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Seraphim Pwns U said:
Edit: In a way, Bethesda is doing us all a favor. If WWIII ever becomes reality... we can easily identify the "Vault 13 dwellers" from the "Vault 101 dwellers" by all the corpses with their heads in the toilets. ^_~
:D That would make a great easter egg in next Fal... errr... good post-nuclear RPG
lisac2k said:
Vault 69er said:
Communities could collectively buy places in Vaults, such as the Mormons in Van Buren.
Perhaps Vault 101's spots were purchased by a.. "special" community.
The very word "communities" reminds me always of "communists". But I'd better stop with it right here, before giving Bethesda more <strike>silly</strike> idiotic ideas.

You guys want realism in a game with hand-held nuke launchers?

I'm reminded of drinking from water fountains to replenish 1 HP at a time in games like Duke Nukem or Deus Ex...always thought that was ridiculous.
Sorrow said:
We don't want hand-held nuke launchers :P .
Haha, I know. I just mean, drinking 100 year-old water from toilets with their own ecosystems, as someone amusingly put it, is the least of our problems. :)
Forhekset said:
Sorrow said:
We don't want hand-held nuke launchers :P .
Haha, I know. I just mean, drinking 100 year-old water from toilets with their own ecosystems, as someone amusingly put it, is the least of our problems. :)

Apparently you don't need to worry about much besides gun toting mutants or your car running out of plutonium, since the blast and radiation from nukes (mini and Megaton nukes) won't kill you, and drinking plague water is healthy.
Jury's still out on the health benefits of eating radioactive corpses.
Joe Kremlin said:
Jury's still out on the health benefits of eating radioactive corpses.

I reckon they'll give temporary stat boosts.

"Ooooh look! A dead BoS paladin!"

*munch munch*

You gain +2 Strength and +1 Endurance!
Yes, the word communities should remind you of the word communists. Both share a Latin root called 'communitas' meaning common (as in general public). It is the same root we find the 'communion', in the church and stuff.

I think a guy in France in the late 18th century organised the first communes in which people lived together and shared (nearly) everything together. St. Simon's utopian socialist communes, I think they were called :?:

And what do you mean by 'special' communities :?:

As for the toilet drinking, well, I don't see how this is relevant to the game at all. It is really :wall: and something you would expect to see in any other game than a Fallout game. And the person who thought of this should get this (symbolic) :violent: treatment.

Drinking more than 200 year old toilet water, probably brown and stale and fested with all sorts of bacterias as well as mouse and rat dung should really make you sicker, not heal you in any way shape or form. Fresh water sources like streams deep within mountains or perhaps in the subway systems should heal you a little, I think. But the really big healing should come from eating your stimpacks or taking your radiation pills.

I, for one, don't see how this is innovative and immersive, not unless Beth really wants to make some sort of simulation game, where 'realism' is the king of all things, and not a Fallout game which relies on the retro sci-fi future people dreamed of in the 1950's i.e. not the actual 1950's, but based on how the people in 1950's imagined what the future would be and look like.
I think he might have been referring to communities of like-minded people with little scientific ability and the ability to do completely stupid things if told to by someone who seems to be more informed, or who happens to be famous.

Kinda like the sciento.. I mean.. Hubologists..

As for the toilet water drinking, why couldn't they have just left healing up to the stimpacks and the Doctor and First Aid skills?

If you wanted realistic immersion, you'd think realistic means of healing like using first aid might have been at the top of the list, as opposed to slightly below drinking from toilets that haven't been used in god knows how long..

I swear the whole thing only came about because someone at Bethesda was the only person to ever think the mutated fruit was a viable healing device and a great idea...

(it has the exact same benefits/dangers in F01&2 that toilet water will supposedly have in FINO3, although the science behind it is slightly more legitimate..)

