New VB Concept Art

The problem is that everyone would have to focus on breeding only to make children and rise them to the age when they can reproduse before these 999 chicks get too old to give a birth to new generation.
And there would be real mess with who has to have kid with who and then with who that kid may have more kids in the future. There is also some risk: what if all children in 1st birth wave were girls ? :)
But yes, Tempistfury's idea is the best solution I guess ..... and come to think of it ..... I never thought about that possibility :P
Frog said:
The problem is that everyone would have to focus on breeding only to make children and rise them to the age when they can reproduse before these 999 chicks get too old to give a birth to new generation.
And there would be real mess with who has to have kid with who and then with who that kid may have more kids in the future. There is also some risk: what if all children in 1st birth wave were girls ? :)
But yes, Tempistfury's idea is the best solution I guess ..... and come to think of it ..... I never thought about that possibility :P

I guess we just have to hope he was in the launch group then nah? A question for that vault then would have to be whether the idea of "love" would remain after many years and the meaning of parenting. After all, it sounds like people wouldn't be able to choose their mate. Or would they live with the one they loved and just use the mate for production? Okay, I'm going to bed...
Tempistfury said:
Not necessarily If the guy manages to successfully breed with all 999 women, you have, 999 children. The male children can then breed with the original women (not their mothers) Theoretically you *may* have inbreeding issues like this *eventually* but not for dozens of generations. Chances are you may never have inbreeding problems.

If you follow your family tree far enough, you are 42nd cousins with everyone in the world.

42nd, eh? You sure about that?
Would be quite a coincidence.
Ashmo said:
42nd, eh? You sure about that?
Would be quite a coincidence.

bwahahahaha :lol:

would be a very big coincidence indeed...

for those who have no idea what we are talking about: i wont tell you :twisted:
rikus said:
vault 69 story has got resemblance to "boy and his dog" somehow but i seen too long ago to remember why :shock:

I loved that movie. In fact the solution that vault found to this problem was the..... hmmm.... Forced donation of sperm.

rikus said:
the girl is hot, chicks in the post-apoc world, sounds tasty. :D

Great ending and it makes sense. :ok: :ok:
Frog said:
There is also some risk: what if all children in 1st birth wave were girls ?

Thats statistically impossible. you'd have a chance of 0.5 to the 999th power of that happening, wich is much lower then the chance of jesus second coming happening in the next hour and being announcced by him in valve's forum using gabe newell' account.

Tempistfury said:
Not necessarily If the guy manages to successfully breed with all 999 women, you have, 999 children. The male children can then breed with the original women (not their mothers) Theoretically you *may* have inbreeding issues like this *eventually* but not for dozens of generations. Chances are you may never have inbreeding problems.

that reminded me of this OBVIOUSLY NOT SAFE FOR WORK site
Macaco said:
Frog said:
There is also some risk: what if all children in 1st birth wave were girls ?

Thats statistically impossible. you'd have a chance of 0.5 to the 999th power of that happening, wich is much lower then the chance of jesus second coming happening in the next hour and being announcced by him in valve's forum using gabe newell' account.

It's not impossible, just very very very unlikely.
I also think it is more likely than the chance of the other event you just described.

Tempistfury said:
Not necessarily If the guy manages to successfully breed with all 999 women, you have, 999 children. The male children can then breed with the original women (not their mothers) Theoretically you *may* have inbreeding issues like this *eventually* but not for dozens of generations. Chances are you may never have inbreeding problems.

that reminded me of this OBVIOUSLY NOT SAFE FOR WORK site

The page has a rather ovious disclaimer before it gets nasty.
Other than that I'd like to add that the page's layout breaks in Gecko browsers. The designer should be killed.
Kotario said:
Jesus, Ashmo, are you criticing porno websites now?

Well, I'm criticing porn as well sometimes, and I'm criticing websites a lot, so why not porn websites?

Found another website you will just die over. Lord help you if you have a 56k.

Blame my ISP, but I can't look that domainname up right now and therefore can't take a look.
Ashmo said:
Kotario said:
Jesus, Ashmo, are you criticing porno websites now?

Well, I'm criticing porn as well sometimes, and I'm criticing websites a lot, so why not porn websites?

Who cares about the design of a pRon website???? Who goes there are looking for good quality pictures, videos and "live shows". :P
Nothing compares to vi. This editor simple rulez. It can be everywhere Unix (Solaris, HPUX...), Linux, Window$, OS/2, DOS, Amiga...

Notepad? Mr.TeaTime? :shock: These tools take the fun off working. Nothing like editing XML tags using sed.
EyeMaster7 said:

Think for a minute about what you just wrote. Now, don't you feel a little dumber for actually having "gone there'? I know, I know, just use the edit button, and we can pretend it never happened.

And is it just my eyes playing tricks or was this thread derailed to html-discussion by a porn site review? If so, Let me make one last try at getting the discussion back on tracks:

"There is absolutely no chance of 999 babies being all born with the same sex, just look at any statistics book and you will see the general threshold for putting an event into the "not gonna happen" category is usually 5%, or 1 in 20, much higher than the chance of all those babies being born with the same sex (0.5 to the 998 power, or aproximately 1 in 2,67877151796566830237106262265e+300 (that number is 2.6 followed by 300 zeros, meaning its many times bigger than a billion bajjilions)"
Macaco said:
EyeMaster7 said:

Think for a minute about what you just wrote. Now, don't you feel a little dumber for actually having "gone there'? I know, I know, just use the edit button, and we can pretend it never happened.

And is it just my eyes playing tricks or was this thread derailed to html-discussion by a porn site review? If so, Let me make one last try at getting the discussion back on tracks:

"There is absolutely no chance of 999 babies being all born with the same sex, just look at any statistics book and you will see the general threshold for putting an event into the "not gonna happen" category is usually 5%, or 1 in 20, much higher than the chance of all those babies being born with the same sex (0.5 to the 998 power, or aproximately 1 in 2,67877151796566830237106262265e+300 (that number is 2.6 followed by 300 zeros, meaning its many times bigger than a billion bajjilions)"

Ze flaw in your calculations, my fellow ape, iz zat the chance iz not exactly 50%.
Ashmo said:
Ze flaw in your calculations, my fellow ape, is zat the chance is not exactly 50%.

yes, that was a simplified calculation, lemme try something a bit more developed:

- considering thw difficulties of a radiated world, even living in a vault, lets say about 30% die before/during birth, levaing us with 600 births.

- admitting a 5% rate of twins (yeah i know thats a lot, but it's good enough to acomodate an evetual triple birth) and admitting half of those are identical and half are not (that would give 30 extra children, 15 extra chances of a male (the other half are girls because their identical sisters are.)

-Saying a chance of a woman being born is 60%, due to high heat (there are people who say that increases the chances of girls being born, most people say it's crap, and the vaults would have air conditioning, but anyway)

that would lead to 0.6^615 wich is one in 3,6561077457652120514283730227446e-137 (thanks windows calculator) chance of that happening, that is, 356 followed by 135 five zeroes, wich is, plain and simple, not going to happen, ever.