'New' Fallout 3 screenshots

Ahhh, yes, the Bloody Mess trait, everything gets blown apart. Why can't we have some screen shots where there isn't some guy getting blown to bits it it?

And are all those people on the vault billboard frowning? That doesn't seem like a good way to advertise your product. "Come live with us and be miserable!" Guess they just wanted to show off their cut-and-paste-vaultboy-into-everything-and-make-it-fallouty skills.

And who's the statue of? That actor that played Xavier in X-Men? And the architecture in that screenshot seems all wrong...
FinnishEr said:
ok. i get it. i dont care if you hate my opinions. i support Bethesda anyways to make a good game.
lol, it's not about a "good" game, it's about a Fallout game, whether it is good or not. As for "good" [game], from bethesda, I don't really expect that. Seriously, look at Oblivion and its differences from Morrowind, and tell me what you'd expect from Oblivion 2? Ok, not copy and paste that into Fallout 3, and you have what you should expect from Fallout 3, which is surely anything BUT a good game.

Kyuu said:
FinnishEr said:
ok. i get it. i dont care if you hate my opinions. i support Bethesda anyways to make a good game.
That's great and fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But when you come to a message board to tell others what they can and can't say, and bash them for their opinions, you're opening yourself up for reprisal, so I hope you're not trying to play the victim as so many have before you. You're not the first, nor will you be the last, to come here, saying the exact same thing (poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation included), and act the exact same way after your "opinion" is rebutted.
QFT. Seriously.

FinnishEr said:
Dont buy stuff, steal it if you dont like it.
What's that to do with anything?! Do you think anyone of us stole FOPOS? Well, probably some have, but not the majority. I sure didn't. I don't care to steal piles of crap, and the same aplies to FOE
Blazerfrost said:
And who's the statue of? That actor that played Xavier in X-Men?

hahaha I didn't think of that before.

The bloom is ugly and the blurring annoying. The muties remind me of Mutant Chronicles or FOT. The ugly billboard is way too clean and well preserved.
Lulz, the mutants look just like the orcses in oblivion. Shiny Plate Armor!

Seriously, can't these fuckers get at least *one* part of the design right? :o

The Duke said:
Lulz, the mutants look just like the orcses in oblivion. Shiny Plate Armor!

Seriously, can't these fuckers get at least *one* part of the design right? :o


Holy crap, I hadn't seen that one yet!

Yeez, how are people suppose to take that serious?
The Duke said:
Seriously, can't these fuckers get at least *one* part of the design right? :o
The design is ok dude ,thats not a Mutant.The Story in Fallout 3 is that after years of experimentation the mutants have evolved into orcs .
i apologize my self to you. But i stand behind my words in here and in REAL life. you know guys.. if im poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation included elitist hypocrite.. what does that make you? No offence but the word is conservative.. But thats ok for me. I dont tell that everything should be replaced, so i stop bugging you all and go to shame myself like you hope.

From your nickname I can only assume that you are from Finland and that makes me so ashamed of myself. Your attitude is just ridiculous, I won't even bother to explain how because others have already done that.

Dont buy stuff, steal it if you dont like it.

What has that to do with anything? Seriously, please go away from my internet.

About the screenshots:

I didn't even notice that shiny knight-mutant at first but close up it looks just SO wrong. Why are they so yellow anyway?

And the amount of blur and other visual effects is just overwhelming. I don't know if it's just me but I don't really experience that kind of effects in my life too much. They look just too plastic and unrealistic. I can't understand why they have to use them so much in almost all next-gen games... Maybe it's because they can?

I don't really like the look they are having at all. To me it just seems to be a bit out of place. The graphics of FO1/2 were great because they left some space for imagination ;D

All the information about the game coming out makes me like it less and less. But I guess there is nothing we can do really except not buy the game :\
All the information about the game coming out makes me like it less and less. But I guess there is nothing we can do really except not buy the game :\

Unfortunatelly, yes. Because Bethesda devs are just too stupid and full of shit to acept and regard any criticism on their work. What we see is what we get, regardless of how vocal anyone is about the...wrongness of fucking everything.
The 1,2 and 4th screens, along with some comment from a review "I didn't know there were so many shades of brown!"(I don't remember where it's from) is perfect this.

Ignoring the amazingly shitty board I liked the 3rd one, tho'.
@ Neamos
that comic strip perfectly fits the bitchsoft way of thinking! nice found! :)

@orcs..i mean muties
that pic which The Dutch Ghost posted is very reminiscent of that orc on the cover of "dark messiah of migh and magic".
Black said:
It's like a plague. Is it some desase that causes people to talk total bullshit and then to try to defend themselves with stupid and lame 'it's just my opinion'?
How would that look in real-life, you come up to a group of unfriendly looking skinheads, say "your mother is ugly and fat", they reach for their guns/knives and then you quickly add "but that's only my opinion!" and they start laughing and everyone lives happily ever after?
Hahaha! I was content to not say anything but seriously, you want to compare yourself to skinheads?

