New Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

Brother None said:

looks better, but still doesnt look like the F1/2 SM.

Khan FurSainty said:
For a moment there i thought that was Shrek.

Me too
Wretched Flamingo said:
So what if they use their engine? What's the matter Warsaw? You didn't want to see another fallout? Would you rather cry and balk if the would of, should of could of been? It's the past.

Considering he was just adressing a remark on why the texture-LOD problems, which are indeed typical of Bethesda's Gamebryo, that was one irrelevant tangent?

Or are you joking? I can never tell. Your sig seems to be a joke. 4th place baby!
I hope we`ll get more of "special" SM`s. Then I`m certain that their faces will look different and will have cancerous growths etc.
let's compare


it looks like the skin texture isn't quite finished. looks like it's just a solid color with bump mapping
Wretched Flamingo said:
So what if they use their engine? What's the matter Warsaw? You didn't want to see another fallout? Would you rather cry and balk if the would of, should of could of been? It's the past.

I don’t want to answer for Warsaw’s sake [he/she mentioned only anytime-piece-of-crap engine], but many of us actually would like that: no more fallout games.

After what they did with Beth’s F3 [it all started with same screens, with very little talk about the essence of the game, and very same hype progression as this], especially after that “aliens” DLC abomination, fallout should be buried as a truly defiled IP franchise, never to be mentioned again. If you cared about that kind of stuff that is, of course…

But people are cursed [and don't care], so there will be many more fallout games, I’m sure.
Happy days, soon, there will be another one!


p.s. Looking at these screens, I have same feeling as I had looking at original Beth’s F3 screenshots– emptiness of space where you shoot/hit/smash … things…
bhlaab said:
let's compare


it looks like the skin texture isn't quite finished. looks like it's just a solid color with bump mapping

I like the FO:NV version better. It might be less detailed, but feels infinitely more natural and soft.
bhlaab said:
let's compare


it looks like the skin texture isn't quite finished. looks like it's just a solid color with bump mapping

At least F:NV SM doesn't look like over-excited

They look waaaaay better now. Just the mouth alone is a huge imprvement.

Brother None said:
With some luck the Behemoths are out too.

Since there aren't East Coast SMs in the game in theory there shouldn't be any of them.
Wretched Flamingo said:
So what if they use their engine? What's the matter Warsaw? You didn't want to see another fallout? Would you rather cry and balk if the would of, should of could of been? It's the past.

The engine is old and and has a lot of graphical problems (giant missing pieces of land, stretching models, and flying lasers). Now, if you know anything about either company, you'd know glitches aren't really a surprise. The engine does what they need, but god damn if it doesn't need a revamping.

Not really sure how you went that way with my comment.
West coast super mutants don't grow up to become behemoths, so there shouldn't be any.
The good about that SM in progress is that its aim is to look as close to the original as possible, and not as appealing to potential gamers as possible. This means it has much more potential than the F:NV mutant.
OakTable said:
And thus another thread is derailed by Vault Boy and his Abortion Techniques.

It actually made me go through that thread again 8-)

Also, still waiting for the SM to be hunchbacked.
I doubt we'll see any major changes to the Fallout 3 model apart from texture and stuff like the goggles. So not much of a chance of them becoming hunched.
No chance of seeing hunched SMs. That'd require making a new skeleton and animation set. Not happening.

Ausir said:
West coast super mutants don't grow up to become behemoths, so there shouldn't be any.

Logically, no.

On the other hand: Bethesda thinks Behemoths are kewl. And it'd be a waste of a model. They should at least shove one in as a superduper special encounter. Otherwise they'd hurt Todd's feelings.