That's a viable answer Rosh, thank you. 
Yes, each DID have problems:
- Shady Sands was covered
- Junktown was suffering from internal conflicts
- Hub from the tyranny of Water Merchants, strong criminal element
- LA from internal strife (gangs)
- Lost Hills from stagnation
- Den from Jet
- Modoc from drought and lack of water
- Gecko endangered by Vault city and an unstable reactor
- Vault City by the reactor
- Broken Hills from racist issues
- New Reno.. err... forget about that.
- Shady Sands/NCR from expansion difficulties
- Redding from Jet. Again.
- San Francisco... err... infighting between two groups?
Oh and Klamath, well, there's a few priceless gems there, including my favourite : "You think you're civilized, because you live in the ruins of a burnt out post nuclear town?"

Yes, each DID have problems:
- Shady Sands was covered
- Junktown was suffering from internal conflicts
- Hub from the tyranny of Water Merchants, strong criminal element
- LA from internal strife (gangs)
- Lost Hills from stagnation
- Den from Jet
- Modoc from drought and lack of water
- Gecko endangered by Vault city and an unstable reactor
- Vault City by the reactor
- Broken Hills from racist issues
- New Reno.. err... forget about that.
- Shady Sands/NCR from expansion difficulties
- Redding from Jet. Again.
- San Francisco... err... infighting between two groups?
Oh and Klamath, well, there's a few priceless gems there, including my favourite : "You think you're civilized, because you live in the ruins of a burnt out post nuclear town?"