New Vegas vs. FO3 humor

The end of the Salsaparilla quest was quite funny. :D [spoiler:8ee25818c2]I knew that the prize would have been something worthless but when Festus ended his speech I was "wait, is this it? Really?" :lol: The "Quest failed" touch was the icing on the cake. And then the nex quest started...

This and Vault11 are great examples of dark humour. :) People dedicated their whole life searching for this legendary treasure. People killed for those bottle caps. Hell, *I* killed one person for those caps. :lol: [/spoiler:8ee25818c2]
Of course, [spoiler:b7eb6fe463]it's made all the funnier when your prize is only there because the guy who got there before you managed to lock himself inside the room.[/spoiler:b7eb6fe463]
Ausdoerrt said:
He's supposed to be the son of the Mysterious Stranger.

Is he? I've suspected that because of that gun, but then again the two don't really look much alike...
When you talk to him he mentions the words "mysterious" and "stranger" in his dialogue when referring to how his father left him when he was young for unknown reasons. He also possesses the weapon, yes.
TailSwallower said:
Even though Bethesda claimed to understand the dark humour of the original Fallouts, I can't actually think of anything genuinely funny or even slightly humorous in Fallout 3.

Nothing even slightly funny in main plot, but I liked president Edens rants on radio and few thing found on computers in random locations, namely corporate HQ's, stuff like corporate security memos or Grognak text RPG. They just missed the part of getting that humor to actual game too.

They got only few detail right, big picture went to hell.
I found a good bit of New Vegas to be pretty humorous. No Bark was great, and over all the funny moments where genuinely funny.

FO3 focused on slap stick and Jack Ass style humor and none of it was funny and while they said they understood the FO style dark humor, most of it was awful with the exception of some of the radio distress signals.
One part in Fallout 3 I thought was funny was the guy in DC with the megaphone talking about getting "Blammoed!"

And Jericho telling someone who said Hello to him to "Get the fuck outta my face!" but that was a companion sandbox mod.
I'm getting a kick out of all these examples.

The funniest though is my wind-brahmin steed, it is freaking epic. Who said there were no mounts in this game?!? Worth every cap...

"Crazy? Crazy with low-prices on Wind-Brahmin! You buy one!"

Between that and the morbid humor of Vault 11, Cass and Veronica's running commentary and the numerous other well-timed jokes and Dave Effing Foley as my right-hand guy, this is the funniest fallout ever.
The one part I always laugh at is one of the mercenary gaurds for the Doctor in Novac, the old one always says,

"Between you and me, I don't think she studied at a credited institution."

I don't know why but I always find that funny.
Enclave 86 said:
The one part I always laugh at is one of the mercenary gaurds for the Doctor in Novac, the old one always says,

"Between you and me, I don't think she studied at a credited institution."

I don't know why but I always find that funny.

Her response when you say that you have an addiction is fantastic. :lol:
Enclave 86 said:
The one part I always laugh at is one of the mercenary gaurds for the Doctor in Novac, the old one always says,

"Between you and me, I don't think she studied at a credited institution."

I don't know why but I always find that funny.

Is it just me or do Dr. Ada's Mercs resemble each other? Could they be Father/Son?

willooi said:
someone like The King I didn't like at first and was sure that I'd end up fighting him but he won me over when explaining the purpose of their faction.

Same here, but he already had me when he apologized for Chaser and gave my Char his Caps back :)
Three things in the game actually made me laugh out loud. The first was when I got Veronica and I opened her inventory and she said, "You are gonna make me carry all the heavy things aren't you?" it was funny because this is exactly what I was doing. The second was the story of Vicki and Vance. And the third was the Toy Car in the place Raul was imprisoned combined with the entries on his computer about a mutant wanted him to fix his car and how he brought gas but Raul had to explain to him that it does not work like that.
A close fourth was Black Mountain Radio.
Seems like I'm missing something on Black Mountain, at least on my last playthrough the only thing I did was storm the radio tower and blast Tabitha's head off.
A few of my favorite gems

"Do I have to shoot someone? Because I really want to shoot someone"

"A woman's idle tongue is the Devil's plaything"

"Time you enjoy wasting, isn't time wasted."

That last one I found to be the most perfect excuse for sinking countless hours into FNV
Johne Wilde said:
"A woman's idle tongue is the Devil's plaything"

That reminded me of this