New Vegas: Blood Ties

Brad walked into the room to see some prisoners being untied.
"Did you happen to see a motorcycle outside?" one asked?
"No, but to be fair, we haven't been exploring much. Trying to avoid getting shot by a drugged up asshole with brahmin bones on his head, you know? Why do you want a motorcycle, anyway? That's a lot of work for something that offers no protection. I mean, why not a Corvega, or a Highwayman? I did some scouting once and found a Highwayman, but I didn't have the supplies to haul it back home."
"ehmmm let's say I just prefer my bike"
Mathias quicly went for the door "did one of those guys outside have a Hunting Rifle? "
Yasmin turned on her pipboy light as well and looked at the guy eyeing off the robot. "Nope. We've checked this place out and haven't found anything. The fiends only had 10mms with them. Jake, did you have any luck?"
"Not a single cap." Jacob growled out in frustration. He threw his arms up into the air. "I came back once I realized that way was dead and heard shooting. I didn't see any fiends running with me so I'm gonna assume those bodies were it." Jacob said with a waving motion in the general direction of the corpses. "But I'm not one to give up after ten minutes of scavanging, so if Mr. Morality over there-" Jacob gestured towards Evan in a decidedly dramatic manner "- has no more people he wants rescued I'm going to go pilfer my filthy guts out." Jacob finished and quickly removed himself from the room, eager to get a head start on what it was quickly becoming clear were to be slim pickings.
"Then thanks but I need to find my stuff" Mathias went out of the romm through the door, and quickly crouched to exaine one of the Fiends that had been killed by the group, looking for some temporary replacements to his guns.

James said in a raspy voice as a Mister Gutsty cut the ropes that bound him. James was thirst his throat felt dried and cracked.

"Does anyone have any water? I don't care what kind."

When no one was forth coming James tried to walk from the room. He could barely stand on his own two feet. James stumbled into the wall and had a chance to get his bearings. These people had saved them.

"Thanks for the assist I thought I was going to die, has anyone seen my gun? It's a modified 10mm."
GU-DR floated lazily out of the room after James. The man asked if anyone had come into contact with a modified pistol, and the robot admitted it to itself that it had not seen such an item.

"I am unaware of such a weapon, though I will keep a lookout for it. I will alert the colonel to your plight."
The robot stated, then beeped when Jacob a few rooms over answered in the affirmative. "It is done." and floated off in the opposite direction of Jacob to scavenge on it's own as was standard procedure.
Pawnsy rubbed his hands together causing a noise that sounded like a mix between dry skin and raw meat. "If none of you need much help I'll be looking around as well." Pawnsy strode out of their entrance to call for Midas using a high pitched whistle,sure enough the brahmin cam trudging along with the packs on his back. "Better check Mr.Piddles...." Pawnsy said to himself as he lifted up the puppy bag. Sure enough a dark stain was there with urine continuing to leak onto Midas' back. "Fucking rat." Pawnsy opened up the bag all the way so the puppy could get out "Go find your master or a bone,something that you love." Pawnsy wiped the urine off what he could before leading Midas further into the building until they reached the large area where Evan was. Pawnsy removed his metal breastplate before heading back inside,Midas waited patiently outside his green pairs of eyes staring straight forward "Good boy" Pawnsy said before turning away and going back into the main part of the building.
Brad walked up to a dead fiend and ripped a bone off their helmet.
He tossed it across the room for the pup.

"That should keep 'em occupied."
'I don't think you folks will find anything useful here. A while ago I was interrogated by some folks who definitely were not fiends. I assume they traded them drugs for every piece of useful equipment those junkies had. Most likely they were from the same group who ambushed me'

'I have a feeling I might have been ratted out so if you folks don't mind, may I tag along?'
Brad quickly turned his head.

"They traded drugs?!? What did they look like?!?
Crandall growled in disgust as he heard the news, he was now stuck in hostile territory with simply his wits and his fists. He was never the best at unarmed during training, he knew enough to get out of the conflict and that was the extent of his knowledge there. Sufficient to say he needed to find a weapon and soon.

He walked towards the door and followed the guy who talked about scavenging the place, "I need to move around, mind if I join you?" He asks as he catches up to him, his body still sore from the sudden increase in activity.
After hearing the conversation in the other room Crandall had low hopes of finding his kit, at least here. The most he could hope for is to find it someday in a shop or from a trader. As he was looking through the room he speaks in the guy's general direction "Name's Crandall" he says in an effort to open up conversation.
'They were all wearing combat armor and assault rifles. I toldem I was on a routine patrol with NCR regulars when we got ambushed. They didn't believe my story and proceeded to rough me up a bit. I was assuming they would be back for round 2 until you folks arrived.'

