'New' Fallout 3 screenshots

anthracit said:
About these screenshots - if came to them without prejustice, there are few things clearing up:
1. Blur - yeah, too much - but in addition to blur there are some bloody drops on the screen, so, it is possible that such "flooding" effect appears only in time if someone hits you.
2. Man in vault's 101 suit - who knows, may be it is the biginning of the game and this person is you, or may be this is some demo episode and that 101-pip is your father and these buddies on the front side - your companion and yourself.

That was surely only some rather early techdemo, the appearance of Fallout3 will surely change a lot towards release. We will see much more very terrible things, these screenshots were only the beginning xD

Of course Motion Blur is a must have as many next gen games have it too!
These screenshots.... :freak:

Ok, I'm waiting for JA3 for a good tactical strategy, and waiting for Rage for a proper PA FPS.

And all "beth is teh makin fo3 good!!oneone11" wiseguys go back to the official beth forum, cause here the shit is going to be beaten out from you if you behave bad.
Re: Such whiners

FinnishEr said:
If you really think that you have right to tell what to do or why they should do, you should also realise that you had same chance to buy copyrights for this game. Oh you don't have that money?

For repeating the old "stop giving opinion unless it is mine or you have the monies!" you get a strike.
Oh, I don't wanna say something bad... Because blur... Seriously I'm blind now! :o
Ant textures not so good for August 2007, at Fall 2008 there going to be bad.
Re: Such whiners

FinnishEr said:
I am old school Fallout fan and my opinion is that no one should have whining for this subject. Be happy that someone is doing this game and STOP barking to them.
Shut up.

Did you say the same thing about FOPOS? Moron.


Actually, someone teach this guy a lesson:

FinnishEr said:
it really dosnt matter if its rpg or fps or AspFfs long as it contains all basic elements from FO1-2 like parody from movies and games, Chace to be pornstar,boxer Etc.
Sorry finisher, but you are NOT a hardcore fallout fan, as you fail to understand what the "basic elements from FO1-2" are. Not fargo's suppa-duppa lines of thought (or whatever they are called) but what the games were actually built upon. I bet you don't really know.


FinnishEr said:
And all you retards: I said THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION.
I love when they hide behind this kind of argument... :roll:

Look kiddo, it's not about opinions, it's all about facts. And it is a fact the Fallout 3 doesn't look like a Fallout game at all, in any conceivable way. Well, I'm probably exaggerating here, but you understand.
Pope Viper said:
God I hate those armored guys.
it's the only armor shown in the demo & i'm guessing it is the official Brotherhood armor for FO3. (i doubt you can expect them to model the old version as well for old times sake)

Pipboy2000 said:
F them indeed. I don't like the VD's belt.
wait til you see the Vault guards and the gangers inside Vault 101. ;)
it's the only armor shown in the demo & i'm guessing it is the official Brotherhood armor for FO3. (i doubt you can expect them to model the old version as well for old times sake)

I just hope they don't call it the T-51b and just say they re-invented it. It's not that bad (at least better than the FOT and FOBOS ones), but it should be clearly described as a different model.
Ausir said:
I just hope they don't call it the T-51b and just say they re-invented it. It's not that bad (at least better than the FOT and FOBOS ones), but it should be clearly described as a different model.
Knowing Beth, they really don't have problems making things up. Which means they could give it their own name and history. But, then again, they gotta bad habit to screw things up pretty often, so yes - it could be re-invented T-51b in the end...

About the screenshots, I was expecting to see more of architecture/infrastructure, but they probably don't have much to show off... Or they don't want to. Maybe next time.
ok. i get it. i dont care if you hate my opinions. i support Bethesda anyways to make a good game.

Hahaha, I hoped this would come.

Your opinion? No one could care less about your little opinion(s).
I'll clear your selective memory a bit:
You came here to insult us, telling us to stop "barking" and "whining", then when your uninformed post about Fallout 3 was ripped to shreds you called everyone retards while hiding behind your opinion, thinking that somehow opinions cannot be disproved.

So, we hate you not because of your opinion, but because you're an elitist hypocrite.
FinnishEr said:
ok. i get it. i dont care if you hate my opinions. i support Bethesda anyways to make a good game.
That's great and fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But when you come to a message board to tell others what they can and can't say, and bash them for their opinions, you're opening yourself up for reprisal, so I hope you're not trying to play the victim as so many have before you. You're not the first, nor will you be the last, to come here, saying the exact same thing (poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation included), and act the exact same way after your "opinion" is rebutted.
Hmm, how about another book in the glorious series :

"How do I present myself as a moron in only 4 posts" for Dummies

Guess the title is a bit long, hmm, ok forget it. But the idea was nice, wasn't it? I like the "moron" in the middle of the title.
It's like a plague. Is it some desase that causes people to talk total bullshit and then to try to defend themselves with stupid and lame 'it's just my opinion'?
How would that look in real-life, you come up to a group of unfriendly looking skinheads, say "your mother is ugly and fat", they reach for their guns/knives and then you quickly add "but that's only my opinion!" and they start laughing and everyone lives happily ever after?
Black said:
you come up to a group of unfriendly looking skinheads, say "your mother is ugly and fat", they reach for their guns/knives and then you quickly add "but that's only my opinion!" and they start laughing and everyone lives happily ever after?

Yes, because THIS is of cause the real world. :>

By the way: I hate this extreme blur thing. o_O
I like the armor from afar, but when you get close you can clearly see the Oblivion armor-attaching system at work. Fucking pauldrons, leggings and all. It's the worst in that guy with no helmet.
i apologize my self to you. But i stand behind my words in here and in REAL life. you know guys.. if im poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation included elitist hypocrite.. what does that make you? No offence but the word is conservative.. But thats ok for me. I dont tell that everything should be replaced, so i stop bugging you all and go to shame myself like you hope.

Dont buy stuff, steal it if you dont like it.
No talk of piracy is allowed, you should know better than to tell us we should steal it! It looks like it will suck so bad none of us will even want to steal it.

you know guys.. if im poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation included elitist hypocrite..

No, it's not a grammar problem it's the problem with "stop whining/barking!" and "well, it's my opinion, so I reject everything you say." You're saying our opinion is inferior, and, when confronted, your opinion suddenly became a shield from critique, because it's your opinion.

what does that make you? No offence but the word is conservative

Nothing wrong with being conservative. In limits of common sense.

I dont tell that everything should be replaced, so i stop bugging you all and go to shame myself like you hope.

No, personally, I hope that you understand what you said was and why you got flamed for it.