New poll

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Our "What would you really hate to see in Fallout 3?"-poll is done, with these results; a lack of the feel of the original games leads with 34.98%, followed by 1st person perspective at 27.21%. Next are Real-time combat (15.60%), Topical Dialogue (Morrowind-style) (11.75%), Turn-based combat (2.55%), Isometric perspective (2.34%), Real-time/turn-based hybrid (2.29%), Multi-player (2.28%), Branching dialogue (Fallout-style) (.99%).

To cut it down, 35% care most about the atmosphere and setting of the game rather than its mechanics, 60% are against destroying mechanics from the original games and replacing them with new things, 5% are against keeping the mechanics of the old games. The biggest surprise was the general acceptance of Multi-player, long since considered a foe of all things Fallout.

Our new poll is a copy of one that just closed at RPGDot; "Now that Bethesda's Oblivion is out, how do you feel about Fallout 3?" RPGDot itself had the following results:<blockquote>It's hard to interpret the movement of the results (although the pattern might be different because I let it run too long). So, 32% are optimistic followed by 18% who think it will suck, 17% think it will rock, 16% unsure and 15% pessimistic. Breaking that down into broad groups, 50% are positive and around 34% negative (rest unsure).</blockquote>I've added the options "Haven't played Oblivion" and "Oblivion and Fallout 3 are unrelated" for fairness' sake. I'm curious to see if our results will match those of RPGDot.
I voted that it will suck.

Bethesda will want to repeat the formula of Oblivion for F3. Sure the setting will be different and to capture the feel of the predecessors it should also have different gameplay, but I doubt they'd take that risk.

The Vault Dweller
Sad thing is such a game would probably fly off the shelves and garner lots of "critical accalim" just like Oblivion.
I'm pretty certain it will suck. Not because it will be Oblivion with guns (which isn't a very likely prospect anyway), but for the same reason Oblivion sucks compared to Daggerfall - because people who currently make the calls at Bethesda are idiots. Unless Todd Howard and his merry band of yes-men magically get a clue about CRPG design overnight, Fallout 3 is fucked.
It will suck.They surelly gonna do something like oblivion only with the post feel but oblivions world felt so fucked up.I mean the radiant ai is crap, i stole one guys entire posesions and i didnt got any respone he didnt even tried to restock i mean its understandable to run a shop without menchardice.And another thing like the shedules of the npc are they get up go out stare at a wall then go to antoher place and stare at something. In the end the world of oblivion feels so lonely and unrealistic that you dont see any point of playing it anymore.
Personally I voted for "no relation". A coin-flip between that and "I haven't played Oblivion".

It's a bit dishonest to go all crystal ball without having touched Oblivion, y'know.

Saying it will be Oblivion with guns is roughly all kinds of wrong.

Ratty's fears are more grounded. The simple question is do the current Bethesda employees have the talent and true grit to make a worthy Fallout.

I think so. If they dodge the hype and prevent getting too distracted by console-shit, they might well pull off a sequel more faithful than Fallout 2 was, at least setting-wise. Why not?
Todd is the Executive Producer of Fallout 3, which is the same position he held on Oblivion. From what I could gather from interviews and forum posts, most of the Oblivion crew will be working on Fallout 3. The outlook is rather bleak.
I was really suprised to see that it is leading by a strong majority right off the bat that most people see no similarities between Oblivion and F3, even though they are made by the same company, people, etc etc etc.

I know it wont look 100% the same.... it will probably be a bit deeper then Oblivion with guns (though I'm not ruling that out) but I think the world will be mainly the same way, the 1st person view and engine wise anyways.

I love Fallout, so obviously I bought their games to get a feeling of what is coming for F3... I think there is a whole lot to see from the way they do their games. The first set of elderscrolls, amazing, then it just kinda goes down a slope... kinda like Fallout did in interplay wandering more away from their motto "For Gamers by Gamers" to "For da money, by da money", aka whatever will sell the most wins. I think whatever sells the most will win in this case also.

I am still kinda in the opinion and honestly feel that Fallout is dead, (as the idea's and dreams behind it are gone, from the dev's making it now anyways) and these sick people are just having mourge parties with its corpse. F2 was its death for me, after that it just wasnt really Fallout anymore to me (and even F2 was far off but a hella lot closer than F3 will be I believe)

Btw... I voted It'll suck. I wonder if all the people that say there is nothing to do with the 2 have even played morrowind or oblivion... mabey that itself has somthing to do with it. I hadnt till about 2 months ago... and wouldnt if they hadnt been developing Fallout3.
Why do i have a feeling you guys forgot yet again to setup the poll filters, since they go to the default setting everytime there's a new poll, making it possible to vote many times? Hmmm
I'm between pessimistic and it'll suck, not because I think that FO3 won't be true to it's RPG roots (I know it won't be) but because Bethesda can't make a good game, period. Oblivion has so many cut corners, poor design decisions and simplifications to appeal to the console trash to be considered a good game regardless of the issue whether it's an RPG or not.
I think there should be a poll mabey titled "Have you played any of Beth's other games in preperation for F3?"

I, personaly, think that rightt here has a whole lot to do with your opinion on them... It changed for me, instead of being optimistic for the future as I was pre-playing thier games... I now think it will sux. It wont really be F3, but a post-apoc RPG in firstperson view with the title of F3... if you get what I'm saying.

