My Adventures In Tamriel or TVD Plays TES Consecutively

UniversalWolf said:
I wrote an outline for a fantasy parody once in which a tribe of extremely ugly Sewer Elves sent the character on a quest to find The Sceptre of Garbage.

What?!? That's hilarious! :rofl:
Do you still have it anywhere? I'd like to see that outline :mrgreen:
I'll see whether I can find it, but I make no promises because it was a long time ago. I remember there were Sewer Elves and Sludge Elves who lived in harmony with the sewers and had inconveniently long names like Ei'llil'el'silv'illee'l. I was really fed up with recurring generic fantasy elves.

I plan to take a look at Morrowind some day, because I thought the basic game concept of Daggerfall was promising.
I love Morrowind to death. Just a really great setting; There's nothing more original then a hermaprodite poet-god who once got raped by the God of Rape (which resulted in monsters, obviously) after much "spear-biting" and "piercing of the second aperture" and killed his best buddy WAY back then. I mean, seriously. Those 36 Sermons of Vivec were trippy shit.
The Vault Dweller said:
I checked around. The bug appears in any version running on a computer with Windows XP/vista and there is no patch or solution.

There most certainly is! It's called DosBOX and it works wonderfully. DO NOT forget to apply the latest Daggerfall patch (2.13) as well, if you haven't already.

Daggerfall is not something that can be passed up. What a game! Even in its unfinished, bugged out, missed-potential state, I rank it in one of the very top of my list of favorites.

The only problem I have with it is that I've been holding first person RPG's (or any RPG in terms of freedom, sheer geographic size, and immersion) to it ever since, and it has lead to nothing but let-down, coulda-beens, and shoulda-beens. Morrowind I disliked at first, but found myself totally immersed in the setting and story. Glorious text!

And Oblivion... what a steaming pile. Sigh. At least they have a(nother) promising Daggerfall remake in the works over at!


UniversalWolf said:
I plan to take a look at Morrowind some day, because I thought the basic game concept of Daggerfall was promising.
Unfortunately, Morrowind was the result of (as far as I know) Todd Howard taking over design decisions at Bethesda, and shows no resemblance to Daggerfall at all except for lore. At least this was before shallow voice acting and writing plagued their games. And it can also be modded to be enhanced greatly (like Oblivion, except modding can't save that game worth a damn). Still, the vanilla game is quite enjoyable.
I don't believe it. I finished Morrowind. What an adventure...

I feel amazed I completed a game that big and having already tried it with two other characters both of which got high level, but didn't complete a damn worth of quests. I actually was able to concentrate on and finish the main quest mainly, because anything I would do otherwise I had done in my first two playthroughs and hence didn't hold any secrets to lure me away.

Also I played a mage. A pure one in fact. By the end of the game I had only increased one weapons skill and only from 10 to 30 so I could use some short blades that had enchantments very helpful for a mage especially the Soul Drinker deadric dagger.

It was ludicrously difficult and tedious at the beginning getting killed in a few hits from a rat and running away, because I ran out of money and getting killed due to having pathetic speed and fatigue. In fact it's a miracle I didn't give up on the game so early on when my low speed character with low endurance could only run a few seconds a minute thus meaning I was walking almost the whole time at a speed honestly the same as a snail.

Oh yet how glorious it was to be a high level mage. I could do anything and everything with the greatest of ease. It may have been cheap, but after the drudgery and difficulty of the early game having my character fly through the air at incredible speed too fast and high to get hit by my enemies while easy dispatching them with balls of elemental energy flicked at them with no effort whatsoever. That's not even considering the use of any equipment either just natural ability. (It's like I'm a Touhou character!)

Also for such an epic game the cincematic cutscenes suck. The ending had a nice appropriate speech, but they showed me only vague pictures of Morrowind with the in-game graphics. It would have been nice to see rendered cities with cheering people or something like that.

It's a shame I have only one game left to play in the series and that's...

