'New' Fallout 3 screenshots

Sander said:
Which is why Jiggly called it a comparison, not an equation.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Hahaha! I was content to not say anything but seriously, you want to compare yourself to skinheads?

Don't fuck with NMA man, we'll cut a VAULT BOY in to your forehead and curbstomp you! We're also an open and inviting forum to discuss Fallout, come on down!
Whatever term he used, it looks to me like his intent was to insinuate that Black was equating himself and the NMA forums in general with skinheads.

Sander said:
That wasn't a straw man.
Wikipedia said:
To "set up a straw man" or "set up a straw man argument" is to create a position that is easy to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent.
I dunno, it seemed to me that Jiggly was deciding to take the position that the comparison was meant to be taken literally, which of course makes the whole thing easy to refute and ridicule, because obviously there's little to be taken seriously about any suggestion that posting on the NMA forums is akin to talking to a group of skinheads. Or in other words, he created a position (posting on the NMA forums is akin to talking to a group of skinheads), then attributed that position to Black, even though it seems more likely that the comparison was not meant to be taken that way.

Like I said originally though, I could be wrong, as I'm obviously basing my argument on my interpretation of Black's intent, which only Black himself actually knows. So this line of argumentation is ultimately fruitless.

Edit: Come now Morbus, FO3 doesn't look that similar to Gears of War. After all, Gears didn't have any yellow-skinned orcs in plate mail or nuclear catapults, right?
Kyuu said:
Whatever term he used, it looks to me like his intent was to insinuate that Black was equating himself and the NMA forums in general with skinheads.
No, he merely pointed that the comparison was weird and badly chosen. He never actually claimed, anywhere, that the poster was wrong in his essential point, which also makes it *not a straw man*.