Syrant posted:
Can you say what those ghost things are and why they're hostile how they are made?
The ghost people are hostile for the same reason everything else in the Mojave is hostile- because gently caress you, I want your stuff. vv
As for how they're made, let's say the haze in the sky isn't dust and leave it at that.
El Negocio posted:
Please tell me that ghoul wearing the tux and authority shades is one of the people you're forced to work with, and that he acts as awesome as he looks.
He is, he does, and the best part is that almost all of you have already seen him playing through new vegas, though perhaps in a decidedly more aesthetic version.
Dr. Discomfort posted:
So is the nightkin's name Dog?
You mean the one with "Dog" carved into its chest? Well... sort of.