New Fallout 1 Remake

If it's TTW team doing it, the project has my full support. Also, lol @ the replies in Twitter asking why not using F4's engine, and how not using that engine is 'shooting themselves in the leg' :lol:
I'm actually a part of that project too. That is the "other" big project I'm part of. That I mentioned several months ago (can't remember if I mentioned here on the forums or just on Discord).

It's in pre-pre-production at the moment. So there isn't much at all to talk about, except that we exist.

At the moment, we're a smaller team than the one making TTW. But like Roy said, we are TTW team members and a few other "prolific" ones. I can't name them yet, because I don't know if they want to be known so soon or if they want to announce it themselves.

But you all can be assured, we are all committed to make this project a reality, and we're not the type of modders to shy away from work. Unless something extreme happens (like someone dying or something), you can be sure we will make this project happen.
Will you implement fallout 1 gameplay as well ?
( cavalier oblique perspective, mouse-based control, turn-based combat, etc....)
Does the world need a Fallout (1) FPS?

Especially when these guys have Fallout: Frontier sitting there unfinished for a long time.
I'm actually a part of that project too. That is the "other" big project I'm part of. That I mentioned several months ago (can't remember if I mentioned here on the forums or just on Discord).

It's in pre-pre-production at the moment. So there isn't much at all to talk about, except that we exist.

At the moment, we're a smaller team than the one making TTW. But like Roy said, we are TTW team members and a few other "prolific" ones. I can't name them yet, because I don't know if they want to be known so soon or if they want to announce it themselves.

But you all can be assured, we are all committed to make this project a reality, and we're not the type of modders to shy away from work. Unless something extreme happens (like someone dying or something), you can be sure we will make this project happen.
how are you guys thinking of managing the travel system?
I am very excited for this.

I am so glad to know that it's being done as a mod for New Vegas instead of Fallout 4 too.
Will you implement fallout 1 gameplay as well ?
( cavalier oblique perspective, mouse-based control, turn-based combat, etc....)
No. There would be no point in re-imagining Fallout in FNV engine, if we were just making the same as classic Fallout.
Why making it the same, but in a different engine that wasn't designed to make it like that, when we all can still play the superior version that is the classic game?

We are poking things around to see if we can make FNV engine do some things from the classic game, that it can't at the moment, but it will still be first/third person.
But why?.jpeg

Does the world need a Fallout (1) FPS?
The world might not need one, but we as modders do need to make one. Why? Because it's fun for us. Because we love classic Fallout and we would love to make the Vault Dweller story in FNV engine and see the result. We are not trying to make it "better" or replace classic Fallout. We are just trying to see how it will play and look in this engine.
It's a tribute to things we love, modding and classic Fallout.
how are you guys thinking of managing the travel system?
We are talking about it, and we will try to make it similar to the classic Fallout one. Overhead Map travel.
But why?.jpeg

Does the world need a Fallout (1) FPS?
I prefer FPS over Bird's eye perspective when it comes to fallout so I think Fallout 1 needs fps remake for people like me.

Isn't there a mod that shares the same idea and concept that is still in development for Fallout New Vegas called Fallout 1: the story?

This mod
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Isn't there a mod that shares the same idea and concept that is still in development for Fallout New Vegas called Fallout 1: the story?

This mod
Yes, but let's just say that project leader pulled a (let's call it) "dick move" towards someone on their team.

This just made some modders pissed off and so the next logical step was for us to make a different, better project with the same goal.
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There is a mod for FNV that implements a map travel system of sorts. Jip something or other.
But why?.jpeg

Does the world need a Fallout (1) FPS?
It could be a good way to ease newcomer's acceptance of the classics. If they can be shown what they've missed, then maybe they'll reconsider trying the classics and see how it's Meant to be Played™

Besides, it could be a good experiences for the team. Perhaps they can release a completely new good games in the future, who knows?
JIP is part of the TTW and The Master's Plan teams. ;-)
Ah, will there be the classic map travel system in your remake? I'm currently playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and damn I'm really liking their 'fast' travel system, which is probably inspired by Fallout's system, because it consume time (which is pretty much precious resource in that game), and there are chances for random encounters, too (even though it's been bandits and fellow wayfarers so far).
It's in pre-pre-production at the moment. So there isn't much at all to talk about, except that we exist.
Mind give a design document to read? I'm especially interested about overworld travel map.

I can and will keep secrets, I promise.
Ah, will there be the classic map travel system in your remake? I'm currently playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and damn I'm really liking their 'fast' travel system, which is probably inspired by Fallout's system, because it consume time (which is pretty much precious resource in that game), and there are chances for random encounters, too (even though it's been bandits and fellow wayfarers so far).
JIPs Fast Travel Map mod works like Kingdom Chad Deliverance and not like 1st Fallout, in other words it's not overworld but exists inside a limited New Vegas' worldspace. Totally unusable for a Fallout remake unless the team plans to make YUGE
expansive cities like Molten Clouds does and plans to have two fast travel maps.
JIPs Fast Travel Map mod works like Kingdom Chad Deliverance and not like 1st Fallout, in other words it's not overworld but exists inside a limited New Vegas' worldspace. Totally unusable for a Fallout remake unless the team plans to make YUGE
expansive cities like Molten Clouds does and plans to have two fast travel maps.
Ah, right. Now that I think about it, KCD worked more like Betrayal at Krondor, because both games can have movements in first-person perspective and overworld movement, even though for overworld movement in KCD works as 'fast' travel while in Betrayal at Krondor it's real-time exploration.

Also, how tf do we activate features of JIP? It's in JIP-LN plugin, right?
Mind give a design document to read? I'm especially interested about overworld travel map.
Design documentation is being made at the moment.

Although something unpredictable has happened and RoyBatty seems to want to quit modding :surprised:.
He is the mastermind behind this project, and the person who was assembling the team (and the reason people joined it in the first place). So if he quits we might not go anywhere after all.

I have been a bit inactive in Discord and forums, because I injured my shoulder and typing is annoying and painful using only my other hand. So I am out of the loop of what actually happened.

I will need to talk to him whenever I can, because whatever happened seems pretty bad. :question: