Mutants Rising Closes Shop

So your team members suffered from over-exhaustion, health issues, injuries, marriage... Next thing you know, someone is going to get heart attack and croak (hopefully Snake). I swear, it's almost as if Mutants Rising is jinxed or something.

P.S. That's what happens when you anger the Order.

P.P.S. Speaking of which, now that you aren't struggling with the project anymore, why not start visiting the Order again? We kinda miss you guys.

P.P.P.S. Except Snake.
yea, the order was kind of a fun place to visit, but it gets a little bit to gay sometimes.

We were going to put in a special encounter in MR dedicated to the order, generally just taking the piss of you all ;) I think we were going to let Snake make that map.

P.S. Snake's a good guy btw, that whole banning thing was a bit of a misunderstanding
alec said:
So yeah, that's about it, I guess. I'll stay in contact with most team members and write them Christmas cards and what have you, but don't expect to find me joining a new modding team any time soon, 'cause the stuff I had to deal with while I was an active member of Mutants Rising wasn't exactly stimulating.

-- alec, undoubtedly one of the more productive and capable members of Mutants Rising

Well, personally (at first) I struggled with your idea to make females in the game receptive to various deviant offers. Then out of the blue it hit me. Yes! Your brilliant, yet somewhat macabre idea might work. Was I jealous? Absolutely, but I refused to show it.
Perhaps one day the rest of this story may be revealed.
Hey! And quit your bitching about the stuff I had to deal with . I begged you to use your special connections to get some talent to help us from the pool over at the Order but you always said No, I'm enough. With an almost religious, reverent awe we would always listen. Am I accusing you? No.

Oh well, no hard feelings, eh? I will hold you to that Christmas card, however.
Wild_qwerty said:
We were going to put in a special encounter in MR dedicated to the order, generally just taking the piss of you all ;) I think we were going to let Snake make that map.
"You encounter: a tard vampire."
Somehow I just know it'll get finished...either the way I mentioned or by collective guilt making the original team finish.

Either that or we can just wait for "Mutant's Rebellion" to come out. Funny both them and "Mutant's Rising" have such close names.

The Vault Dweller
Why don't you guys make it and its design document open source? That way it will never quite die and someone might come in every now and then and add or fix a few things.
Stuff on the forum, ftp and wiki is stuck behind layers of security which mean that even we all have too remember a multitude of passwords and things just to access it... Trolle is the only one who can open it all up...

Hopefully eimink will have salvaged lots of the rest of the stuff..
Brahmin said:
Stuff on the forum, ftp and wiki is stuck behind layers of security which mean that even we all have too remember a multitude of passwords and things just to access it... Trolle is the only one who can open it all up...

Hopefully eimink will have salvaged lots of the rest of the stuff..

Is there any contact left between you guys and Trolle?
SNorth said:
The true horror is if you imagine certain MR members getting bored and starting to drift back over to NMA and to certain forum areas...

I'm a kind of Orderite-MR hybrid. Bleeeeargh.

TVD said:
Somehow I just know it'll get finished...either the way I mentioned or by collective guilt making the original team finish.

Much as I would love to think it possible, I think it highly unlikely. Unless everyone on the team gets very optimistic, or we get some very talented volunteers, it'll never happen. I mean, to finish, you need to get over half done.

Alec was the best team member ever, btw.
We think he is still alive, but no one as head from him.

Eminik has downloaded everything from the old ftp site. I think the ftp site is still up, but the accounts were reset a while ago and I never got around to getting a new password etc... so I cant download the stuff

maybe one of the guy will be kind enough to download the stuff from the ftp and share it.

If I can get a hold of the girl critter I'll throw together a small patch to change the girl's proto to use the new sprite. The interesting thing is that there are two protos for the kid, one a boy and the other a girl even though they both look the same, so by updating the girls proto it should in theory automaticaly update the graphics right through out FO2.

We also had a talking head for Casidy made up by mad, it looked really cool, so it could make an interesting FO2 upgrade to load the talking head into the orignal FO2.

I would love to see and graphics update to FO2 :)
Think about going open source with the stuff, we might find other ways to pick up your stuff and develop some of it.
after the failure that Fallout 3 will turn out, we all shall fall in a deep melancholic state and remember the good old days.

so I say pack everything up real tight and in a couple of years there will be work to do again to the MR. I am sure that one day the project will be complete.
Once Upon A Time, In Your Prime, Did The Bump And Grind, ...

""... Once Upon A Time, In Your Prime, Did The Bump And Grind, Didn't Yooou ....""

Think about going open source with the stuff, we might find other ways to pick up your stuff and develop some of it.

Let me be the Mean Daddy.

Ready for a little 'Scared Straight'?

A few invectives and expletives?

Or, a simple challenge?

What is this 'Mutants Rising', hot air or vapor ware?

Van Buren had it's Word Doc's, and Troika had the movie - demo - of it's PA wanderings.

And 'Mutants Rising' has what?


Any jpg's or fan fiction text doc's?

Something like the Van Buren doc's of maps, scenario out lines, screen shots, and concept art .... ?


As a once upon a time arts major, let me lay out this bit of advice for your consideration,


item that could fill a resume HAS VALUE.

What does 'Mutants Rising' have?

What has the 'Mutant's Rising' team have to show?

Fuck me, and fuck the FO community,
at this point,
it's all about YOU and your post mortem ...
what does 'Mutants Rising' have to show for it's efforts.

Your time is never wasted. if, if .... if, ... if you can throw together some document, some evidence of your time, material, and budding Intellectual Property.

With out even a story board how could the group even interest a code messiah to clean up the scripting? But it's too late for that you say. IT IS ALL, ALL, ALL OVER and the body of work is in the grave. The only glimmer in the eye is a crocodile's tear of regret.

