most newbie-thing done on fallout

Kahgan said:
i sold the vault 13 water canteens, vics other stuff that i needed later :P

A friend of mine just sold all his water canteens in Klamath!
He wanted that leather armor so bad..... :D
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]I got the DualJewl case of FO1/2 a few years back for $10 on the discount rack, figuring I didnt like RPG's much, but it was cool how it said you could pimp out your wife.
Is that why you bought FO:BOS as well? :wink:
Talk about target audience.
It was about then that I noticed that odd 'level' icon in the lower left.............
How did you manage to beat a group of raiders (one of them armed with a high level weapon, so it's likely that they all were) on level one?

Also, why did you never check your character screen at all?

This smells funny to me.
Big_T_UK said:
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]I got the DualJewl case of FO1/2 a few years back for $10 on the discount rack, figuring I didnt like RPG's much, but it was cool how it said you could pimp out your wife.
Is that why you bought FO:BOS as well? :wink:
Talk about target audience.
It was about then that I noticed that odd 'level' icon in the lower left.............
How did you manage to beat a group of raiders (one of them armed with a high level weapon, so it's likely that they all were) on level one?

Also, why did you never check your character screen at all?

This smells funny to me.

First, I never bought FO:POS
Second, occasionly, I'll get a raider group were one has a spear, one has a pistol, and one has a hilevel weapon (usualy a shotgun, or P90), but doesnt use it and attacks HtH.
That was one such occurence.

And I didnt check the characther screen because I have a habit of playing a game without reading instructions, and had purchased the game less than 24 hours before.
Remember Big T, that in some cases, the developers set wrong kind of ammunition for a gun. Like that raider in Vault 15 whose P90c is loaded initially with 9mm while its clearly a 10 mm gun.
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]Second, occasionly, I'll get a raider group were one has a spear, one has a pistol, and one has a hilevel weapon (usualy a shotgun, or P90), but doesnt use it and attacks HtH.
That was one such occurence.
Even so (and I admit that I had forgotten about these faulty raiders), how did you manage to beat three raiders (even if they had all been unarmed) on level one, with all your skills at the starting levels?

SkynetV3 said:
Remember Big T, that in some cases, the developers set wrong kind of ammunition for a gun. Like that raider in Vault 15 whose P90c is loaded initially with 9mm while its clearly a 10 mm gun.
Yeah, but I think the raiders with weapons they didn't use had the correct ammo (in the gun, but not in their inventory), they were just incorrectly scripted (I assume) and failed to use them.
I never said what level I was at. I dont remember, either, as it was 2+ years ago.

Proably a lvl2-3 with a SMG and enough ammo to burst a lot.


Big_T is right, they have the correct ammo, but just dont use the weapon.

And I spotted an error in my story post, It wasnt a pancor in the raiders inventory, it was a H&K CAWS, which I traded with some other raider loot for a pancor.
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]I never said what level I was at. I dont remember, either, as it was 2+ years ago.

Proably a lvl2-3 with a SMG and enough ammo to burst a lot.
OK, but your Small guns skill would still be pretty low (having had no skill points put into it). But I concede that you could win by burst firing them repeatedly.
That, and I always tag small guns, and build it up first.

So before I leave the Den, I usualy have it to 100 approx (unless I have a dumber characther.)
i took down 4 highwaymen (those strong mofos in black leather) with the 10mm colt just after leaving town the first time. i didnt even have the SMG yet... (didnt wanna loot everything and buy a huntingrifle, i was playing a real moral character realworld style)

i was level 2 or 3 i guess. smallguns tagged. high PE, 10 AG, 10LK.

went for the eyes
ended up with 2 spears, 1 combatknife, 4 throwingknifethingies, 2 frag nades, 1 14mm pistol and a m60 (which i couldnt handle since my big gun skill sucked :p)

took the m60 guy out first of course...
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]That, and I always tag small guns, and build it up first.
PsychoSniper said:
It was about then that I noticed that odd 'level' icon in the lower left.............
"Build Up" as in "add skill points to after levelling up"?
If you had been unaware of levelling up, how did you "build up" SG?
The highest SG can be, without using any skill points in it, is 55. That's with 10AG and the Tag skill. Certainly enough to use an SMG on burst fire to kill some raiders, but not anywhere near 100.
I was refering to my standard strategy.

