New Fallout 1 Remake

Although something unpredictable has happened and RoyBatty seems to want to quit modding :surprised:
If Roy already assembled a team, he don't have to do major modding stuff by himself... Right? So, why does he need to aggrieve productive team members?
Also, how tf do we activate features of JIP? It's in JIP-LN plugin, right?

And Mod Configuration Menu to switch the map hotkey to a better one (default is 'M').
If Roy already assembled a team, he don't have to do major modding stuff by himself... Right? So, why does he need to aggrieve productive team members?
Because people like him and that is why they joined the team in the first place. Also the team was still not complete, now it only has six members. And we still need people for specific tasks.

When someone joins a team, because they like and respect the team leader. They might not be happy when the leader changes and the previous leader leaves. Specially when they only joined because the previous leader asked them to.

We will try to keep together, but we will see what will happen in the near future, since we all have different time-zones and stuff, it's hard to be able to contact everyone in real time to see what they are planning to do about this new turn of events.
No. There would be no point in re-imagining Fallout in FNV engine, if we were just making the same as classic Fallout.
Why making it the same, but in a different engine that wasn't designed to make it like that, when we all can still play the superior version that is the classi

3d models, alternatives for mods, voice over, character faces easier to make than clay model, etc...
Anyway good luck with your project, although i am not sure I will ever comeback to a fallout fps.
I think its kind of a shame to start working on a new Fallout 1 remake when The Story is already pretty far in and still actively being worked on. Why not join the modders working on The Story? That way the development process can go faster and we can hope for a sooner release date. Plus what's the point of having two Fallout 1 remakes?
Then again, I'm not sure how active The Story project is currently (they haven't posted any updates since November).
I think its kind of a shame to start working on a new Fallout 1 remake when The Story is already pretty far in and still actively being worked on. Why not join the modders working on The Story? That way the development process can go faster and we can hope for a sooner release date. Plus what's the point of having two Fallout 1 remakes?
Then again, I'm not sure how active The Story project is currently (they haven't posted any updates since November).
I already explained why we started this team and this project.
Let's just say that we don't see eye to eye with the methods of The Story leadership. Also we have talent and technology now to do a much better job than what was done before.
The Story has had it's development stopped several times, it uses work that was donated by several modders, and died once or twice already (as in, their team actually abandoned the project and declared it dead). It has some good things, but it also has quite a few problems.

It's best made from scratch, with the talent and resources of today.
I think its kind of a shame to start working on a new Fallout 1 remake when The Story is already pretty far in and still actively being worked on. Why not join the modders working on The Story? That way the development process can go faster and we can hope for a sooner release date. Plus what's the point of having two Fallout 1 remakes?
Then again, I'm not sure how active The Story project is currently (they haven't posted any updates since November).

As I did about 50% of the work in Fallout The Story, Arcoolka (the founder) about 30% and 20% the rest of the team back then that doesn't exists anymore, don't expect Fallout The Story to be finished after Arcoolka felt that I in reviving the project (which happened a short while ago, after Arcoolka and the rest of the team declared it finally dead) have taken away anything from him or wanted anyone out of it (which wasn't true at all).

I had to quit working on Fallout The Story because of his false impression. I donated my work to him he can do whatever he wants. Afaik he wants to release what is done (not much actually, Quests V13, Quests Shady Sands started) with voice work. But I don't have any details anymore. I completely did cut ties from Fallout The Story and Arcoolka.
We will try to keep together, but we will see what will happen in the near future, since we all have different time-zones and stuff, it's hard to be able to contact everyone in real time to see what they are planning to do about this new turn of events.

Well good luck to you anyway, if you're going to be releasing any information on the project, can you point me to where I can find it?
This sounds like a cool project but bad to hear that the project leader is planning to quit. That could possibly kill the project before it even started.

