[New York Times, 8 minutes ago] WAR!

Thomas de Aynesworth said:
You mean the paltry US force in the peninsula? 28,000 or so Americans?
And the South Korean force which is in general better equiped and supplied then North Korea.

Thomas de Aynesworth said:
I said that the USSR's defeat was political, and the Soviet Armed Forces was never defeated in Afghanistan.
But it wasnt a glorious victory for their "armed forces" either. So they retreated or backed up or pulled out in a heroic manner from a stalemate while their idea was to establish a working comunistic gouvernement in that area which colapsed the moment the Soviet troops left ? Kinda contradicting. But thats just me.

There is not much reason to assume that from a military point of view North Korea would have more chance against the US force then letz say either Afghanistan or the Iraq. And thats not even the question. NK is so depended on foreign supplies in food that it is ridiculous and very similar to the situation was with the Iraq before the invasion (Oil for food anyone?). I dont have the exact numbers in head but they are huge simply cause north Korea is one of those nations which spend almost most of its budged on the military including their nuclear programm which is for such a small nation extremly expensive and a very high stress to their economy. Not to mention the money which goes in to all the organisations which have no other purpose then to either keep the own population in line or control them propaganda ministeries and anything that might be comparable with the "Gestapo" if you want so. Its one of the reasons many including South Africa gave up on such programms not to mention why the apartheit never worked out in the end most of their economy for years moved in to controling their own population well the black part of it. NK would colapse in weeks maybe 1 or 2 months at max. Regardless how fanatic the population or their military might be. The nuclear bomb might posses a threat. But more for South Korea directly then for the US.

What the US cant do though and that is the point which one should not forget is to afford "another" occupation as already the forces they have now over the world are pushing their capabilities on their limits and even further. The issue is to decide what should happen after a military victory. And here I think it will not work in the end without China doing the work. They might be the only force NK would eventualy accept in their teritory without huge decades of fighting as we see right now in Afghanistan or Iraq where you face rather insurgents then real armies with uniforms, generals and some military behind them.
Crni Vuk said:
But it wasnt a glorious victory for their "armed forces" either. So they retreated or backed up or pulled out in a heroic manner from a stalemate while their idea was to establish a working comunistic gouvernement in that area which colapsed the moment the Soviet troops left ?

"Collapse immediately" is an overstatement. The Afghan democratic government was disestablished three years after the Soviet Armed Forces withdrew.

And the South Korean force which is in general better equiped and supplied then North Korea.

I have no more to say on this. The power of the DPRK is far greater than most give it credit for. Every piece of information we have on their military is mostly based on conjecture. They are a very secretive Juche state.
Wait, so your saying that they are well equipped because no one knows how well equipped they are?
So how do you know? :?
If their military forces were second rate, then action would have already been taken. The US knows it'd be another Viet Nam, except the DPRK would probably take the ROK in a few hours.

I'm not even taking into account direct or indirect Chinese action. They've been grinding their axes against the US for several years now. A war in the peninsula would be a good reason to irrevocably wound the frail US economy.

That's my opinion, and I don't think it'd be possible to "wipe out" their leadership, and their infrastructure is a lot more refined than some are trying to point out. The Kim family has many, many bunkers.

Iran is another example of this.
Yes, we clearly know nothing. With our multi-billion dollar information network, spy satellites, informants, and what ever else our intelligence services can utilize, we have no knowledge what so ever of North Koreas military strength, nope none at all.

I retract my previous statement, I don't think you are a troll anymore, I will go with delusional.

their infrastructure is a lot more refined than some are trying to point out. The Kim family has many, many bunkers.

Many many bunkers... OH NOES!!!!
I think you're overconfident, and that the money spent on that vaunted information network is next to useless in assessing the DPRK's military strength.

But, keep rattling that sabre. Every new war is another leap towards the grave for the globalist system.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
I think you're overconfident, and that the money spent on that vaunted information network is next to useless in assessing the DPRK's military strength.

But, keep rattling that sabre.

And I think you are a tool who clearly has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. Your logic is based on that no one except North Korea knows North Koreas military strength. Which also raises the question of how you are so sure of its strength since apparently even the most advanced intelligence agencies in the world do not know.

