New VB Concept Art

I remember an old story in Greek mythology about a musician who lost his lover, and while trying to retrieve her from the underworld, he broke his deal with Hades at the last second and she was gone forever.

He lived in the forests and sang a song so sad that even the most savage of beasts wept. He was a pretty handsome fellah, and the wood nymphs wanted him to freak them nasty. He was being all Emo and told them no. So, in a fit of sexual rage the nymphs tore him apart piece by piece and threw his body parts into the river.

I imagine Vault 69 ended up something like that. (69 LOL)
The recent comic Y - The Last Man is also a take on this. It's kind of post-apocalyptic in that all men in the world are mysteriously killed off except one (?) and stuff follows. It's pretty good, if somewhat highbrow and preachy (i.e. characters love to hold speeches full of Truth and Eloquence that reek of author intrusion). Little nudity.
Sounds a little like...

"A Boy and His Dog" with Don Johnson.

Similar in concept about getting "Fresh DNA" into the system.
Or all the women could've gone prison gay and milked him for his life-birthing sperm like a prize bull.

Nice depending on how they "extract" the white gold.
Nice way to screw over the children.

The next generation should have a normal sexual ratio, but they would all be half-brothers and sisters. There would soon be problems with inbreeding.

As for method, I would recommend a pump, even being male myself. The reason being that sperm can be stored until such time as the female is at her maximum fertility. It also means that if something untoward happens to the male, the most important part of his existence in the Vault would still exist.
okay, enough on vault 69, the cars picture made me think of a perfect fallout vehicle:


Anyone else feeling the love on this?
Long as it is not painted with hippy symbols, though I believe Volkswagen might have something to say about it.

Gwydion, the persistent killjoy. I meant in the sense of having it featured in the game.
Kotario said:
Gwydion, the persistent killjoy. I meant in the sense of having it featured in the game.

Yeah, because we'll all know it's a huge stretch to include a vault in a Fallout game.
Macaco said:
okay, enough on vault 69, the cars picture made me think of a perfect fallout vehicle:

Anyone else feeling the love on this?

No, too european.. Fallout is America 50ies remember..
macaco, i like it, its like the terrorists car in "back to the future 1", and in anycase it got a crude and oldie appearance enough.

vault 69 story has got resemblance to "boy and his dog" somehow but i seen too long ago to remember why :shock:

the girl is hot, chicks in the post-apoc world, sounds tasty. :D
Role-Player said:
Who says the advertisement was made by them?
What, so someone else did Vault Tec's advertising for them?

Either way, Vault Tec wouldn't have wanted a whiff of the experiment to get out.
Maybe they simply advertised that there are beautiful women in vaults, not that you'ld be the only male there.
Hory said:
Maybe they simply advertised that there are beautiful women in vaults, not that you'ld be the only male there.
True, that, Hory. :)

Ah well. It's all academic anyway.

I like the way they Chinese-water-torture us by leaking VB teasers bit by bit. Wouldn't be surprised if Herve was behind this, when he can get time out from pulling the legs off spiders. ;)
The next generation should have a normal sexual ratio, but they would all be half-brothers and sisters. There would soon be problems with inbreeding.

This is what's interesting to me. Obviously the victims of said inbreeding are going to suck up resources without giving much back to the Vault community, but not everybody who is born from inbreeding is necessarily going to be a flipper baby.

This leads to a situation where the genetically superior have the utmost value in society, and the dullards are either murdered or used for manual labor. The end result being a society that uses selective breeding to generate the most "superior" strands of genetic material.

A comical irony, I suppose, would be that the "genetically superior" are actually inbreeding themselves, as no new genetic material is coming in from outside of the vaults, so they haven't really advanced at all. It simply perpetuates the situation.
One potential workaround to the problems inherint to vault 69 would be to introduce some type of artificial genetic manipulation, in the second generation , thus creating more diversity and allowing for more viable propigation of the species.
Not necessarily If the guy manages to successfully breed with all 999 women, you have, 999 children. The male children can then breed with the original women (not their mothers) Theoretically you *may* have inbreeding issues like this *eventually* but not for dozens of generations. Chances are you may never have inbreeding problems.

If you follow your family tree far enough, you are 42nd cousins with everyone in the world.
Tempistfury said:
Not necessarily If the guy manages to successfully breed with all 999 women, you have, 999 children. The male children can then breed with the original women (not their mothers) Theoretically you *may* have inbreeding issues like this *eventually* but not for dozens of generations. Chances are you may never have inbreeding problems.

If you follow your family tree far enough, you are 42nd cousins with everyone in the world.

Hrm... I can see that working I think... I'd have to spend some time with some paper drawing it out as I'd assume the lovely vault dwellers would too. :P