New cover story for Fallout 3

Bethesda's designs as of late never strike me as "liveable". I can't imagine that stuff being designed for someone to actually use on day-to-day basis. It looks like it was designed to impress magazine readers, and at that it achieves well-deserved mediocrity.
Morbus said:
I don't know why. Does anybody know why? Why? Why is there an explosion? :confused:

Apparently some people think that Post Nuclear means that explosives including nukes should be everywhere.
:( I've been frowning for the past five or so minutes, and I wonder if my brow shall ever unfurl itself.

I have no idea what that's supposed to be.
Morbus said:
I don't know why. Does anybody know why? Why? Why is there an explosion? :confused:

A car blowing up ? Because in Fallout 3, all cars are powered by plutonium stolen from the Libyans...
The Paladin reminds me of this guy somehow, the proportions are really similar aren't they? :|

"Thanks for the Powerarmor Bethesda"
The Media Is The Message

The Media Is The Message

... why? Why? Why is there an explosion? :confused:

If Bethsoft's ''Pow-ah Ah-mar Mah-n'' is not tasty enough a chew toy,
perhaps what sets your canine teeth on grind is the limited visual vocabulary used by the XBox mag graphic artist.
Box art for FO 1 and 2 had city ruins behind the power armor icons.
This be cover art , cut and pasted, for visually shouting in the noisy array of the magazine rack.

And yes it is another flashy hook to sell another flashy XBox action game, AND this XBOX MAGAZINE!

Short hand, short answer, media repackaging to match the lulz of the mass media sell.

A clue that FO3 is not 'like' FO 1 + 2.
Bethsoft and the mass media may just be giving the world a visual clue of what Bethsoft's FO3 is, and what it isn't.

Survival in the post apocalypse is not 'immersive' to the brain hemisphere being groomed and reprogrammed by the Nex Gen Pavlovian propagandists.

Negotiating society's desolation is not as sexy a cue as launching one's own first person nuke.

Consider this a form of paper training for the Nex Gen FPS lock step mind set.
Currying a pack mentality to salivate at the console conditioned stimulus response.
Action is satisfaction.
Satisfaction is action.
Round and around,
a tale of chasing tails.

shihonage said:
Morbus said:
I don't know why. Does anybody know why? Why? Why is there an explosion? :confused:

A car blowing up ? Because in Fallout 3, all cars are powered by plutonium stolen from the Libyans...

No way honey, Libyans are too concrete, obvious and attackable by law. Is something, they'd be Lesbians, Librarians, etc. :lalala: Just like in case of GTA and the Haitians, who has been epically slaughtered in there and someone in Haiti (surprisingly) didn't love that. And exploding nukular stuff is even much bigger disaster/FO raping than some fuckin' Haitians with prolapsed guts. :ok:
Wooz said:
Screenshot scans would be nice, no?

yeah, i'd be interested in scans as well. linking is still acceptable, isn't it?

the suit doesn't look great, but thats nothing new.
Brother None said:
Holy shit that BoS paladin looks awful

Also, per our current news posting standards we're not really interested in full scans, but if someone can dig up more info, that'd be great

At least he's got what appears to be a 'urine-thrower' in respect for the word 'flame-thrower'.


If you stare at the pic for a while, it's not the head that's out of proportion. The Paladin inside is just really skinny. Damn near immaciated.

Maybe he got worms from all that toilet water?
Atomic Cowboy said:
If you stare at the pic for a while, it's not the head that's out of proportion. The Paladin inside is just really skinny. Damn near immaciated.

Now I know!
It is our beloved Paladina! :clap:
The daughter of that renegade Holy Avenger/Savior of the Wastes, or whatever the cover story is Beth had come up.