'How do you know FOR SURE they traded everything for drugs?'

'Well I don't know for sure. Just assumed these guys would take advantage of addicts whenever they would run into some.'
Yasmin raised her eyebrows as the first hostage just got up and left. “You’re fucking welcome.” she yelled after him then looked at Evan. “Oh yeah, saving these guys was a great idea." she said, sarcastically, then added "At least we didn’t end up risking much.”

"Yeah, about that...Follow me." The two walked out into the hallway. Evan eyed off the puppy. “That is going to need actual food to live. Bone don’t give them more than a chew toy.” He led Yasmin back down the stairs into the big main room and looked around. “Something isn’t right. These fiends….They can’t be all that there is.”

“Ev, I know it is hard being taken in by-”

“No, literally Yas. This cannot be it. I was stuck outside the entrance, the only entrance. I saw more than just five fiends go in, and none came out without my notice. I know cause every time one would come out I’d get kicked in the guts or the face or something. There…There needs to be more somewhere.”

Yasmin nodded, listening and her eyes grew concerned. “Ok, well there is that lookout tower thing further back. It looked empty, but maybe they are there?”

Evan bit his lip, scowling. “Would they be big enough to house a lot of fiends? Would they have heard us?”

“Doubtful, but we gotta look somewhere. Should we gather more people?”

Evan shrugged. “They all seem pretty happy going off and doing whatever they like. If we are quiet, you and me can do it ourselves. Just to check it out.”

“Alright. Lead the way.”

They turned back and headed up the stairs, looking into rooms until they found one that had another door leading out of it. Going through it they found a long metal hall and started creeping down it, towards where Yasmin guessed was the tower.
"Jacob." he responded, digging through the fiends stuff. He wasn't sure what he'd find beyond a few bullets but was keeping a lookout for something to give Pawnsy for repayment for the Med-X. "I noticed you giving my robot funny looks." Jacob said as he threw aside some garbage to reveal two inhalers of jet that had not been used, which he quickly stored in a pocket under his armor.

Meanwhile, GU-DR was busy stripping the dead fiends of any valuables. Mostly taking bits and pieces of their regrettably spartan armor for use in repairs. They did however have 10mm ammo for their pistols that the colonel could use in his submachine gun, so the robot dutifully began gathering the ammo.
Mathias took the guarding Fiends 10 mm he had two of them in terrible condition, Jet inhalers were thrown aside with a , Mathias didn't used jet, it gave him terrible headaches, Mathias sat in a corner and opened the 10mm, the internal parts needed some mainentance but between the two guns there was enough material to make some basic repairs to one. He disarmed both and started making the repairs, using damaged parts as tools. Mathias was completely focused on this task not paying much attention to his surroundings. Perhaps, a very stupid mistake?
(We've killed all the fiends except for the tower, but even then we don't know if theres any in there, so Mathias is safe)

David saw the others being freed, and then went downstairs. He waited by the entrance. He had no interest in scavenging. His pistol didn't need reloading, as all the fiends were dead. He sat down and decided to sleep, having not done so for several hours.
Tom followed Jacob, "Hey i'll come with you, see if there isn anything I can patch my armour with", he shifted his glance to Crandall, "Crandall, huh? I had a friend called Crandall once, my name is Tom", Tom smirked and chuckled awkwardely.

Tom noticed a desk with drawers on the underneath, "On the other hand, there may be something in those drawers, that if i'm lucky will go for a few cap - if i'm lucky", he offered a small smile, and bounced off to the desk. He was only two steps from reaching the desk, and a sudden sharp pain stabbed at his stomach, "Ohh, fuck", he keeled over and his head hit the floor hard.

He tried to pull himself up using the desk, and his arm gave away as he fell back on the drug ridden floor, "Help 'is up anyone?", he winced as another jolt of pain shot through his organs, "Shit, that alcohol-", he glanced down at his belt, "-oh fuck, that weren't whiskey was it", he clutched his stomach as several more bursts of pain found his stomach, drowziness was starting to take his, "fuuuuck...".

His eyes shut, as he was still conscious, "My mother always told me not to drink untold substances", Tom looked towards Evan, "Bet you're finding this fucking funny".