Actualy, in the case of my first time playing I went and read books a lot, and managed to get GunsNbullets a lot.
When me and my friends played FO2 for the first few times, we thought it would be smart to kill all people in some cities like Modoc and The Den etc. Just to get a few thousand experience points!

One time I thought if i kill all people in San Fran i can take all the stuff in the shops! So i killed the whole damn city! After thet i went to the shops to take all their stuff!

And when I had taken all the stuff, I thought that of course they got more stuff to trade with, like it used to be, only now i got it for free!

Do you think the stuff came? Nope... :)
on my first time playing through the game i slept with bishop's wife before i knew u needed a briefcase to meet him. I ended up killing him and his guards along with his whole casino using only a double barrel shotgun and leather armor.luckily id saved after i banged his wife so i had plenty of tries to win =)
I think the only stupid thing I did in the game was locking myself behind a yellow forcefield at the military base.
I said:
The most newbie thing I have ever done in FO is: I were at the military base, 4th level, killed some robots, the alarm went off, went to the wats main computer sat off self destruct sequence in 300 seconds, got up the elevator...force field, wasn't good with my hands(Repair:20)...could not lower the force field, trapped inside....KABOOOM... :oops: :oops:

Yup, done that me to! :D :D
Melchoir said:
When me and my friends played FO2 for the first few times, we thought it would be smart to kill all people in some cities like Modoc and The Den etc. Just to get a few thousand experience points!

One time I thought if i kill all people in San Fran i can take all the stuff in the shops! So i killed the whole damn city! After thet i went to the shops to take all their stuff!

And when I had taken all the stuff, I thought that of course they got more stuff to trade with, like it used to be, only now i got it for free!

Do you think the stuff came? Nope... :)

ehe, i remember that :oops: and if im not mistaken, you didnt get out to the platform either....dubble oops
A buddy gave me FO1...just the CD, no books, no research, not even the CD case. Popped it in and started playing:
1) Took the pre-generated bruiser cha
2) could not figure out the movement/turn/combat sequence
3) kept initiating combat to move, six AP's at a time
4) couldn't figure out how to use the weapons, lots of crazy mouse clicking
5) Didn't upgrade armor because the leather jacket looked sooooo cool
6) Couldn't figure out why that damn dog was following me, so I just blew it away
7) Got Irwin's pistol and the 14mm mixed up, sold Irwin's pistol and couldn't figure out why the 14mm wouldn't load .223
8) Didn't get a single NPC because I couldn't afford Ian when I first met him and never ran into Tycho or what's her name in the Boneyard.
9) walked past the building with the gangers holding the BOS hostage, I guess the door was open because they started shooting. I had no idea who was hitting me for damage so I just started blasting away at everyone on the street...including the Hub cops...
10) carried around the 'cat fancy' magazine through the entire adventure because I thought it would turn out to be an important plot item....
Most important, playing whole game on one (quick!)save... this turned against me a few times. And I still do that.

Grabbing Pipe Rifle and charging at The Rat(Forgot his name) with NO small gun skills. Ouch.

Taking Fast Shot and wondering why I can't punch ants in feelers. "Oooh! I must be at too low level/too low unarmed skill!"

Saving every five steps in Ghost Farm(This thing actually spooked me).

Taking Skilled perk(always) - untill I scrolled down the description. Like, "Whaaaaat?!"

Butching the Bob quest only because I didn't read what he said and rested after every few Geckos.

Wondering for about two hours how to open the Slaver's Pens in NCR.

Thinking I have to talk to Lynette to complete the Gecko's Powerplant quest. Always had to reload a few times because I offended her.

Playing always(After I actually got what's this game about) the same character with the same stats, skills and perks, in the same way. I must try to actually roleplay it someday.