New Fallout screenshots, anyone?

Well I WAS right in my first post here then..........

I actualy feel sorrt for bethesda... being unfairly associated with that game.
Bethesda is so full of BS. They act like they can't reveal information about their product until they are finished, because things might change.

Yea right.

What about whether the game is Turnbased or Realtime?

Games are usually done before they are programmed. Decision and design rarely get changed once programming begins, unless you've got like 5 years to finish a game.

Yea, you can spend a full day deciding whether or not to make a game realtime or turnbased game. But you cannot have programmers spend 6 months to a year programming a real time or turn-based game, and then tell them to switch to the other.

They don't want to release information because it will damage their company name and lower the sale of the product. How do I know this? Because there's no chance in hell that a greedy-ass company like Bethesda is going to make Fallout 3 Turnbased. Sorry, I can't even entertain the idea in my mind, until I read it from them.


I will BET MY LIFE. That when they are making decisions on the Fallout game. They are not looking at the forums, they aren't even thinking about "what type of game I would enjoy?"

They aren't thinking anything.

They are looking at pages of numbers and statistics. This is how they are making their decisions. Player-Input is a thing of the past.

If Bethesda wants to prove that they aren't a greedy company, this game will be turnbased. It's Fallout. To make it any other way is just selfish.

I mean this isn't fucking Mario Kart. People actually care what changes are made to this game.

I'm just so sick of Bethesda's silence. Sorry for the rant.
Christ, I'm glad I missed this whole outburst yesterday. :roll: Ya'll should relax a bit or something. :)
Lost Metal said:
They are looking at pages of numbers and statistics. This is how they are making their decisions. Player-Input is a thing of the past.
So... should I even ask what these mythical pages of numbers and statistics are?
BTW, I'm sure that Bethesda will do a very very very good game with a perfect ambientation, and technologically advanced (just look at Oblivion engine). That shitty screenshots are just POS2 crap 4 sure...
I doubt that they will do a good FO3.
Troika would have done it ALOT better (they even got quite a few of the original developers on their team aswell)...
Per said:
Do take a few seconds to actually count the number of people who went "these are without a doubt Fo3 images from Bethesda".

Yeah people, it was jus psychosniper being a moron, but that's a given.
By numbers and statistics, I basically meant "what sells."

It obvious Fallout 1&2 didn't sell as much copies as things like Halo or Half life. But that doesn't mean a realtime Fallout will sell like a Halo or Half life, either. FOPOS showed that.

I'm just praying that its a turnbased game. Even if they went with a full 3d first person/3rd person game world. I'd still buy it if it were turnbased.

It's a strategy game, gotta make the right decisions to ensure you and your parties survival. Now imagine instead of being able to thoroughly think on those decisions. You have to make split instant decisions, over and over again. Throughout the whole game.

I can't even imagine trying to stimpack multiple wounded party members in realtime. How will it work?
Saying that they don`t read what the fans say, or try to know more about the previous games is unfair. They do, they even come here quite often. Now will they take our hints and make a reasonable interpretation of the setting and mechanics and put it in their Fallout games? Welll that i don´t know, they can screw with them, only time will tell, but still saying that they don`t care at all about us is overstretching things a bit too far.
Per said:
Do take a few seconds to actually count the number of people who went "these are without a doubt Fo3 images from Bethesda". This return barrage of yours mostly serves to fuel the "all Fallout fans go ape at the drop of a hat" myth, which I don't think we need.

*scratches head*

Wouldn't Fallout fans instructing other Fallout Fans not to act like idiots reinforce the idea that Fallout Fans are Fallout Fans?

But sure, image, righto guvna.
These are not Fallout 3 screens. I'm pretty sure they're screens from FOBOS, but I'm not sure as I don't know where they came from.

No, I don't know why GameSpot posted these as PS2 Fallout (working title) screens.

No, I don't know why our name is associated with them.

No, I am not quitting, I'm hiring help.

I think that should cover it.
Thank god.

But no offence to you Bethesda, I still think Troika can do the FO games alot better than you will manage to do.

Hmm... the screens are still online. I have lost any kind of respect I had for GameSpot.

Really, someone should sue them for this shit!
Lost Metal said:
I will BET MY LIFE. That when they are making decisions on the Fallout game. They are not looking at the forums...

After reading all of that, I don't think I would listen to you for input either.
Hey Pete, I still don't love you, but you got a few points in my book.

And don't pay heed for the troika fanboys, not all of us think like that.
And even the Troika fanbois will eventualy realize that y'all stole the franchise fair and square, and youre gona make it one way or another.