Don't fuck with NMA man, we'll cut a VAULT BOY in to your forehead and curbstomp you! We're also an open and inviting forum to discuss Fallout, come on down!

Edit: Oh yeah, and on the topic of attacking people for saying they're a Fallout fan, people might be fans of Fallout for different reasons. You might get an erection thinking about GURPS and an attempt to make a computer paper and pencil RPG, they might get an erection thinking about how fun it was attacking the military base with the BoS. I would say that both can make a person a fan, just that their enjoyment might differ.
but seriously, you want to compare yourself to skinheads?

Don't fuck with NMA man, we'll cut a VAULT BOY in to your forehead and curbstomp you! We're also an open and inviting forum to discuss Fallout, come on down!
I don't believe it was that poster's intention to actually compare NMA to skinheads, but merely chose that particular metaphor because a group of skinheads are a bit more effective at making the point than, say, a group of nerdy, well-educated college students would have been. More likely you decided to interpret it that way because it was a convenient base upon which to build a nice straw-man for you to wail away on.

I could be wrong though.
Barrett said:
@orcs..i mean muties
that pic which The Dutch Ghost posted is very reminiscent of that orc on the cover of "dark messiah of migh and magic".
:clap: hahahahahaha

damn it man ! thats a nice found ...i was asking myself "where have i seen such an armour ...was it a game or a film ? "
Kyuu said:
but seriously, you want to compare yourself to skinheads?

Don't fuck with NMA man, we'll cut a VAULT BOY in to your forehead and curbstomp you! We're also an open and inviting forum to discuss Fallout, come on down!
I don't believe it was that poster's intention to actually compare NMA to skinheads. More likely you decided to interpret it that way because it was convenient for you to build a nice straw-man out of for you to wail away on.

I could be wrong though.
He was saying that the guy was defending himself due to flames with saying it was just his opinion (With the line "Is it some desase that causes people to talk total bullshit and then to try to defend themselves with stupid and lame 'it's just my opinion'?"), then he compared it to insulting skinheads, and when they act hostile, say it was just your opinion (With the line "How would that look in real-life, you come up to a group of unfriendly looking skinheads, say "your mother is ugly and fat", they reach for their guns/knives and then you quickly add "but that's only my opinion!" and they start laughing and everyone lives happily ever after?"). Seemed like he was comparing NMA to skinheads to me. Or maybe I am twirling my mustache over my incredibly clever plan to drive NMA into chaos by laughing at a perceived silly comparison.

Also, more fucking straw men. If someone's careless with a match they'll burn the whole forum down.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Or maybe I am twirling my mustache over my incredibly clever plan to drive NMA into chaos by laughing at a perceived silly comparison.
Nah, I wouldn't say that. I never got the impression of clever.

In any case, I fail to see how any of what you just said clears anything up. It still seems far more likely that skinheads were chosen in order to emphasize the point being made, rather than being meant to actually imply that posting on the NMA forums is akin to talking to a group of skinheads. We'll have to ask the poster to know for sure, I suppose.
Also, more fucking straw men. If someone's careless with a match they'll burn the whole forum down.
*shrugs* People should stop making that basic argumentative fallacy then.
Kyuu said:
In any case, I fail to see how any of what you just said clears anything up. It still seems far more likely that skinheads were chosen in order to emphasize the point being made, rather than being meant to actually imply that posting on the NMA forums is akin to talking to a group of skinheads.
Which is why Jiggly called it a comparison, not an equation.

Kyuu said:
*shrugs* People should stop making that basic argumentative fallacy then.
That wasn't a straw man.
pnutz said:
I like the armor from afar, but when you get close you can clearly see the Oblivion armor-attaching system at work. Fucking pauldrons, leggings and all. It's the worst in that guy with no helmet.

Well, part of the problem is that once you move into first person 3D where you're going to see the armour close up and moving, you need to have some sort of realistic articulation and construction. Otherwise, you run the risk of ending up with Spacemarines or Unreal armour, which just couldn't work in reality.

The reason that pauldrons exist is because that is the only way to put oversized plate armour onto a shoulder, given that the plates can't move through the shoulder, and that real shoulders are articulated at the joint, rather than somewhere in the middle of the back (as is sometimes portrayed with futuristic armour).

I quite like the armour myself, but they definitely need to give it a new model number. I'm playing Fallout 2 at the moment, and the Advanced Power Armour really is a bit of a travesty. Of course, I still use it, but it is wrong.