New Van Buren screenshots

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
While we're all excited about the future and wondering what Bethesda will have for us at the upcoming E3 in July, here's a blast from the past; 10 new Van Buren screenshots:<center>

</center>I know what you're thinking, "we've seen Van Buren screenshots before! Oldhat!" I know, but if you're all good boys and girls, we might have something extra for you tonight.

Link: Van Buren screenshot gallery
*Very* interesting.
So the player was going to be able to destroy scenery elements?
I got a strange feeling though: the original Fallout graphics were neater, even with their low resolution and 256 colours palette. Is it only me?
Holy crap!

The NPC is actually giving advice to the player: "Move aside, citizen. You are in my line of fire." He's not just blasting him in the back!

Sigh... It would have been cool, I think... Well, we'll never know.
I got a strange feeling though: the original Fallout graphics were neater, even with their low resolution and 256 colours palette. Is it only me?

Nope, not only you. I find the original graphics much better than what is in those screenshots. And the 256 colors sure had a nice flavour.
But supposedly the graphics would have gotten better in the final release, and also, they did managed to keep the Fallout look by not colorizing it to much like in Tactics.

Also, those terrains near the vault door look quite close to terrible, but well, still better than NWN with its "ubermegasuper" engine.
Sirren67 said:
I got a strange feeling though: the original Fallout graphics were neater, even with their low resolution and 256 colours palette. Is it only me?

This is the pre-alpha tech demo. You can rag on the graphics, but that's kind of pointless considering the phase of development it was in.

If you want to know what it would've looked like in the end, the best comparison material might be the screenshots from Jefferson, since that was closer to finished, graphically.
So this is the "huge vault door" the PC opened at the end of the tech-demo...

I really want to play that game. Ah well.
I'm getting a bad vibe from these screens. I know they were far from finished but still...
I'm not sure Fallout even needs a 3d environment.
Awesome and sad... (although the graphic element is evidently not finished)

My dear Kharn, where have you "found" it?

It was beautiful. The grahics really kept with the fallout feel and for being in pre-alpha state, I don't think they look half bad.

I really think the game would've been great.

I'm sure I asked this last time, and I'll ask it again for good measure. Why did they hike up action points? It looks like everything just costs more and you have more, but no actual variation in usage occurs.
SimpleMinded said:
I'm sure I asked this last time, and I'll ask it again for good measure. Why did they hike up action points? It looks like everything just costs more and you have more, but no actual variation in usage occurs.

I believe Sawyer once mentioned he wanted to rebalance the action point system, mostly so that the effective difference between someone with agility of 6 or an agility of 8 wasn't so great, in combat. Part of his attempt to re-balance SPECIAL.

Not sure, though.

I can only guess that the items in the inventory are a combination of borrowed assets and some new art.
Very nice! I feel like even if the game wasn't complete, I still want to play it.

Would have been awesome.
Endless Void said:
I know it's not complete but still am I the only one getting some bad vibes from these screenshots?
No. But then, they just might not have finished "the real thing" yet and just maybe those were just placeholders. Very very poor, incredibly badly designed placeholders. Not that it really matters now.