Mutants Rising update

hehe, yeah, i like it too... this was the original first one i made and i was just going to make loads of different wagons for it... but then some of the people thought that adding a few of those russian jet trains might be nice too...
equilerex said:
Awesome :) .
Wait until you experince hte new game play, thanks to timeslips sfall modding program we removed the standard action point system and made it more like FOT so you wil be able to Mutants Rising in Real Time, it's too bad we werent able to change the view point away from the old isometric look to an over the shoulder 3rd persion view, damn old 2d engine :(
Wait, so we will not see first person in Mutants Rising? Mah... and I wanted to play this mod...
So far I've managed to avoid most of the sub story for side quests etc.. so I wil get a few surprises :)
Wild_qwerty said:
Wait until you experince hte new game play, thanks to timeslips sfall modding program we removed the standard action point system and made it more like FOT so you wil be able to Mutants Rising in Real Time, it's too bad we werent able to change the view point away from the old isometric look to an over the shoulder 3rd persion view, damn old 2d engine :(

If it doesn't have the Fatman, I'm not playing it

Everyone knows Fallout 1/2 were all about mini nuke catapults, they just didn't have the technology
Wild_qwerty said:
it's too bad we werent able to change the view point away from the old isometric look to an over the shoulder 3rd persion view, damn old 2d engine :(
Tell the truth. I know, what reaction can be of some past-gen maniacs at NMA...

Here's a short clip from MR tech demo, titled "Approaching the doors":


The biggest feature - compass that wasn't included in original game because of technological limitations isn't implemented yet...

And damn, I forgot to include the sky! :o
Brother None said:
If it doesn't have the Fatman, I'm not playing it

Everyone knows Fallout 1/2 were all about mini nuke catapults, they just didn't have the technology

Hmm we do have a teddy bear gun remeber, but you make a good point

@ Cont, any chance if a mini nuke weapon inventory art item?
Wild_qwerty said:
@ Cont, any chance if a mini nuke weapon inventory art item?
What's the point of adding nuke launcher without nuclear explosion effect 10 hexes away from the player? Immersion could suffer because of that!
You need to place 1000xxx invisible scenery objects over the map and if one of them dies (got damage) because of weapon xy you could create a animated scenery art (nukular explozions) at this position. :)
Sorry guys, but Dark Underlord made those kind of jokes ages, ages, AGES ago.

Continuum said:
What's the point of adding nuke launcher without nuclear explosion effect 10 hexes away from the player? Immersion could suffer because of that!

With master scripter CP we could do this:

1) You fire the nuke
2) Play nuke.mve (either old 1950's test footage or the movie from FOT converted)
3) You get killed in the blast
4) Game over
Sorrow said:
It reminds me that funny mod with Tunnel Snakes :D .
You mean THAT one in my sig?

Sorry guys, but someone else made that joke aeons, aeons, AEONS ago... :P

No offense people, I'm really glad you've come so far, keep it up!