Nevermind the fact that in the modern world things such as that are incredibly easy to track. You cannot hide Naval Ship Yards or Air Fields (yes we even know about the underground ones "hardened" against attack). You cannot hide training flights, even though North Korea conducts very few because of the high risk of defection from it's pilots. It's outdated and ill-maintained artillery is dotted across the landscape and clearly visible from any number of spy satellites.

The artillery is arguably the one thing Korea does have going for it. They post next to no threat to our military but they pose a very real danger to causing an enormous amount of collateral damage on SK. So congratulations, in the event of all out warfare the North would have it's day by slaughtering countless innocent South Koreans.

You have proved next to nothing towards your argument nor have you debunked anything. The information is not useless, we do know about North Koreas military strength and the infrastructure of the country. You simply wish to plug your ears and pretend known fact is not true.
All this arguing is only hypothetical if war was going to be declared (over THIS incident) I would assume it would have happened by now (nearly 12 or more hours after the fact). We can only sit back and watch the events as they unfold and pray/hope (which ever you prefer) that there is no war... for North Korea's sake :P
The North Korean State should have been "fixed" long before Mr Kim got his hands on atomic weapons...now the situation is far from certain. Sure the South could rebuild if it defeated the North (which would be assured with the U.S and Japans assistance), but is it willing to lose Seoul to an atomic strike...naturally the U.S would counter will multiple strikes against all the major military and civilian targets in the North. China and Russia would find the situation deplorable, but would ultimately prefer a prosperous unified Korea, compared to their current neighbor. So is the world willing to lose between 10 and 20 million people, just for the sake of stability on the Korean peninsula?
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
If their military forces were second rate, then action would have already been taken. The US knows it'd be another Viet Nam, except the DPRK would probably take the ROK in a few hours.
The reason why no actoin has been taken yet is simply because there was no reason for that yet. I doubt that they want again to step again in some kind of wasps nest like they did with both Afghanistan and Iraq which is draining humans and equipment alike. And remember the ground force in Iraq was considered the third or fourth largest in the world with its mass of tanks after the USA and Russia and they virtualy destroyed more then 2000 vehicles in one day. If not more. From a military point of view and I am talking ONLY about the armed forces only Russia and Europe as the comonwealth it is today could compete with the US on even ground and even that is not completely sure.

Yet another occupation would probably ruin the already overstreched US economy.
thegaresexperience said:
We can only sit back and watch the events as they unfold and pray/hope (which ever you prefer) that there is no war... for North Korea's sake :P

I bet more than many people are hoping for a war (as long as its far far away) because they are bored and are morbidly fascinated by sensationalist news reports...
anyone in the US should hope not for a war as one way or another they would get involved, and the US economy how it is now is alrady overstressed.
Crni Vuk said:
anyone in the US should hope not for a war as one way or another they would get involved, and the US economy how it is now is alrady overstressed.

We probably would get involved but I don't see it being more than navy and air force, seeing as how our ground troops are stuck in Afghanistan.
but if not for the US who else should occupy north korea in a situation after the war ? I doubt any European nation will want to get involved in this nest. Leave alone South Korea ... since that would mean another civil war. And they would proably have enough to do with the effects of the war (seeing as how the south would suffer some damage).

I think only china would have a real chance to stay inside of NK to ensure some stability in that region without fighting to many insurgents (I guess, I dont know it) seeing as how China is proably the best friend they still have left out there. But would the US really ask for that ? I doubt it.

Politicas was and is always a complicated buisness. About power, loosing, gaining and holding it. But as you nicely said with many of their troops in Afghanistan they are already pretty streched and yet they decided to attack Iraq and occupy it. Not everything alone, but its clear that US is not a nation without limits to its resources. Particularly financially. But a war alone even with wining it would not do anything in NK if you cant deploy troops there.

Kim Jr, cock-wagging, showing the NK brass who's boss. There will be no open war, there's no immediate gain in that.

Other than that, @Americans saying 'we should get involved', one word:

Khan FurSainty said:
Maybe Russia, China or someone else wants to go to war and pokes the beehive to not look like an aggressor.

Doubtfull, both countries rely on Western countries for their exports, oil/cheap goods respectively.

Globalisation makes it pretty hard to start a war with people you sell things to as business makes a lot more money than war.