[New York Times, 8 minutes ago] WAR!

Yeah, war would not end well for North Korea. We would decimate them in open conflict. China also will not risk it's economic strength with war with the United States on behalf of North Korea. They have virtually nothing to gain.
Who ever wanted to lend a hand to lay the smack down on NK, honestly it would not take much. United States,South Korea, and Japan could get the job done.

Military strength wise they would get rolled. The main issue would be the retarded amount of artillery they have pointed at SK and the civilian causalities they could cause in the process.
Bal-Sagoth said:
Who ever wanted to lend a hand to lay the smack down on NK, honestly it would not take much. United States,South Korea, and Japan could get the job done.

Not without nukes. This isn't a little desert dictatorship. The US knows next to nothing about the DPRK.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
Not without nukes. This isn't a little desert dictatorship. The US knows next to nothing about the DPRK.

Yes yes, the most powerful nation in the world and it's allies know nothing about the country that can be equated as the fat bully kid who throws rocks at the popular children and hopes that instead of being smacked around the teacher will give it a treat and send it on its way out of pity.

Nukes are not needed, It would take what, a week or two? To completely decimate NK's Air Force and cripple it's shoddy infrastructure with air superiority?

Again, the issue is not what they could do to our military, they would be a massacre. It is the catastrophic collateral damage they could cause to South Korea in the process.

None of this matters, we have obligations to fulfill in Afghanistan and this little event will blow over.
Bal-Sagoth said:
Yes yes, the most powerful nation in the world and it's allies know nothing about the country that can be equated as the fat bully kid who throws rocks at the popular children and hopes that instead of being smacked around the teacher will give it a treat and send it on its way out of pity.
This simile gets so tiring.
Again, we tried to invade in the 50's and it was a stalemate, and both USSR and China joined the fight with NK. Not saying that would happen again but the worst idea on Earth would be to actually invade NK after pushing them back to the DMZ.

Which, thankfully, was the reason why US Coalition Forces simply drove Iraq military out of Kuwait and didn't actually invade Iraq.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
This simile gets so tiring.

Alright, I have a better one for you, courtesy of a very wise moderator in the Political Playground section of another forum. This was written when NK restarted it's nuclear reactors but it can just as easily be related to this event.

North Korea is that crazy hobo you keep giving cheeseburgers so he won't stab you when you walk by him. There's only a tiny chance he'd nick you with his dirty hobo razor, but you feel safer for having placated him.

The downside is if he, despite being bat**** crazy, learns that threatening people to get cheeseburgers is a great way to avoid having to provide for himself, which is pretty much what happened to North Korea.

There'll be lots of negotiations that don't involve statements like "stop building bombs and we'll feed you" but that's really what it will amount to. North Korea might have decided that getting cheeseburgers was a low-ball offer and now it wants fries and a coke too, and in a year or two they'll probably get it.

Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Again, we tried to invade in the 50's and it was a stalemate, and both USSR and China joined the fight with NK. Not saying that would happen again but the worst idea on Earth would be to actually invade NK after pushing them back to the DMZ.

The world is a very different place. Russia and China have absolutely nothing to gain by helping NK.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
Yes yes, the most powerful nation in the world and it's allies know nothing about the country that can be equated as the fat bully kid who throws rocks at the popular children and hopes that instead of being smacked around the teacher will give it a treat and send it on its way out of pity.
This simile gets so tiring.

Tired but true
The are always "provoked" this goes once again o the bully on the playground theory: "It's not my fault I made a conscious decision to throw rocks, they made me do it"
Bal-Sagoth said:
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
I think a cornered tiger is a more apt comparison.

A cornered tiger that is starving and partly crippled, sure.

thegaresexperience said:
They are always "provoked" this goes once again to the bully on the playground theory: "It's not my fault I made a conscious decision to throw rocks, they made me do it"

Both right on the money. :ok:
Westerners are so cute when they're overconfident while their walls crumble.

The DPRK is going to slap the RoK's shit. The US doesn't stand a chance, because by the time they bring out a decent military force, all of the Korean Peninsula will be the DPRK, and westernized hipsters will be hanging from lamp posts.

I couldn't imagine how badly an amphibious landing on the peninsula would go.

Quite frankly, nukes are the only option for the old man known as the West.
NK has no food, no food means they can't feed their army, which means their army is not prepared to fight = easy fight.

and we would probably primarily use air support before even beginning to consider a ground invasion.
The DPRK has been in "total war" mode since the 1950s. The army is well fed, even if the peasants aren't.

And planes won't help much when they all get shot down.