Wish I had some modding skills as I would have liked to have contributed to this project.
Other than making existing locations like the Hub, Necropolis, and the Boneyard bigger and implementing quests and other things that got cut from the original game I would like to have added new locations such as Vandenberg (would need a new name), Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Station, perhaps Dayglow, and other stuff for the players to discover.
No. There would be no point in re-imagining Fallout in FNV engine, if we were just making the same as classic Fallout.
Why making it the same, but in a different engine that wasn't designed to make it like that, when we all can still play the superior version that is the classic game?
That's a damn shame—for us, not you guys; I wouldn't fault you for having fun modding what you want, the way you want.

But as to "Why making it the same", it's because that IS Fallout. One can make a game set in the Planescape universe, but if it doesn't have the game priorities of the Black Isle Planescape RPG, then it's not related (regardless of retelling the tale)—and certainly no Planescape 2, or remastered version, and probably of little interest to fans of the original... though it could easily be interesting to fans of the Planescape setting itself.

If it is [as I read it] a remake, then damn right it should retain the core gaming tenets of the original.

And even in New Vegas, that would include the presentation layer. (Pardon the drabness of the color palette.)


That doesn't mean simulating 2D, that means facilitating the game's intent.

Something visually & mechanically akin to this as a FO3 would have fine IMO—rather than what we got. :(

I would have shown sparse interest in anything like the following:

It focuses on the minutia that I am not concerned with... That of manual navigation and at details levels far exceeding the need in locations where it's simply not important—as opposed to a close FPP view of a table, or terminal with contents that matter; these are just hallways.
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I hope everything is fine with Roy, the guy is a reference in mod for NV and he does not even like the game so much (Fallout 3 is the one he likes)

Anyway, I have a contribution.

I did it, you can use it if you want. No credits are need, but keep the credits to xzax, the guy made the backpack.
This sounds like a cool project but bad to hear that the project leader is planning to quit. That could possibly kill the project before it even started..

No worry the project lead was already passed on to the original initiator of it (not me). Not sure how and if Roy is continuing but the project is alive and well atm.
Because people like him and that is why they joined the team in the first place. Also the team was still not complete, now it only has six members. And we still need people for specific tasks.

When someone joins a team, because they like and respect the team leader. They might not be happy when the leader changes and the previous leader leaves. Specially when they only joined because the previous leader asked them to.

We will try to keep together, but we will see what will happen in the near future, since we all have different time-zones and stuff, it's hard to be able to contact everyone in real time to see what they are planning to do about this new turn of events.
Where did this 'I'll finish this mod one day or another!' spirit go? SureAI finished big DLC for Enderal this month, Nevada devs busy with F:Sonora but americans and their english speaking vassals instead are guessing which day to quit or generating fake news (Fallout 2 remake on FO4 engine). WTF Rise?
The world might not need one, but we as modders do need to make one. Why? Because it's fun for us. Because we love classic Fallout and we would love to make the Vault Dweller story in FNV engine and see the result. We are not trying to make it "better" or replace classic Fallout. We are just trying to see how it will play and look in this engine.
It's a tribute to things we love, modding and classic Fallout.

Well, I wish you luck with your endeavor and hope you'll have fun with it. Sincerely.

But I don't personally see what the real accomplishment there is (beyond "we managed to do something", which is just fine...if that's what you want to do) if the intent is to simply transfer the story and locations to Bethesda's engine for an FPS game.

From my point of view, at least there could (should?) be some effort at trying to simulate the gameplay and mechanics of the source game at least in some way. E.g. modding VATS to work more like how combat worked in the classics. Camera pulling up at combat start (even if remaining zoomable), movement and activities allowed as per AP allowance. Minigames replaced/refurbished, etc. But that's just me and how I'd approach task...

It could be a good way to ease newcomer's acceptance of the classics. If they can be shown what they've missed, then maybe they'll reconsider trying the classics

I don't see achieving that with just importing the storyline and locales. If the "newcomers" just see the storyline, there is no need for them to see it again in a 90's game, nor do I see what would incline them to try the classics anymore as they've already seen the story. And from the sound of it, that doesn't even seem to be the purpose of the mod.

