Francis said:I love it when people blindly assume things and embarrass themselves completely in the process.![]()
He's trolling. Though as Requiem... uh, T-Bolt said he chose the right thread to do it in.
Francis said:I love it when people blindly assume things and embarrass themselves completely in the process.![]()
Define 'normal'.Nuerof said:but the point is tehy are needed and our supported by many 'normal' people.
They were unpopular because they moved away from Fallout's setting and gameplay, but the rot started in FO2 with it's real world guns, talking deathclaws, new reno and emphasis on sex, drugs and easter eggs.Nuerof said:The fact is F2 onwards teh games were unpopular,
More likely would rape and sodomise Fallout. Oh whatever Bethshitda do will most likely save Fallout finanically, they've got enough fanbois willing to shell out for every little power armour addon they release but Fallout as the standard for cRPGs will be well and truely dead.Nuerof said:however 3D and reatime aren't, coupled with a new setting and story line these can save fallout.
Nuerof said:Im not exactly sure what you mean by trolling, my ideas may not be popular to the mods and admins but the point is tehy are needed and our supported by many 'normal' people.
The fact is F2 onwards teh games were unpopular, something needs to be done or the series will meltdown, wether or not the above example is applicable depends the point is something needs to change.
Some people would say stuff about FPS fallout and fallout online, i agree with oyu these are very bad ideas, however 3D and reatime aren't, coupled with a new setting and story line these can save fallout.
Do you know why they were unpopular?Nuerof said:Im not exactly sure what you mean by trolling, my ideas may not be popular to the mods and admins but the point is tehy are needed and our supported by many 'normal' people.
The fact is F2 onwards teh games were unpopular, something needs to be done or the series will meltdown, wether or not the above example is applicable depends the point is something needs to change.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 19:04 Post subject:
Nuerof wrote:
Im not exactly sure what you mean by trolling, my ideas may not be popular to the mods and admins but the point is tehy are needed and our supported by many 'normal' people.
The fact is F2 onwards teh games were unpopular, something needs to be done or the series will meltdown, wether or not the above example is applicable depends the point is something needs to change.
Do you know why they were unpopular?
That's right, because those games didn't adhere to the original Fallout formula.
Then how, pray tell, could changing the formula again save the series in any way
It'd be pretty goddamn ridiculous, though, since Fallout is based on a world where Fuel is very, very limited. How can you then possibly have fleets of fuel-powered vehicles?Davaris said:I can't believe there is nine pages of this! Stop talking and make the game! If it people like it they'll like it. If they don't they won't.
Personally I'd love to see a Water World style Fallout, where you have turn based vehicle combat as well as hand to hand combat.
Imagine an army of scraggers on jet skis attacking a super tanker like in the WW movie? Then if the scraggers board the tanker, you can play the fight out turn by turn on the tanker and outside in the water. Also you could raid costal towns or defend them.
Now tell me that wouldn't be fun.
Fallout: Pirates Ahoy!![]()
alcohol powered boats! zomg!Sander said:How can you then possibly have fleets of fuel-powered vehicles?Davaris said:Fallout: Pirates Ahoy!![]()
Nuerof said:sOMETHING PEOPLE FAIL TO UNDERSTAND IS THAT (oops sorry for the caps)
oil has *not* run out or actually come close to running out, the fallout based scenerio is when a economic hole appears, from the texas oilfields drying up, this triggers global economic meltdown leading to nuclear exchnage, there *is* still oil, definatly enough oil for small scale communities and boats.
Also nuclear and fusion power are options, after all fusion cars did exost in the fallout universe, it is reasobanlbe to assume fusion boats did to.