Mothership Zeta screenshots and info

Am I the only one who thinks this DLC looks promising?

Of course, I'm not seeing Fallout 3 as a Fallout game, but as a first of its sequel. Maybe Fallout 4 will be the second game, I don't know yet.

But I saw some Twinkie's post he kind of liked Fallout 3, but hated the DLCs. I haven't started playing the DLCs yet. They looked good to me, I like the idea of a DLC, but after reading what he posted, I'm not sure I'll like them when I have the time to try them.

And, of course the samurai armor will be from the captives from the past! The non-elevator screenshot reminds me of Fallout 3's horrible navigation system, which uses several floors.

I hope there is an infinite Alien Power Cell source, despite what some on fallout wikia say.
Blackened said:
But I saw some Twinkie's post he kind of liked Fallout 3

i think you better take ALL my posts into account. i "kind of liked FO3" as a generic game. when compared to FO1 & 2 it is a piece of miserable shit. it's a great exploration simulation and while i'm glad it gives larpy teens a boner of joy, it more often than not does no justice to anybody with a fucking brain.

i jumped to conclusions when i was saying most of the positive shit i had to say because i was so against the game before it came out that at first i was shocked i didn't hate it. then i slowly began to realize how inane and juvenile the dialog was, how broken and pointless SPECIAL had been rendered, how idiotic the character animations were, and how vacuous the story was. it's only saving graces are to be found in the few and far between side quests and within some of the greenscreen computers.

the DLC is just more silly kid shit. but hey, if you're into that sort of thing...go for it.
TwinkieStabllis said:
i think you better take ALL my posts into account. i "kind of liked FO3" as a generic game.

I was preparing a post to reply you, but my PC restarted itself (not for the first time). I hate that.

I didn't say you liked FO3 as a Fallout game, to say this is almost an insult. But I thought the DLCs are better than vanilla FO3 (which I liked), and some your post made me think they are actually worse. I was expecting them to be good, I didn't played them yet. Too lazy/sleepy to write the other stuff I wrote.
Blackened said:
...but my PC restarted itself (not for the first time).

Well, I'd guess either your power supply or hard drive hates Fallout 3. Even things without a conscience are puzzled by the illogical clusterfucks known as Fallout 3 DLC.
13pm said:
...learn the secrets of the Aliens’ master plan

...before it wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting Earth below

okay. do I need to play this game if I already know everything

You beat me to it.

Also, perhaps, th aliens have a big ol' showcase room filled with iconic costumes and armors from many different eras. Maybe. Just trying to make any sense of it.
Southpaws said:
Also, perhaps, th aliens have a big ol' showcase room filled with iconic costumes and armors from many different eras. Maybe. Just trying to make any sense of it.

Fallout3 : Battle of the Smithsonian
Another small part of my childhood is dead.

I wanted to believe they'd do something worthwhile with this series. I really did.
Wreak EVEN MORE havoc? Really? Is that necessary?
I mean, humans have destroyed most of the planet already. All that's left is a bunch of towns with idle people living off the (seemingly endless amount of) remains. What possible "threat" can they be to aliens? Are they so dumb that they want to "colonize" an irradiated wasteland? I just don't get it.
eternaut said:
Wreak EVEN MORE havoc? Really? Is that necessary?
I mean, humans have destroyed most of the planet already. All that's left is a bunch of towns with idle people living off the (seemingly endless amount of) remains. What possible "threat" can they be to aliens? Are they so dumb that they want to "colonize" an irradiated wasteland? I just don't get it.

this is fallout 3...


Why not? They're talking Gemini spacesuit design, right?

Yeah, but if the name "Gemini" is actually used in-game (although I suppose it might not be), it would contradict their very own alternate space exploration timeline. Especially if there's the NASA symbol on it, instead of USSA.
Southpaws said:
Also, perhaps, th aliens have a big ol' showcase room filled with iconic costumes and armors from many different eras. Maybe. Just trying to make any sense of it.

. . . where you can get a suit of Horse Armor.
Those Bots remind me Geth from Mass Effect...and I doubt its coincidence…well its not fallout anymore that’s for sure, previous DLC at lest tried to be part of fallout and I really think some of them had potential but this one is just completely out of place.
Brother None said:
Ausir said:
By the way, Gemini was a 1960s mission, so it shouldn't really be referenced here

Why not? They're talking Gemini spacesuit design, right? Seems fitting enough. I mean, it would've been awesome if they had the insight to use von Braun's spacesuit design instead, but be that as it may, Gemini seems fine.
While it looks interesting, though who is wearing those space suit?

I mean in my eyes it doesnt really fitt to give aliens a gemini space suit which was supposed to be for humans. Might be nitpicking but it just seems wrong (of course the whole idea of aliens for it self is wrong, but you know what I mean).

Can only agree that I like this one more

While it looks interesting, though who is wearing those space suit?

I mean in my eyes it doesnt really fitt to give aliens a gemini space suit which was supposed to be for humans. Might be nitpicking but it just seems wrong (of course the whole idea of aliens for it self is wrong, but you know what I mean).

You meet other abductees on the ship, some of them from the past, preserved by alien technology.