For me, the question really boils down to this:

how hard would it be to put a first aid kit on a wall in a subway ticket booth, where it would belong? or a doctor's bag in a.. get this... ruined doctors office?
So, to review, the following are in:

Hand-held nukes
Drinking old toilet water for health
Corpse-eating for fun and profit (and health)
Exploding nuclear-powered cars that don't so much as singe the hair on your head

The level of suck is really depressing when you put it all together like that. Did I leave anything out?
I think something that isn't really even mentioned is that you are able to detonate a full sized nuke on the outskirts of DC within walking distance of where you detonate it and you aren't affected. First of all, the radiation would reach you and would pretty much kill you. That, plus it sounds like the game takes the idea of exploding a nuke way too lightly. This is, after all, supposed to be set in a post nuclear war apocalypse.
Agreed, Joe. Lots of details about this game show that Bethesda is taking the concept of a nuke too lightly, thus missing the point entirely.

This is really just a hybrid FPS/RPG set in a Fallout-inspired world.
yevinorion said:
Joe Kremlin said:
Jury's still out on the health benefits of eating radioactive corpses.

I reckon they'll give temporary stat boosts.

"Ooooh look! A dead BoS paladin!"

*munch munch*

You gain +2 Strength and +1 Endurance!

Hello yevinorion,

The reaction of living BoS paladins would probably have to be like this.

Paladin "Hey I know you, you're the bastard who keeps eating dead paladins, die you monster."

Edit: perhaps also a special stat or something; "You eat the Brotherhood for breakfast."
Joe Kremlin said:
Jury's still out on the health benefits of eating radioactive corpses.

So you can't shoot enemies in the groin, but you can eat corpses? :roll:

Maybe Tod & Pete would prefer to eat groins rather than shoot them. :P

Wooz said:
Seraphim said:


Do that again, and it's a strike.

Rofl... sorries, it's a habit I'm really trying to break. But I do appriciate the fact that you didn't swear at me. ..erm... *pokes through the list of smilies...* :salute:

NMA needs an "playing innocent, yet surreptitiously devious" smilie to replace those, I suppose. A regular "wink" just doesn't quite convey it.

On topic...

The Dutch Ghost said:
Edit: perhaps also a special stat or something; "You eat the Brotherhood for breakfast."

With a stat like that, I'd expect a box of "Brotherhoodies: Cereal of Xenophobic Champions" or somesuch.
whirlingdervish said:
I swear the whole thing only came about because someone at Bethesda was the only person to ever think the mutated fruit was a viable healing device and a great idea...

(it has the exact same benefits/dangers in F01&2 that toilet water will supposedly have in FINO3, although the science behind it is slightly more legitimate..)
I think that they learned it from FT where all kind of edible shit healed the character :| .
aries369 said:
And what do you mean by 'special' communities
Drinking more than 200 year old toilet water
Beth really wants to make some sort of simulation game, where 'realism' is the king of all things

Special as in "special" as in, mentally defective.

The original water would evaporate, but would presumably be replaced by other liquids and contaminants dripping or seeping in, which might even concentrate radioactivity from the surface. Even fresh rainwater at the surface would need to be purified. Realism is definitely out.

The idea of gaining health from water is foolish, although it might sit well with a fatigue statistic. One might as well gain health from using a toilet.

You don't eat stimpacks I believe. Healing chems make sense as they fit in with the 50's sci-fi.
Sorrow said:
I think that they learned it from FT where all kind of edible shit healed the character :| .

Now we know why they said Tactics isn't canon.
Between the nuke worshippers, eastern BoS, peacekeeping BoS, eastern mutant invasion, potty humour and edible anything.. they want to steal Tactics' ideas without appearing to be re-hashing canon.

I wonder if the main antagonists will turn out to be robots..
Vault 69er said:
I wonder if the main antagonists will turn out to be robots..

Oh god, I hope not.


I like giant cyborg big bad bosses, and ugly cyborg master thingies, but going completely robotic with the main boss/enemies would pretty much be the stupidest idea they could ever have. (barring a nukapult)

It would just scream "Bethesda really wanted to make a FPS Terminator game instead of a Fallout based RPG!"
whirlingdervish said:
Vault 69er said:
I wonder if the main antagonists will turn out to be robots..

Oh god, I hope not.


It would just scream "Bethesda really wanted to make a FPS Terminator game instead of a Fallout based RPG!"

Oooh. That just gave me this crazy thought: They could have a computer program turned eViL, out to mass genocide the human race... but, instead of calling it SKYnet... VAULTnet!!

I wonder if I could get a job at Bethesda with brilliant gems like that. It's right up there with Nuk-a-pult, don't cha' think? :crazy: :roll: