RE: Guys forgot a major concept here!!!!!
>air blasts (thermo nuclear blasts) do
>not create Fallout, due to
>the fact that there is
>no dust being thrown into
>the atmosphere as with a
>ground blast. further more, if
>we were to have a
>nuclear war, no nation would
>use their entire arsenal. most
>likely you'd find the use
>of ground blasts accompanied by
>multiple air blasts within the
>central portion of the U.S.
>and mainly thermo nukes along
>the west and east costs....
>strategic hits. also, dont let
>the idea of "Continent Busters"
>and other such devices scare
>you. after 100mega tons it
>takes a dispreportionate amount of
>material to create a blast
>radius any larger.
Well there aren't any nuclear weapons above the 100 megaton mark. You simply don't get as much bang for your uranium kilogram with weapons in the megaton range. Smaller nukes are much more effective.
any ways,
>things wouldnt be as bad
>as people make them out
>to be and nuclear war
>is completely survivable. and yeah,
>the radiation would disepate rather
>quikly... there would be no
>"100 year nuclear winter" or
>any other such scenario.
And Nuclear winters don't exist. Nothing less than an asteroid or comet hitting the earth will cause any real climate change, and those blasts are something like a thousand times more powerful than all the nuclear weapons ever produced.
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>air blasts (thermo nuclear blasts) do
>not create Fallout, due to
>the fact that there is
>no dust being thrown into
>the atmosphere as with a
>ground blast. further more, if
>we were to have a
>nuclear war, no nation would
>use their entire arsenal. most
>likely you'd find the use
>of ground blasts accompanied by
>multiple air blasts within the
>central portion of the U.S.
>and mainly thermo nukes along
>the west and east costs....
>strategic hits. also, dont let
>the idea of "Continent Busters"
>and other such devices scare
>you. after 100mega tons it
>takes a dispreportionate amount of
>material to create a blast
>radius any larger.
Well there aren't any nuclear weapons above the 100 megaton mark. You simply don't get as much bang for your uranium kilogram with weapons in the megaton range. Smaller nukes are much more effective.
any ways,
>things wouldnt be as bad
>as people make them out
>to be and nuclear war
>is completely survivable. and yeah,
>the radiation would disepate rather
>quikly... there would be no
>"100 year nuclear winter" or
>any other such scenario.
And Nuclear winters don't exist. Nothing less than an asteroid or comet hitting the earth will cause any real climate change, and those blasts are something like a thousand times more powerful than all the nuclear weapons ever produced.
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