Vault 15, stopped at Shady Sands and recruited Ian... How big was my astonnishment when I saw that Ian COULD open doors by simply walking through them... :shock:
Aah, the good old days :)
I once played for like 3 or 4 hours without saving. I was so happy when I got to the Watershed. I was less happy when the Lieutenant in Mariposa started using me for target practice... and I realised my last savegame was 3 hours ago... :oops:
Didn't know about character creation or action points. It doesnt take a genous to guess that i made a terrible character. I also tried to fit as much action into one turn. when i ran out of points i was like "what the hell, why cant i shoot this stupid dog" Yes, it was dogmeat. he owned me many times. i still wonder how my character survived long enough to run out of time for the water chip. Same thing goes for my horrible F2 character(he survived for ages. got a new one now though.)