The classics were more than that, they had more going on than the narrative drive.
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Where did this 'I'll finish this mod one day or another!' spirit go? SureAI finished big DLC for Enderal this month, Nevada devs busy with F:Sonora but americans and their english speaking vassals instead are guessing which day to quit or generating fake news (Fallout 2 remake on FO4 engine). WTF Rise?
WTF 0wing, I said we would try keep together didn't I? :lmao:

Roy and another person left. We are still 6 on the team, and we are still motivated.

The thing is that Roy's hyperactive modding, and contagious work flow motivates people just by themselves :nod:. Just being around Roy made people want to mod and work. Don't underestimate the power of motivation :nod:.

There is new leadership now, and I'm glad people are still committed. A pity we lost two members in all of this. That will delay the work we can put on it (we lost 1/4 of the team in one day). But we are still serious modders that want to make this project a reality.

Well, I wish you luck with your endeavor and hope you'll have fun with it. But I don't really see what the real accomplishment there is (beyond "we managed to do something", which is just fine...if that's what you want to do) if the intent is to simply transfer the story and locations to Bethesda's engine for an FPS game.

From my point of view, at least there could (should?) be some effort at trying to simulate the gameplay and mechanics of the source game at least in some way. E.g. modding VATS to work more like how combat worked in the classics. Camera pulling up at combat start (even if remaining zoomable), movement and activities allowed as per AP allowance. Minigames replaced/refurbished, etc. But that's just me and how I'd approach task...

I don't see achieving that with just importing the storyline and locales. If the "newcomers" just see the storyline, there is no need for them to see it again in a 90's game, nor do I see what would incline them to try the classics anymore as they've already seen the story. And from the sound of it, that doesn't even seem to be the purpose of the mod.

The classics were more than that, they had more going on than the narrative drive.

Like I said before, design documents are still being made, we want to try making some things like in the classic Fallout. But we still don't know what or if we can do it or not.

But why emulate the gameplay of classic Fallout in FNV engine, if the classic would still be superior? If we wanted to do that, maybe remaking Fallout in Fallout Tactics, Fallout 2 or Fonline engines would be better.
Remember, this is a re-imagining of Fallout, not a remake or remaster of it (basically Fallout with different gameplay). ;-)

The whole point is that we love modding, we love the classic Fallout and we love FNV. We want to do this because we will have fun. :roffle:

I don't really have arguments one way or another, nor do I wish to undermine you efforts to be, but if "reimagining Fallout" is the goal and to not "emulate it's mechanical foundations", I would think it'd be more rewarding to actually reimagine it, instead of just importing it to another engine where you do emulate Bethesda's gameplay and mechanics. But then, I'm not making this, you are.

And like I said, I wish you luck and fun times working with it.

For one (very crude) example... Soimething like this could actually work:


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(basically Fallout with different gameplay). ;-)
IMO there is no such thing. That's like a snake with a different skeleton; Batman with a different themed costume.


Still... I wish your team well on the endeavor. Socrates200x concurred [his opinion] when I suggested/ questioned whether the script functions in FO3 would allow for AI disabling, and pausing time in such a way to emulate round & turn based combat where one entity acts at a time, in consecutive order. So it would seem that it is at least —probably— possible.

It might [should be] possible to calculate point & click destinations using the mouse coordinates, and the camera angle; perhaps even with a hex grid overlay (though likely just for show).


As far as the overland map goes... I liked Sesom's map level/ travel system...
but I would prefer something like this:
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I agree with Risewild. I don't think they should bother trying to remake Fallout 1 in the New Vegas engine because it would probably be vastly inferior to the original.

I think the best course of action is to make it so the mod is able to hold up on its own and be seen as its own distinct game. It should be different, but still feel familiar.
Well, i don't think there is a right answer to that question.
They can make a remake with the gameplay of the original, a remake without the gameplay of the original, a totally new story or no mod at all. None of this is something that they should do or that they shouldn't do.
There is no reason for us to push them into another direction or for them to dismissive about other possible options.

And same thing for players. If what they publish doesn't suit your taste, you don't have to play it either. Personnaly, i will most likely skip it. That doesn't mean i should blame those who will play it,
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