New Vegas outgunning 3 in preorders; Fallout 3 sales

NiRv4n4 said:
(...)Bethesda getting the Fallout franchise was a great move(...)

To have an already (and richly) constructed mithology for a game (and therefore cut the costs and risks of creating a new, original one from scratch), to build this game as a mod to their own Oblivion game (therefore cutting on the costs greatly), and to top it off re-using key plot points of the previous games (imagining new, good, stuff is teh costly)... Sure it was. For them.

NiRv4n4 said:
(...)Most people can get past minor deficiencies in the game and see it for what it is: a game worthy of acclaim and respect.

About as worthy of acclaim and respect as mcdonald's food, soap operas and the current teenage pop-star singer X. :roll:
Ratty said:
I wonder if such good sales will persist after consumers get wind of all the bugs and badly-implemented mechanics that will no doubt plague the game. :twisted:

I thought I read somewhere that F:NV was content complete as of a couple of weeks ago. If that's the case then it should give them plenty of time for bug-hunting and what-not.

Then again, as much as I loved Alpha Protocol, there were far too many bugs in the game, especially considering it had been pushed back at least once.

But yeah, on-topic, I pre-ordered to make sure I got the CE, because I'm a sucker for a) Fallout, b) comics, and c) poker.
UncannyGarlic said:
NiRv4n4 said:
Reception to Fallout 3 was near universal in acclaim, amongst people new to Fallout, and people like me who enjoyed the first two games. In really every demographic (except perhaps the NMA community), the majority of the folks thought Fallout 3 was great.
You know

Come on, man. You can't seriously argue that fans of Fallout 3 are in the minority. It's not even worth bringing up Metacritic or something, it's just common sense.

Dionysus said:
I think Obsidian will get credit to the extent that people appreciate the writing and story. Unfortunately, a lot of critics don't seem to care about that, judging from the reaction that Alpha Protocol received.

I'm a defender of AP at my workplace, but it still took a lot of patience and gameplay headaches to get to that writing, and even then it certainly wasn't consistently good. Have you tried a James Bond-dialogue playthrough? Some of those lines are just hard to listen to.

On-topic: It's cool to see Obsidian might make back some of their AP money, providing they get royalties.
terebikun said:
Come on, man. You can't seriously argue that fans of Fallout 3 are in the minority. It's not even worth bringing up Metacritic or something, it's just common sense.
"In really every demographic (except perhaps the NMA community), the majority of the folks thought Fallout 3 was great," is too much of a stretch and metacritic's, or any other sites' for that matter, reader ratings do not represent the majority and certainly doesn't break down the ratings by demographic. That said, I'm not saying that the majority of people who bought Fallout 3 didn't like it, I'd wager that they did regardless of the lack of stats, but that doesn't mean that the majority of every demographic thought it was great.

The whole post is another, "Why don't you guys just accept that Fallout 3 is a great game that deserves all of the praise it get?" that only uses it's metacritic rating, rewards, and assumptions about it's popularity to defend it as worthy of it's "acclaim and respect."
Dionysus said:
Well if we're just talking about the pre-orders, then Bethesda probably deserves most of the credit. In terms of the reaction to the game, I think Obsidian will get credit to the extent that people appreciate the writing and story. Unfortunately, a lot of critics don't seem to care about that, judging from the reaction that Alpha Protocol received. And those critics will probably ding it for being a rehash

Beth' probably came up with much of the pre-order stuff, so yeah, they'll likely deserve that.
I'm thinking it'll be Bethesda that gets praise for the game if it's good and Obsidian takeing a pooper full of blame if something is shit.
They'll likely complain about the graphics looking old and animations being shit and laying that blame on Obsidian aswell, besides all the bugs.

I might remember it wrongly but quite a few of the e-zines praised Bethesda for the Fallout universe.

NiRv4n4 said:
Reception to Fallout 3 was near universal in acclaim, amongst people new to Fallout, and people like me who enjoyed the first two games. In really every demographic (except perhaps the NMA community), the majority of the folks thought Fallout 3 was great. These people will probably go on to buy New Vegas.

Regardless of the opinions that Fallout 3 is a travesty that betrays the previous games, it still won critical acclaim and several game of the year awards.
Fallout New Vegas, if it sticks tight to the tried and true mechanics of Fallout 3, will likely do just as well. Most people can get past minor deficiencies in the game and see it for what it is: a game worthy of acclaim and respect.

Winning GOTY awards is the same as a Special Olympics medal..
The writing in that game is retarded.

That said, Fallout 3 is'nt an entirely bad game, just a crappy Fallout-game - it was alot more enjoyable once I modded out as much of the fallout references as possible.
NiRv4n4 said:
Bethesda getting the Fallout franchise was a great move.

Reception to Fallout 3 was near universal in acclaim, amongst people new to Fallout....

In really every demographic (except perhaps the NMA community), the majority of the folks thought Fallout 3 was great. still won critical acclaim and several game of the year awards. worthy of acclaim and respect.


I'll only say this: If Bethesda Softworks had any half-decent competitors — other than BioWare, which didn't release any RPGs during 2006 (Oblivion) or 2008 (Fallout 3) — they'd be winning a lot fewer awards.

In my opinion, gamers are so friggin' starved for halfway-decent western RPGs nowadays, they'll hail anything that doesn't completely suck horse gonads as the second coming of Christ.
Why is this turning into another rehash of old debates?

Lazlo said:
Still no word on the European collector's edition?

I've been curious about that too, since I've considered ordering it.