EDIT: just remembered DAC is running a poll like this...
i'm pretty pessimistic. there might be a ray of hope, but i doubt it. The Empty Scrolls: Oblivious pretty much showed their mentality towards what they call 'modern groundbreaking RPGs'.

i don't see why they wouldn't do to FO what they did to TES. it's a "winning formula"...



*wipes the puke off his chin & beard and goes back to play FO1 as if it was winter 1997!*
Kharn said:
Ratty's fears are more grounded. The simple question is do the current Bethesda employees have the talent and true grit to make a worthy Fallout.

I think so. If they dodge the hype and prevent getting too distracted by console-shit, they might well pull off a sequel more faithful than Fallout 2 was, at least setting-wise. Why not?

And then, like, Paris Hilton will stop being a slutty, spoiled attention whore and become a productive person in society. What? It's about as likely.

Or an even better metaphor - it's like expecting a slutty, spoiled attention whore who hasn't even tried to do anything decent with her life to play a decent Mother Teresa.

We'd have to see the following people do the same.

A Producer and Lead Designer who went into BioWare levels of hype, for everyone to find out that the much vaunted Radiant AI is a load of shit, the game balance is a load of shit, and if you mistakently try to play the game without any major combat skills like you can in Fallout and Arcanum, YOU ARE FUCKED. Some RPG. Then suddenly these guys want us to believe they can suddenly pop a real CRPG, complete with all these things they can't be arsed to put into their own title that they call a CRPG, and when Ken Rolston appears to be more like Raph Koster than anyone at BioWare, clean out of their ass.

A PR and marketing department that appears wholly clueless a la Chuck Cuevas.

A coding team that appears too incompetent to fix a skill equasion, and instead "fixes" this bug by removing all but a few skill rewards, then decides the game is ready to ship for console. Probably MrSmileyFaceDude's fault on that one.

A design team that uses the scaling system as a lazy fix for some craptacular design problems from Morrowind, and then forgets to scale everything properly, meaning that the scaling system was not thoroughly designed properly and tested to any significant degree. A design team that has yawn quests as the rule, not the exception, which seems to follow suit with the rest of their design. A design team that seemed to rely on the Radiant AI acting like a crutch for them to not bother doing a fucking thing noteworthy except that it is shiny for the cattle to moo at.

An art team that, when given the opportunity to do art that would allow for more beast types to fill in the laughable level scaling system, would rather render minotaur testicles. Expect another Betty Page rip.

A QA team that can't find shit for bugs and obviously weren't worth the donuts used to bribe the homeless schmucks into the Bethesda offices. It is obvious none of them have ever touched a game from the same genre before, probably haven't played many games worth noting yet these people answered Bethesda's advertisement for "Want to be paid to play games?", and probably had to be taught multiple times how to properly use the "foot pedal".

The entire team, for focusing more on seeing if they can dig out more money from their customers before they make sure the game is even decently complete, QA'd, or like a proper PC release.

Lessons learned from Morrowind: None.
Likelihood of them learning from Oblivion: Even more remote.
Chance of them developing a decent Fallout 3: Fucked.
well, look on the bright side Rosh...

they haven't pulled the "omigawd, hot chick"-card yet.
(simply because they were too incompetent to make decent faces... you'd need a mod to automatically put a paper bag over all shemale heads to be able to enjoy any of it.)
SuAside said:
well, look on the bright side Rosh...

they haven't pulled the "omigawd, hot chick"-card yet.


(simply because they were too incompetent to make decent faces... you'd need a mod to automatically put a paper bag over all shemale heads to be able to enjoy any of it.)

I probably shouldn't be passing this out around yet, I don't know if it's okay with, fuck him.

Here's a Fallout 3 promo shot in the works:


EDIT: And I had to dig into the archives for this one, but here's the marketing department's planned media reception of this:

Bethesda definitely has the ability to create a great setting. Reading my Guide to the Empire, I was enthralled by the descriptions of Tamriel's races, history, and geography.

Of course, all the coolest stuff, like the Sloads and Black Marsh aren't an actual part of Cyrodiil, and any meaningful cultural interaction went down the shitter when I was cock-slapped by NPCs that didn't seem to care at all that I was a Dunmer or Breton.

That's one example, of course, and I feel that others have already been pretty well summed-up. So not only are they incapable of creating a good game based on their own property, they're trying to create a game that uses a mechanic they have absolutely no experience with.
Voted pessimistic. Up until I played Oblivion I was as optimistic as anyone, but as far as RPG elements go it was even more simplified than Morrowind - a big step in the wrong direction. I liked Morrowind and Oblivion, but I don't see Bethesda's strengths being in the areas of gameplay that I'd want in Fallout 3. Since there is zero information about the game, I'll just keep it simple and say that based on Bethesda's current and previous games I don't really have any interest in Fallout 3.
And with Oblivion being such a huge hit they’re not going to go disappointing their legions of Oblivion fans wanting Oblivion with guns just to please the few (us). Yep, it's totally fucked. It's even sadder that around 95% of Bethesda's fan base probably hasn’t even played Fallout.

Then again, if Bethesda have any balls they'll realise that quality work should speak for itself, even if it isn't what the Bethesda fan'bois are expecting they may still appreciate a game in Fallout's vain if it's good.