New cat - need tips

Black cats seem to be popular around here.

Anyone ever have a Russian Blue? They seem like pretty cool cats, and quite intelligent I hear.
verevoof said:
Anyone ever have a Russian Blue? They seem like pretty cool cats, and quite intelligent I hear.

My dream is to own a pair of Russian Blues*. Yeah, they're intelligent. And tend to be more dedicated to owners than other races. They can be a handful though, bundles of energy.

Expensive as all hell too. Better to buy em flawed, like most showcats.

* Well, blue kittens, a newfoundlander puppy and a siberian husky puppy. It'll be CRAYZEE


SkuLL said:
Mine also seems to like the big plant pots. I have the same plant at home and the cat's already made it her mission to destroy it and drag soil all over the house.

Keep an eye on that. Not just the dragging soil but cats who hang around in plant pots tend to poop in plant pots. Root around a bit for buried chunks of gold.

Sounds like the little one has some bad habits. As Twink says, get em out young. Water spraying is preferable by a huge margin, because the cat usually doesn't associate the spray with you, as sometimes happens with other forms of punishment (shouting/punching/kicking), but rather associates watersprays directly with the bad behaviour.

Those are some pretty black cats, Twinkie/Xellos. Mine is getting old and losing the sleek well-groomed look.

Dig the "humans, don't talk to me about humans" look your cat has, Xellos.
The Dutch Ghost said:
What happened?

unfortunately because the lack of time/money i couldn't keep them anymore so i gave them to someone who could take good care of them.
My cat, Zazou de la Nuit.


Brother None said:
My dream is to own a pair of Russian Blues. Yeah, they're intelligent. And tend to be more dedicated to owners than other races.
Same here (although, just one, I think). Mainly because they are very attached to their owners, good companions, and smart. Plus they are quite simply beautiful. But I wonder if they are good for first time cat owners.

They can be a handful though, bundles of energy.
Really? I heard that they are quite calm. Shy even. Well, reserved around people they aren't close to and strangers. I suppose you mean they're very playful and energetic with their owner(s). Also heard they are more in tuned with human emotions than other cats. In a way, Russian Blues remind me of myself, maybe that's why they are my number one choice for cat companionship.

I would love a Russian Blue and a black and white tuxedo short hair cat.
Astiaks said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
What happened?

unfortunately because the lack of time/money i couldn't keep them anymore so i gave them to someone who could take good care of them.

It is probably very hard to give up your pets.
Do you still see them sometimes?
Brother None said:
Dig the "humans, don't talk to me about humans" look your cat has, Xellos.

Thx BN :) She was in fact very keen on her independence, rarely letting jumping on someones knees (maybe once a month) or letting to stroke her longer than for a few seconds

When it comes to the plans for the future, I'm thinking about getting Norwegian Forest Cat or Maine Coon. Unfortunately, just like verevoof, I must move to my own flat first.
Maine Coons are awesome.

verevoof said:
Really? I heard that they are quite calm. Shy even

They're generally shy as hell, yeah, but they also often have a lot of excess energy compared to your average, normal shorthair. How they express it varies a lot, but they're rarely layabouts.
My old Russian Blue, well she was probably a cross breed with a European short hair, was one of the friendliest affectionate cats ever.
She loved meeting new people.

When my mom still had her clothing store she was often the first one to hear the bell and run to the store to greet the customer.
There's always exceptions. Like, farm cats are always rough and uncaring? True, in general. While I was living in Russia we were in a basic farm set-up cat-wise. A litter of kittens would just be vaguely fed/cared for, and whoever is tough enough to survive, is tough enough to survive. The older cats weren't fed or watched at all, and they were tough, mangy bastards.

And yet, one night, there's one of my fellow volunteers, females, slightly lost in the wooded split between two halves of the village. She bumps into one of the cats, a huge ugly bastard who just tries to take your hand off if you pet him. He looks up, amused at this foolish human, then turns with a kind of confident swagger. She follows him, and he politely drops her off at the front door of the young people/volunteer house (and he doesn't live there), before swaggering off into the night, a job well done.

Uh, anyway...
Badass with a heart of gold.

Or this human was about to stumble upon a dark secret. Very dark secret indeed.
The Dutch Ghost said:
It is probably very hard to give up your pets.
Do you still see them sometimes?

Not really, because the person i gave them to is quite anonymous to me. I just know that she was a cat expert and her old cat had died of old age(18 years old!!!). I found her through one of my friends and i don't really know her. It was quite hard to give them away since they were quite special. They were mostly like a dog. After food i think i was the most important thing for them. The grey one(daisy) used to look around and wait for the moment that i would sit somewhere and then he would immediately jump and sit on my lap. :)
The bigger one(Bud) was one hell of a cat. very quite, very friendly and very dumb(in a funny way)! :D
Every time i started to cuddle him he would drop dead after like 10 seconds and he would start snoring. :mrgreen:

But one day when i have the time and space i am gonna buy myself a persian cat!

they are teh AwesUm!



This is my sisters cat. It sits like a human on the couch and watches TV. It's the most affectionate lover puss pussar I've had the pleasure to live with. I actually named him. Ripley. Aliens was on. MYAR!
mobucks, the resemblance between your avatar and that first picture is uncanny :o

TwinkieGorilla your cat Tinu has crazy mesmerizing eyes.

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Over here in the States, it's common (and socially acceptable , among the lower class) for sick fucks to shoot outdoor cats with pellet guns, or lure them with food and then torture/kill them.

It's not just the States, one of my gran's old cats was killed by an air rifle.

Here's my most recent cat which we got from a rescue centre.

However he recently suffered a critical existence failure and had to be put down. He suffered epileptic fits every couple of weeks (or days when it got bad) so we knew he would never live long.
Didn't help when he had these fits he also pissed everywhere though he made up for it by being loveably bonkers.
He was also pretty big, he could get up on the dining room table without jumping and did a very good long cat impersonation when you picked him up.

Previous cat was a British Blue crossed with stuff which we found as a stray hanging around our garden, lived for years and used to wait for my dad to get home.