If this mod ware collective has nothing to the throw into the eternity of the web, a fare well of a MIGHT HAVE BEEN, than 'Mutants Rising' will not even qualify as VAPOR warz.
It's the tree that fell in the wilderness and NO-ONE hears, sees, or pisses on the stump ...

Don't do it for me or any one else, DO IT FOR YOUR SELVES.

Suspend the fucking blame game, I DON'T CARE WHO DROPPED THE BALL.

Pull together for one LAST HURRAH.

Some Quicktime montage ....

Listen. Never fail to find fodder for your resume.

Throw together some fan fiction, some Quicktime slide show of a presentation.

Don't tell all, don't show all.

Just tease us.

Take one flowing branch, one spreading limb of choices, truth and consequences, of 'Mutants Rising' and illustrate it with screen grabs and concept art.

Amaze the planet, the whole solar system with your IP.

What is this 'Mutants Rising', hot air or vapor ware?

Your chance to stand taller than the Van Buren scat droppings and Troika's ghost of a PA video .

Your choice.

You can walk away and leave no trace.


you can roll together some documentation of your work in progress,
AND feather your OWN resumes.

Leave a trail for others to follow.

And 'Mutants Rising' has what?

They should organise the stuff, since they do have more than code, scripts and empty maps. Go OS, young men! Although I feel they are probably afraid of showing the docs, it's hard to leave the closet of possibility into the realm of criticism, even it it is productive. Be brave!

Pull together for one LAST HURRAH.

Some Quicktime montage ....

Well you just gave me an idea, I need a few days to work some things up but it might be doable...
Fall Guy

Fall Guy

... it's hard to leave the closet of possibility into the realm of criticism, ...

So if this is the last reel of 'The Maltese Falcon' our protagonist(s) need(s) a 'fall guy' to throw to the (fashion) police. Some choose to keep their day jobs, and others run off to the mystical orient, pursuing the mythical bird.

Blame Clinton or Rumsfield or the legendary dog that ate the data CD ...

Can suggest they try blowing some dramatic smoke to miss direct the long knives ...

Invent some SOAP OPERA, you might call it REALITY PROGRAMING in this modern'e age.
Create a sweeping historical arch, an unbroken circle of pointing fingers.

Draw straws.

Pick sides.

Script out a flame war in which possible tantalizing 'Mutants Rising' features are wielded like Power Sledges in a no holds bared, tag team, battle to the death ...

If the theatrical product draws more fans than flies, then perhaps they have a shot at syndication on the FOX network.

When I joined the only other active writer at the time quit (A guy named Revolver). Dack, the only remaining writer, and one of the original members was on a hiatus. He would, by the way, eventually return and write up a splendid design doc for what was shaping up to be the last area, and several dialogues, but that was quite a bit later. Snake or Trolle, I can't remember which, gave me near total creative freedom to write all the design docs and then proceed with dialogues. It was probably a crazy move on their part, but I was nearly delirious with a mixture of dread and joy. I was too ignorant of the enormity of what we were attempting to feel fear over the community's reaction, but I think we were all serious about wanting to put out something worthwhile. We had one main storyline at this juncture---hinted at in the mod's name. There was also a fairly large secondary story thread concerning Cassidy and two other 'groups' that had towns and storylines.

I'm not sure how far I should go with this. If this is interesting and the rest of the team approves I'll tell you how it started to evolve and details on the groups I mentioned. Giving me too much creative power may have been a factor in our downfall. If we had stopped there maybe things would be different. Anyway, I don't think anyone thinks I'm to blame but I did assume a leadership role and I hated to quit. Many people poured their heart and soul ( or at least a kidney *) into this project. Maybe if we'd begged to come back to NMA some more people may have wanted to help. (shrugs) I guess we'll never know now. Funny how we never discussed this---Is that stupidity or pride? I guess the words mean the same thing. For whatever reason we never asked.

There are also several 'text' stories that were written as part of a holodisc series if 4too is interested.

As to whether our mod was something you could call a Fallout 3, I'm not sure. It was a continuation of the series in that Super Mutants factor into the story and the Chosen One is part of it.

*inside joke

I should say this now. I am most familiar with what I personally was involved in. When I try to catalogue what other people did, I invariably leave someone or something someone did out. When I joined I failed to mention earlier that they already had well-designed maps for at least five areas. The backstory for the Mutants and the other elements I mentioned were well-thought out. Elko (the starting town) had a complete list with descriptions of most of it's inhabitants. A vehicle that would be in a cut scene and possibly usable by the PC was being designed. Hard work was also being done on talking heads. Another member was busy importing sprites and converting them to F2's format. When we were in our heyday, most of you might have been impressed. We even had an in-house comedian to keep people on their toes and wanting to come back often. I only mention these things now because someone accused me of thinking I'm the heart and soul of MR. I merely had the greatest longevity of all the writers---Not the greatest talent. I am proud of being a part of this whether it is ultimately dead or not. I think it inspired me to do some things I might never have done and I gained many good friends. My first post on NMA was my request to join MR. I'm glad Snake decided to take a chance.
I honestly thought that with Van Buren gone the next best hope would have been a mod.

Please upload what you have to NMA pronto.

The Vault Dweller
We were never short on ideas or enthusiasm, but that damned scripting is a slow death. You guys should consider releasing everything just for the hell of it. The maps, music, stories and critters are all beautiful.

Hey Steve, how is the book-writing?
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I honestly thought that with Van Buren gone the next best hope would have been a mod.
You mean their mod? But ah, just give enough time for Killap and MIB88 just to mention a few, and we will have our own Faalout (3). :)

Please upload what you have to NMA pronto.
Jarno Mikkola