So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I just figured 'oh crap, Im dead anyway' and set my C4.
Luckily, I disarmed it in time.
Luckily, I disarmed it in time.
Kahgan said:i sold the vault 13 water canteens, vics other stuff that i needed later![]()
Is that why you bought FO:BOS as well?[3PD said:PsychoSniper]I got the DualJewl case of FO1/2 a few years back for $10 on the discount rack, figuring I didnt like RPG's much, but it was cool how it said you could pimp out your wife.
How did you manage to beat a group of raiders (one of them armed with a high level weapon, so it's likely that they all were) on level one?It was about then that I noticed that odd 'level' icon in the lower left.............
Big_T_UK said:Is that why you bought FO:BOS as well?[3PD said:PsychoSniper]I got the DualJewl case of FO1/2 a few years back for $10 on the discount rack, figuring I didnt like RPG's much, but it was cool how it said you could pimp out your wife.![]()
Talk about target audience.
How did you manage to beat a group of raiders (one of them armed with a high level weapon, so it's likely that they all were) on level one?It was about then that I noticed that odd 'level' icon in the lower left.............
Also, why did you never check your character screen at all?
This smells funny to me.
Even so (and I admit that I had forgotten about these faulty raiders), how did you manage to beat three raiders (even if they had all been unarmed) on level one, with all your skills at the starting levels?[3PD said:PsychoSniper]Second, occasionly, I'll get a raider group were one has a spear, one has a pistol, and one has a hilevel weapon (usualy a shotgun, or P90), but doesnt use it and attacks HtH.
That was one such occurence.
Yeah, but I think the raiders with weapons they didn't use had the correct ammo (in the gun, but not in their inventory), they were just incorrectly scripted (I assume) and failed to use them.SkynetV3 said:Remember Big T, that in some cases, the developers set wrong kind of ammunition for a gun. Like that raider in Vault 15 whose P90c is loaded initially with 9mm while its clearly a 10 mm gun.
OK, but your Small guns skill would still be pretty low (having had no skill points put into it). But I concede that you could win by burst firing them repeatedly.[3PD said:PsychoSniper]I never said what level I was at. I dont remember, either, as it was 2+ years ago.
Proably a lvl2-3 with a SMG and enough ammo to burst a lot.
[3PD said:PsychoSniper]That, and I always tag small guns, and build it up first.
"Build Up" as in "add skill points to after levelling up"?PsychoSniper said:It was about then that I noticed that odd 'level' icon in the lower left.............
I said:The most newbie thing I have ever done in FO is: I were at the military base, 4th level, killed some robots, the alarm went off, went to the wats main computer sat off self destruct sequence in 300 seconds, got up the elevator...force field, wasn't good with my hands(Repair:20)...could not lower the force field, trapped inside....KABOOOM...![]()
Melchoir said:When me and my friends played FO2 for the first few times, we thought it would be smart to kill all people in some cities like Modoc and The Den etc. Just to get a few thousand experience points!
One time I thought if i kill all people in San Fran i can take all the stuff in the shops! So i killed the whole damn city! After thet i went to the shops to take all their stuff!
And when I had taken all the stuff, I thought that of course they got more stuff to trade with, like it used to be, only now i got it for free!
Do you think the stuff came? Nope...![]()