Vault Dweller

IIRC, not even a third of the player base are on the PC though. So why would the console players be using mods as an argument in favour of Bethesda?I wonder why gamers now expect modders to fix the flaws in so called AAA titles when the developers themselves show a lack of interest in doing so.
Don't modders in general want to add to games rather than fixing the flaws that damages the initial gameplay session?
I fear there may come a time that when a new game is released that buyers will actually have to wait until the modders are done with modifying its content before they can finally start playing their new game. And it will be considered normal by game publishers.
It's not all gamers, it's pretty much just Bethesda' games. People are so used to modders fixing their games that they believe that modding is part of the developer's plan.
Because the most vocal part of the community is online most likely playing the games on a PC. The other part of the community that has been wanting mods will now get that so they can parrot it even more.
I got a good chuckle out of that one. (I'd use a .50 round. Tends to make bodies fly and bounce quite nice.)