New VB Concept Art

Macaco said:
Ashmo said:
Ze flaw in your calculations, my fellow ape, is zat the chance is not exactly 50%.

yes, that was a simplified calculation, lemme try something a bit more developed:

- considering thw difficulties of a radiated world, even living in a vault, lets say about 30% die before/during birth, levaing us with 600 births.

- admitting a 5% rate of twins (yeah i know thats a lot, but it's good enough to acomodate an evetual triple birth) and admitting half of those are identical and half are not (that would give 30 extra children, 15 extra chances of a male (the other half are girls because their identical sisters are.)

-Saying a chance of a woman being born is 60%, due to high heat (there are people who say that increases the chances of girls being born, most people say it's crap, and the vaults would have air conditioning, but anyway)

that would lead to 0.6^615 wich is one in 3,6561077457652120514283730227446e-137 (thanks windows calculator) chance of that happening, that is, 356 followed by 135 five zeroes, wich is, plain and simple, not going to happen, ever.

That's what they said about the Millenium Bug too!

:: thinks ::

Oh, wait...