New cover story for Fallout 3

Must agree on the power armor being off. I thought it looked fairly decent in the other pictures, but it's way too damn skinny looking here. Hopefully doesn't look like that in the game, and that's just... An early model or something.

syllogz said:
Now I know!
It is our beloved Paladina! :clap:
The daughter of that renegade Holy Avenger/Savior of the Wastes, or whatever the cover story is Beth had come up.
Haha! Mystery solved. Not worried any more.
Now I know!
It is our beloved Paladina! :clap:
The daughter of that renegade Holy Avenger/Savior of the Wastes, or whatever the cover story is Beth had come up.

Hmm... You might just be right. That would explain the coal shuttle on the chest.


From the looks of it, she's asian.

Yeah. I'd hit it.

EDIT: I'm no good with this HTML stuff. R-click, view image. Sorry team.
It only took 2 and a half pages of circle jerking before someone used their brain. I am impressed, that is alot better then usual, well done guys. ;)
Hey, No Trolling Allowed.
Besides, she must have huge boobs then if she has to have additional space in her PA ;d.
2 friends looking at it:
-'Now we know what happened to the other car parts...' (referring to the car door from behemoth)
-'I always wondered if there were different sizes. This must be an XS.'

Another friend comes in, we cover the head title:
'Omg! Gears of War 2 is out?'
I've looked at the picture for a while, trying to figure out what I think it looks like, running through many different ideas; power ranger, anime, crappy KoTOR armor, etc.; and I think I've finally got it. This is what Fallout would look like if it were a JRPG released for the Gamecube. And sucked.
Hmm... You might just be right. That would explain the coal shuttle on the chest.

All the Beth power armors we've seen have had the same box thing on the chest.

mech said:
It only took 2 and a half pages of circle jerking before someone used their brain. I am impressed, that is alot better then usual, well done guys.

Have a strike for trolling.
The artists from bethesda have serious proportions problem, His arms are to short and head is to big...
Earlier pics of the new bethesda's power armor looked better, it was one thing that wasn't as much screwed up as the rest.
It feels very flavor of the moment; which is, almost but not quite exactly like Fallout isn't.

I think 4too captured it quite well, and with an eloquence I can only gape in awe at. His poetry is the Alpha Dog ripping apart the junkfood scraps offered by an irresponsible adolescent owner. :clap:

Should be interesting over the next few days as the article details unfold. *grabs popcorn*
syllogz said:
Now I know!
It is our beloved Paladina! :clap:
The daughter of that renegade Holy Avenger/Savior of the Wastes, or whatever the cover story is Beth had come up.


You meet Lyons' daughter in the demo. Her powered armor looks exactly the same as everyone else's. Though you can see she's a girl because she's not wearing a helmet (her hair is covered like this).

(And once again, good old Mech falls flat on his face trying to be a smartass. Remember, Mech, just because your one-liners work well on the Bethesda forums doesn't mean we fall for 'em :mrgreen: )

In fact, back on topic, I don't remember powered armor looking like this in the demo. SuAside might remember differently, but while powered armor looked more "smooth and segmented", so to speak, so less like a tank and more like body "plated" armor, it didn't look so emaciated.

It's quite possible the magazine editor stretched it, though that would be unusual and stupid of them - so it's not likely.
can't wait to see the new shots, and emil's quote?!
i really hope there is more colour, its a big deal to me.

this month i've been playing the original Red Alert, and it dawned on me, the soviets have bright orange tanks?? but it doesn't matter a damn thing, it doesn't spoil the gameplay!
Re: The Media Is The Message

4too said:
Survival in the post apocalypse is not 'immersive' to the brain hemisphere being groomed and reprogrammed by the Nex Gen Pavlovian propagandists.
I have to be honest with you. I have no idea what you're talking about. But if you're saying that they put a big explosion in the background to sell more copies of the magazine, then I'd have to agree. :D

Then again, maybe it's not an explosion at all, but is just the result of ramping up the bloom a bit.
Re: The Media Is The Message

katja86 said:
4too said:
Survival in the post apocalypse is not 'immersive' to the brain hemisphere being groomed and reprogrammed by the Nex Gen Pavlovian propagandists.
I have to be honest with you. I have no idea what you're talking about. But if you're saying that they put a big explosion in the background to sell more copies of the magazine, then I'd have to agree. :D

Then again, maybe it's not an explosion at all, but is just the result of ramping up the bloom a bit.
He's actually ranting about how FO3 has shifted the game's focus into action rather than keeping the original's spirit of survival in a wasteland, and how the media portrays this action to appeal to those who don't think critically and rather react on twitches.
