Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

So I put the script in the data/scripts directory, started a new game, cheated in a 10mm pistol, and then yanked the ini value down to 50, 25, 12, then 6. At no point did it seem to make a difference in the amount of damage being caused. I also used a save editor to make the perk window pop up so I could add more levels of the perk @6 points per level but that made no difference either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks again for the quick responses!
I did! No messages come up in the dialogue box, I'm afraid.

(Except the thing that says "ranged damage ini value : 6" when I load)
try this,added my ini file as these arent uploaded yet,some new settings,will hafta redo ur edits

edit whoops forgota new perk script


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your welcome,use these files to get rid of the debug messages,also delete 'gl_test.int' in data/scripts folder

edit : settings in damage.ini were added


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your very welcome,fyi sniper and slayer custom perks arent coded yet,tho they have the crap in customperks.ini
Hah, no worries - I can always tweak the Expert Shooter crit % upwards to make an ersatz Sniper perk. 8-)
Been A while,but ive added sniper and slayer custom perks,if anybody wnats to test them,please do and post roblems etc here,this isnt on my site yet,enjoy

edit : slayer has option to lower the crit chance(defaut 100%),and sniper has optional -1 action point for aimed shots instead of roll luck for crit(btw i found an error in the sniper luck roll code,corrected it,someone mentioned it in this thread,it is fixed),both of these are by request

edit 2: mistake,sniper and slayer couldnt be selectable,corrected it


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whoops,enabling custom slayer didnt disable vanilla slayer,corrected it,also forgot to include the script that makes critters attack diff target if the party member they attacking is knocked out


@Nirran regarding your Random Encounter mod

The undergrounds are working for what it suppose to do.

But the caves are... glitchy.

Around three fourth of the time my party spawn inside with the entry zone (cave mouth) in a corner unable to display by the screen.

So I can not see that area, and therefore unable to leave (cant click on the entry zone to move there). I might be able to move away into the cave (though I havent done so as there is no point).

How to fix that? Or go around that bug?

EDIT: Some of the times, there's a tiny corner with exit grid visible on that northwestmost corner to allow exit outta that hole. Just need to walk around the area hidden by the cave wall, is all.

sorry for the very late reply.the problem was no edg file for the map,ive redone the mod,tho have not tested the vanilla car code,try this if u feel like it

edit : anybody that wants to check the car code with any major(or vanilla) mod besides megamod please post results here


Hey Nirran

Quick question - is your custom perks mod supposed to be compatible with the ammo mods like Glovz and YAAM that come with RPU? As soon as I enable iether one - ranged weapons start doing 0 damage to enemies.

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As The script reads the ammo values from the proto's,i dont see any problem if the protos are altered.I Donno if those ammo mods alter the protos tho.