The Vault Dweller


I had both Morrowind expansions installed, but didn't even try them. I think I've had enough. There wasn't anything left for my character to learn that was of any interest to me either for playing or lore.
I can't honestly say I've ever beaten it. Seriously, I get so sidetracked with all the awesome shit Bethesda crammed into there. Though, I did climb the ladders in the Imperial cult. I feel like that means something.
Morrowind is, IMO, one of the best "sandbox" RPG's ever created. The amount of care and love that went into making that game just comes through in every possible metre of the game world. As far as I'm concerned, Beth will probably never make a game as glorious as Morrowind was.
I agree. Even though when I thought Morrowind lacked a bit more of "realistic" dialogues. Not that I have any issue with reading at all but the kind of Wiki-dialogue isnt really the best choice for a RPG. But it still feelt better then Oblivion. And I liked Morrowind quit ea lot exploring that world at least made sense cause it had no level scaling. The first time I was reading about Oblivion I was very pleased and happy as it looked like they wanted to make a game like Morrowind just better. With interactive dialogue and thought out NPCs. Sadly the final game could not be further away from the truth ... extremly boring characters, boring story and linear questlines (so linear that its almost an adventure ...) not to mention the bugs. No clue how good the past games have been though but I agree that Morrowind was the last RPG Bethesda made which was worth to be called a "RPG".
I have to say that I'm genuinely surprised with the amount of TES love in this thread. Not that I mind. After all, I think the series is mostly good, and had a great time romping about in Morrowind, did enjoy (but never completed) Arena and Daggerfall, and... Well, I liked Oblivion until the shiny veneer wore off and it turned out that Cyrodiil really was Bland McBlandland, land of the demigod bandits and home of ugly citizenry that obviously oozed out of a cloning experiment gone awfully awry. Never before in a game had I felt that getting stronger meant getting weaker. At level 60-something, with maxed and buffed strength and weapon skills and the best gear in the game ogres are somehow indomitable tanks that take over a minute of hacking and slashing to fell.

Jorge Oscuro made Oblivion much better with his overhaul, though. The first time I tried running through an Ayleid ruin with OOO, with all the tact and strategy that the vanilla game required (id est - like a tongue-slapping jackass) I ended up surrounded by several undead spectral warriors and wolves all far above my own level and I quickly died from rectal bleeding.
What really gets me about Morrowind is just how complicated and intricate the political situation is. Native vs. Outlander. Accepting vs. Excluding. Obedience vs. Opportunism. Old vs. New. Etc.

I still feel dizzied by all the factions and how each individual viewed the events differently.

Also was I the only one surprised by Dagoth Ur's voice? I liked that his tone didn't imply evil something that's so over-done it makes me cringe however at the same time the voice actor had no particular style to his speech other than sounding like someone important which seemed generic.

The Vault Dweller
What I think is awesome is just the lore surrounding the TES universe. Have you ever been to the forums? The lore section is filled with these awesome people who actually study Dwemer culture. I really wish I had that much attention.

And yeah, Morrowind is just a better world than Oblivion. It is so much more there.
For TES V I really hope they fill us in on what happened in Morrowind... we got tidbits in Oblivion, and most of it seemed bad, but I'd love to hear about what happened there.
From what I can recall all kinds of bad stuff happens in Morrowind after the game. Like the Ministry of Truth - the floating prison in Vivec - comes crashing down with all of its original momentum (once having been a moon or meteor or something) once Vivec himself disappeared and it was no longer held aloft by his powers. It basically nuked the city. This is stuff from the novels I think. I have not read them though.
Leon said:
From what I can recall all kinds of bad stuff happens in Morrowind after the game. Like the Ministry of Truth - the floating prison in Vivec - comes crashing down with all of its original momentum (once having been a moon or meteor or something) once Vivec himself disappeared and it was no longer held aloft by his powers. It basically nuked the city. This is stuff from the novels I think. I have not read them though.

Nah, dog. It nuked that whole damn island of Vvardenfell. Shit was hardcore.
Chinz said:
What I think is awesome is just the lore surrounding the TES universe. Have you ever been to the forums? The lore section is filled with these awesome people who actually study Dwemer culture.
That's what bugs me most about it, actually. Sure, there's a huge volume of written material, but most of it isn't very good or original in my opinion. Reminds me why I dislike the Forgotten Realms setting so much. I think its symptomatic of any game world created by a large number of contributors as opposed to a world created by an inspired individual vision or a small number of mad enthusiasts.

I still intend to play Morrowind someday though.
Does anybody know if the version of MW from Steam is moddable? ie: Can I install mods over it?
So, TVD, does this mean Oblivious is next? *shudder*

To go from MW to Oblivion, so soon... the horror.

Also, I meant to ask you, do you hate Cliff Racers now?
