New Layout/Design

Does anyone know the publishing date of Fallout 1?
I got an Idea...:
In "Fallout's Birthday" you could reverse the layout to the first layout used here in NMA... that would be amazing!
""The Media is the Message""

""The Media is the Message""

... grey, green and brown ....

...those of you that still see pink (which there isn't...I dunno where you guys are seeing it), ...

Maybe, it's a unique form of color blindness that's chromatically mixing the scintillating monitor pixels, and mind's eye is sensing wave lengths that aren't 'really' there.

Maybe, the monitor isn't synchronized to the proper frequencies and the subliminal messages are bleeding through.

Odin said:
Oh and there is a minor bug with the menu/ads, some ads make it so that the menu goes behind the ad.. I'm looking at finding a fix for that, in the meantime just refresh..
Nope. Still happens with every ad I get. :( You might want/have to put the ad in its own band above the menu and drop the rest of the site down below the ad.

I don't think the design is significantly different from its predecessor, but you have my respect for actually being able to put up a new design in a week. :P
new layout

it looks o'kay 'cept it is bloody silly to have a LARGE MUTANT as the main graphic element of NO MUTANTS ALLOWED site. it looks more like "only mutants allowed".
cloot AKA PiP said:
it looks o'kay 'cept it is bloody silly to have a LARGE MUTANT as the main graphic element of NO MUTANTS ALLOWED site. it looks more like "only mutants allowed".
Alas, from the mutant's point of view, you're the one that's abnormal ;)
Re: new layout

cloot AKA PiP said:
it looks o'kay 'cept it is bloody silly to have a LARGE MUTANT as the main graphic element of NO MUTANTS ALLOWED site. it looks more like "only mutants allowed".

Yeh, well, we kinda had to change our no mutants allowed policy when they suddenly turned fluffy nice in Fallout 2

Kharn said:
That's what they want you to think. They're evil, I tell you! EVIL!

And you've obviously never had one score two 80-point criticals in a row at you from a laser rifle against an APA :) Life's cruel...
Re: new layout

cloot AKA PiP said:
it looks o'kay 'cept it is bloody silly to have a LARGE MUTANT as the main graphic element of NO MUTANTS ALLOWED site. it looks more like "only mutants allowed".

Hence the reason I posted in this very thread that I was thinking about putting in the red circle with the slash over Marcus's head.. Ie no mutants allowed....

Re: new layout

Odin said:
cloot AKA PiP said:
it looks o'kay 'cept it is bloody silly to have a LARGE MUTANT as the main graphic element of NO MUTANTS ALLOWED site. it looks more like "only mutants allowed".

Hence the reason I posted in this very thread that I was thinking about putting in the red circle with the slash over Marcus's head.. Ie no mutants allowed....


How about a tiny pipboy head at the very top left corner instead of the red circle with the slash through it?
quietfanatic said:
This new layout looks good to me, but how long will it last? Constantly mutating layouts are positive IMHO.

We'll see, the times are changing and thus the site needs to change a little..
I am actually in the progress of a total redesigning/rewriting the entire site, which will easen the changing of layout/design later on and also speed up loading times etc..etc...
Re: new layout

Odin said:
cloot AKA PiP said:
it looks o'kay 'cept it is bloody silly to have a LARGE MUTANT as the main graphic element of NO MUTANTS ALLOWED site. it looks more like "only mutants allowed".

Hence the reason I posted in this very thread that I was thinking about putting in the red circle with the slash over Marcus's head.. Ie no mutants allowed....

sorry, I obviously didn't take the time to read through it..
about that idea of yours: it would certainly have the "no mutants allowed" effect, which is good, while it could spoil the graphics altogether, which is obviously bad.
Actually I don't know what woulld be the best way out of this difficulty. Perhaps replace Marcus with some BOS member?

@Kharn: making mutants "fluffy nice" was a silly idea in F2. Anyway, even if u make these "nice mutants" the point of reference for your reasoning about this site layout/idea/etc, Why would you have "NO mutats allowed" as the site's titile? C'mon Kharn, I know you are a man of intelligence <seriously>, you see all that would amount to a proposition like: "since mutants are nice in Fo2 we have a MUTANT as the logo of NO MUTANTS allowed site" ...
I personally think the Red Cross Out sign over the mutant would ruin the ambiance of the place and inappropriately conflict with the decor. I'd instead recommend a more subtle, suggestive design built to accomodate the more intellectual site visitors. As the site is called "No Mutants Allowed", it would be easy to live up to this by simple not having any mutants or references to Mutants on the site at all.

By removing such references, one would understand that truly, no mutants are allowed as even the mere mention of said beings is not tolerated. Besides, Mutants are just bad Feng Shui.
DarkUnderlord said:
the Red Cross Out sign over the mutant would ruin the ambiance of the place and inappropriately conflict with the decor.
that was exactly one of my points, I just don't sound so sophisticated, since I'm just a stupid Pole.
Moved the ad to the top for now (begone tho foul creature)..

Well the red cross could fit into the ambience and decor, it all depends on how well done the red cross is.. I'm not talking about just a red dash over it and such.. But something that is well drawn..