New Fallout screenshots, anyone?

I don't *think* they're FOBOS screens, since the date reads three months ago and there's a general shortage of thongs.

So, one might with ground assume they are indeed FO3 pre-alpha screenshots. They don't look good now, but no pre-alpha screenshots ever do. All they tell us, is that it'd be in 3D and apparently not all that isometric - thing that don't really come to a suprise to any of us, I think.

Yet, I'd hold the cannons for a while, until we see more of this. This is just engine work - has not much to do with gameplay and story, yet.
But theyve been making the pretty skins for TESIV for years............ these are just the FO skins theyve thrown together so far for their actionRPG FO3.
READ what Jebus and myslef said.

So it looks alike, so what. Its not the same thing.

Face it, FO3=POS2 wanabe
Has nobody even considered the fact that this might be Gamespot fucking up and being all mistaken? You're all appearing incredibly naive and generally gamespy-forums-ish.
Yes, I have.

However those screenies look BETTER than POS did, so Im convenced its a differnt game or POS2 screenies that got leaked.
Baboon said:
Has nobody even considered the fact that this might be Gamespot fucking up and being all mistaken?.

Yeah! You people who are saying Gamespot posted FOPOS pics under a Fo3 heading, can't you even acknowledge the possibility that Gamespot made some kind of mistake of some sort although I don't know exactly which sort that would be?
Fopos doesn't look any worse than those pics, its all a matter of zoom.

When you zoom in with the Fopos engine this is what you get.


Half zoom

easily comparable to the ones posted in the beginning of this thread

EDIT: Doesn't this look familliar? Lol...
But the POS engine ISNT zoomed in.

Plus the POS engine hasnt been used in over a year, those screencaps are from the end of last year.
I've compared the screenshits between those they had for the XBOX or PS2 screenshit galleries. I really didn't find any matches.

I really think those were pics that Interplay gave them regarding pre-release F:POS2 hype, and GameSpot just renamed the F:POS2 page.
I hope youre right Rosh......... but that still doesnt excuse the ActionRPG catagory for the unnamed BethesdaFO3........

<a href=> Seems the TES fourms have a topic on this too</a>
Roshambo said:
I've compared the screenshits between those they had for the XBOX or PS2 screenshit galleries. I really didn't find any matches.

I really think those were pics that Interplay gave them regarding pre-release F:POS2 hype, and GameSpot just renamed the F:POS2 page.

Yep, that`s what i was going to say. Relax people, i`ve mailed someone at Gamestop anyway just to be sure, i`ll have a reply tomorrow or so.
Roshambo said:
I've compared the screenshits between those they had for the XBOX or PS2 screenshit galleries. I really didn't find any matches.

I really think those were pics that Interplay gave them regarding pre-release F:POS2 hype, and GameSpot just renamed the F:POS2 page.

Can't argue with Rosh, but it's the "Publisher: Bethesda" that freaks us out...

If there was supposed to be an FOPOS 2 it'd be Interplay's shit, wouldn't it?
Oh my God, you're all morons. It's NOT FO3, it's just Gamespot fucking up. They thought "hey, let's try to find some screens" and then googled "Fallout 3". Remember, for idiot newbs who are new to teh n3t, Fallout 3 = FOPOS, hence the mistake. You want this signed and approved by Bethesda, or are you considering doing some thinking on your own?
Besides, why would Bethesda purchase the licence in order to produce a sequel to a game which was a terrible failure?

That any of you took this seriously dissapoints me.
PsychoSniper said:
but that still doesnt excuse the ActionRPG catagory for the unnamed BethesdaFO3........

GameSpot apparently didn't bother to change that, either, or knew exactly what kind of genre to define it as since Bethesda was developing it.

Of course, the latter would be some kind of miracle for GameSpot given how much they lapped up F:POS.