Water Chip? Been There, Done That

I keep forgetting, you are the person who started the thread about how the USSR did not lose the Afghan war, that should tell all we need to know about your logic.
The North Korea infrastructure is a wreck, starvation and human rights abuse run rampant. The NK military is severely under trained and under equipped with a consistent fear of defection from the better trained personal such as pilots. And the "better trained" part means next to nothing compared to Western standards. You can go read up on the North Korean Air Force sitation, it is a pretty hilarious situation.
They are so far behind the curb on tactics and technology compared to the West it is embarrassing to even have this conversation. Forget the notion of a ground invasion, do you have any idea how easily that country could be crippled from the Air and Sea? NK has virtually no way to defend against it, It's Navy and Airforce would be obliterated in days by even a fraction of our own.
The North Korea infrastructure is a wreck, starvation and human rights abuse run rampant. The NK military is severely under trained and under equipped with a consistent fear of defection from the better trained personal such as pilots. And the "better trained" part means next to nothing compared to Western standards. You can go read up on the North Korean Air Force sitation, it is a pretty hilarious situation.
They are so far behind the curb on tactics and technology compared to the West it is embarrassing to even have this conversation. Forget the notion of a ground invasion, do you have any idea how easily that country could be crippled from the Air and Sea? NK has virtually no way to defend against it, It's Navy and Airforce would be obliterated in days by even a fraction of our own.