Matt Grandstaff has been offering info in the Honest Hearts thread. On level cap:<blockquote>Each DLC will raise the level cap by 5. So including Dead Money, if you've got them all, you'll have a cap of 50.
</blockquote>If the prospect of being level 50 makes the game too easy for you.<blockquote>And for you, I have good news. If you’re concerned that the new level cap increases will make the game too easy for you, I've got a couple things to note:
1) Congratulations on being hardcore
2) Old World Blues will offer a new trait (and respec your traits if you've already chosen them) that will allow you to cap your level at 30 (or current level if you’re already over 30). </blockquote>On playing beyond the main quest.<blockquote>Unrelated, wanted to note that none of the upcoming DLCs will allow you to play beyond the main quest (for the same reasons noted by the developers prior to the game's release).
</blockquote>If the prospect of being level 50 makes the game too easy for you.<blockquote>And for you, I have good news. If you’re concerned that the new level cap increases will make the game too easy for you, I've got a couple things to note:
1) Congratulations on being hardcore
2) Old World Blues will offer a new trait (and respec your traits if you've already chosen them) that will allow you to cap your level at 30 (or current level if you’re already over 30). </blockquote>On playing beyond the main quest.<blockquote>Unrelated, wanted to note that none of the upcoming DLCs will allow you to play beyond the main quest (for the same reasons noted by the developers prior to the game's release).