New Design

Yeah, its a bit sandy... but I like it. Obsydian knows how to make nice and well-made things :)

but if you wanna see some sand click here -> :D (that text below is a story written by all the fallout fans who though that they know how to write - everyone worte some small part... :) )
Actually everyone needs to understand this layout/design, I decided not to make it plain fallout (ie green/black/pipboy menu etc...) but rather a 1950ies look so that you would get assosiations to the old era that Fallout is from..
Hence the Indy style font, the logo (50ies sci fi)..etc...etc....

I'll say it like Cartman: "Screw you guys, I'm going home!" :P
I liked the old one better.

By the way, I fail to see any connection between Indy and Fallout (or 50s sci-fi). Change that font, I beg you.
Erm, you fail to see a connection between 50ies sci fi and Fallout ? :shock:

/me thinks Obsidian's gotta make me some new art..
Erm, the font isn't just a Indy font..Remember those old 50ies horror movies ? those had fonts like this...
I like it, but I'd like it a whole lot more if you stuck a Fallout/Pip Boy in that upper left corner. It's just crying out for one......
I agree with Montez. There is not enough reference back to Fallout itself. The robot could be just a bot in a factory. Some mutants, Pipboy, an atomic mushroom cloud, a fallout shelter, a picture of Set or one of the mutants upfront and personal.
Pretty cool stuff on that link. Definitely its good to have that 50s feel. But still, there's more to Fallout than the 50s look or even the 50s view of science fiction. I think it needs to capture more the post-nuclear theme that the game is focused on.
Thanks for all the words guys, I'm working on adding some more art and hopefully making a new logo/font..If anyone wants to contribute, just email me..
S_Hole said:
congrats on the new design
but the menus STILL won't work on opera identifier
somebody NEEDS to get slapped
this is ridiculous

Yes, you're the one who needs to be slapped. You're likely the only person in the world who hasn't figured that using the IE ident for Opera is the way to go unless you're browsing a Mozilla-preferred page.

Again, it is because of the style handling changes between Opera 5,6,7 that result in this problem. Which has been explained to you in depth a number of times.
The layout isn't terrible just different...
when i first came here before the pictures loaded, i thought i had somehow found my way over to Duck and Cover... and was pretty confused.

not really in love with that title page picture but i do love that gasmask logo you have stashed in the corner definitely a keeper.