Mothership Zeta released

The person in the video must be using mods, the Pipboy takes up the whole screen in vanilla.
Oh okay, well that's not as bad then. I don't know why you'd mod it so that the PipBoy only takes up like an eighth of your screen but it's good to hear that that isn't vanilla.
It looks like whoever was playing has the FOV set ridiculously high. That might be what's doing it.
No need for a mod. Just need to adjust FOV in Fallout.ini if i remember correct. That makes the players arm and pipboy closer or farther from players eyes. Srry for off topic.

Just finished the MZ. I must say I'm enjoying F3 as it is, umm...with lots of mods that is. Same with DLC's. I like them all, thou PL is the best IMHO.

Does it all fit in Fallout world? Nope...probably not. But Hell somehow i managed to spend 120 h with F3 and 4 DLC's.

Still if i wanna play Fallout instead of "pew pew with some fallout-like things" I install the 1st one.
LauraJay said:
Looking forward to some official reviews of this *rubs hands together*

Why should you?
You know they will all call it 'amazing' and 'really fitting the setting despite the initial fears'.
The Dutch Ghost said:
LauraJay said:
Looking forward to some official reviews of this *rubs hands together*

Why should you?
You know they will all call it 'amazing' and 'really fitting the setting despite the initial fears'.

I thought that about the beth fans too, but they're not too pleased.

If they do make it out to be something awesome and lolkewl! faith will be utterly shattered.

I'm sorry but Mothershit Zeta was bad.
LauraJay said:
I thought that about the beth fans too, but they're not too pleased.

If they do make it out to be something awesome and lolkewl! faith will be utterly shattered.

I'm sorry but Mothershit Zeta was bad.

There is no denying that Mothership Zeta is a boring linear experience but seeing as how the reporters have been gushing over all the other DLCs I see no reason why this should be any different.

As for Bethesda fans, I honestly don't care about their opinions as they have been apologizing way to much for Bethesda's stupid mistakes in the past.
They are sort of like the nagging wife that will stick up for their husband but make themselves heard once in a while.
They get props for making the samurai sound kind of like a samurai, but they should have made him use degozaru somehow.
The Dutch Ghost said:
As for Bethesda fans, I honestly don't care about their opinions as they have been apologizing way to much for Bethesda's stupid mistakes in the past.

You think these are mistakes? At this point, I've come to the conclusion that it's all very much intentional. It's like someone shooting a person multiple times in the head, dismembering their corpse, covering the remains in shit, pouring gasoline on top of the pile, setting it on fire, throwing the ashes off a cliff into the nearest ocean. and then pleading 'It was all a mistake! I didn't mean it!'.
I just read somewhere that there's a captive recording on the ship that hints at aliens dropping the bombs.

...someone please tell me this isn't true?

LauraJay said:
I just read somewhere that there's a captive recording on the ship that hints at aliens dropping the bombs.

...someone please tell me this isn't true?


I hope that's a joke, but wouldn't surprise me.
Ulysses said:
LauraJay said:
I just read somewhere that there's a captive recording on the ship that hints at aliens dropping the bombs.

...someone please tell me this isn't true?


I hope that's a joke, but wouldn't surprise me.

Wouldn't surprise me either - the great and noble American gov't would never decide to drop the bombs, EVER!
I think this is a time for celebration.
Why you may ask?

Because this is the last bit of DLC expected for Fallout 3. Nothing else has been announced and I'm sure I read somewhere that this is the final one. Which makes sense considering that Bethesda allready announced their next big game (it ain't Fallout of TES so I don't give a damn).

What does this mean? Well, without the devs screwing everything up with those damn patches the mod community will finally be able to settle down and get to repairing the game and making it presentable. Look at what happened with Oblivion. After that stupid fighter castle DLC they switched over to Fallout 3. Now you can play with the unofficial patches, which fix Oblivion, and all the massive quest mods and the like that fan's have produced. It's only once Bethesda stops producing crap for their games that the games ever get a chance to really live.
LauraJay said:
I just read somewhere that there's a captive recording on the ship that hints at aliens dropping the bombs.

...someone please tell me this isn't true?

That'd be hilarious, I hope it's true.
C'mon (p)eeps, Fallout is already dead, now at least we can laugh at stupid shit bethesda does.

*Fuck your censor
Captive log wrote:
"are thoes MY ARMS? WHAT DID YOU DO?

THE HORROR! Not the arms! Put them back on? What is this, Fallout LEGO?
Alphadrop said:

Scroll down to the captive log 17. You find Chase's coat next to it (well you would if they hadn't mucked it up) and yes it does point towards the aliens firing the nukes.
Simply amazing. Congratulations are in order. This kind of lore-rape deserves a new word.