Next Fallout Game Location?


First time out of the vault
I hope it's Texas since i'm from there. Maybe somewhere around the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Metroplex which is where i live. lol.
Texas is a good bet as no one will acknowledge BOS exists.
Washington State, for the sole bias that I'm from there. While the game would take place there, the Overgrowth Wasteland would consist of Washington and Oregon. The small islands along the Canadian border (Orcas Island, specifically) are also apart of the territory. Because of how the west and east coasts are portrayed, I've always thought that there are more natural resources the farther west you traveled, so more people would be drawn toward that direction. But what about a place with too much resources? This fanfic plays off the idea that people would become insane with greed with this over abundance. It also goes against the idea of "if only the environment was healthy again, civilization can rebuild." This post nuclear rainforest (cafe) would attract, and otherwise create, all manner of raiders by the hundreds. The player would be known as The Raider. The story would be dark and brutal, a complete contrast to the beautiful surrounding. It can't be too dark because that would annoy the player or not as dark as what we've already seen in Fallout. Also, the jungle and state setting are an excuse to add giant spiders, new bug monsters, and new fruit, vegetables and herbs to the series and "grunge" rock and death metal into the game via the Wild Wasteland Trait.
I concur on the Pacific Northwest. Its a beautiful area of America and doing a combination of Seattle and Vancouver would make some interesting background lore with regards to the Canadian annexation, of which places like that would have been the front line.
I concur on the Pacific Northwest. Its a beautiful area of America and doing a combination of Seattle and Vancouver would make some interesting background lore with regards to the Canadian annexation, of which places like that would have been the front line.
As someone from the Pacific Northwest I would love to see a Fallout game based here. There is all kinds of great places you can have as locations such as Seattle, The San Juan Islands, The Lewis-McCord Airforce Base, The Handford Nuclear Dump Site, The Olympic Mountains, Mount Rainer.

There would also be a lot of interesting aesthetics you can do with the Pacific Northwest. The Pacific Northwest was home to the Grunge and Underground Indie movements and since the 80's the Pacific Northwest youths always had a bit of an anarchistic mindset with their politics and outlook on authority.

There is a lot of interesting stuff you can do with the politics of the region too. The West side of the mountains view themselves as more "cultured", "progressive" and "educated" while the East side of the mountains view themselves more "traditional", "conservative" and "hard-working". The two side constantly butt heads during election season and the East side dreams of one day forming their own state and freeing themselves of the tyranny of Seattle and the West side.

There is a lot of stuff you can do with the Pacific Northwest. In the right hands, you have the makings of a interesting Fallout game.
There is all kinds of great places you can have as locations such as Seattle, The San Juan Islands, The Lewis-McCord Airforce Base, The Handford Nuclear Dump Site, The Olympic Mountains, Mount Rainer.
The Forge, or Furnace, is what I imagine Mount Rainer would be. It would've exploded during the Great War, and since it's one of the largest volcanos in the world, molten lava will still pour out from this giant pit in the earth. I now realize this is a stretch, but this place is were the region gets it's metal from; which would scratch off metal as one more resource the Overgrowth is rich in. Gameplay wise, this generic "hard area" is virtually impossible to explore for long. The fumes on the outskirts are enough to kill, and only with Power Armor can you walk a few miles here before being cooked alive. This place is ran by robots both remotely controlled and self aware. One of the many bots, a sentry bot named Foreman #7, is one of the Companions you can recruit one way or another.
Interesting to see so many of us are from the PNW. A fallout game set in the region could be cool, but I’m personally not a fan of a “green” wasteland being in a fallout game. I like to think that pretty much the entire world has become some kind of desert with varying degrees of hospitable-ness (hospitability?). I also imagine that areas with high rainfall were hit particularly bad once the “black rain” started falling a few weeks/months after the war. It seems to me that a place like Washington would get rained on more then Arizona, for example, killing even more plant and animal life comparatively.
I think it should be Texas because it’s huge and could include lots of area and variety. Texas has a rolling hill country, a coast, desert, and dense forest. Texas has a triangle of big cities it could use in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin in the middle. Texas also borders Mexico which could have a great story element.
I think it should be Texas because it’s huge and could include lots of area and variety. Texas has a rolling hill country, a coast, desert, and dense forest. Texas has a triangle of big cities it could use in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin in the middle. Texas also borders Mexico which could have a great story element.

Problem is scale, unless it's isometric.
No, just have a big overworld map, like the Vesperia or Ys Games.

That feels like the worst of both worlds. The advantage of FPS Fallout is the immersive quality of being able to explore the Wasteland. Going from locale to locale across a big overworld, you might as well have isometric since that's better for RPG gameplay.
I personally think a first person fallout would work fine with an overworld map. The wasteland should feel vast and mostly empty, I hate how crowded the new generation games feel.
I personally think a first person fallout would work fine with an overworld map. The wasteland should feel vast and mostly empty, I hate how crowded the new generation games feel.

It could work but it removes the advantage that the first person games give, and isometric is an inherently stronger format for Fallout. If you're going with an overworld system anyway, go with the isometric.
That feels like the worst of both worlds. The advantage of FPS Fallout is the immersive quality of being able to explore the Wasteland. Going from locale to locale across a big overworld, you might as well have isometric since that's better for RPG gameplay.

I dunno, it could work.

I would also like to see a Fallout set in Texas, hence why I have been wanting to make my own fan project that is set in the region.

Problem is that under Bethesda it would basically be a repeat of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.
We would have the Brotherhood of Steel again, Orc like Super Mutants, zombie Ghouls, in a sense not that different from FOBOS despite that Bethesda considers it non canon.
And a few factions and settlements of Bethesda's own make including a possible new antagonist faction if they don't bring the Enclave back again.

The region would basically be a copy of the Core Region, Capital Wasteland, and Commonwealth, barely having any unique elements or personality of its own, putting even in question why even setting a game here.

Fallout New Vegas showed that a Fallout 3 style Fallout can work, but I strongly feel that Fallout needs to return to its isometric roots, and bringing back independent world spaces located on a large overhead map/overworld map, rather than a single big world map that only represents a small section of the region that is filled with clutter to fill up the emptiness.

Even the size of locations should be taken into consideration and perhaps focus on the parts that are just the most important.
I feel sometimes exploration is somewhat overrated when it results in mostly empty spaces.
The time and energy to create such places is better spend on locations and other elements that actually matter.
PNW and Texas are said a lot and I don't really want a Fallout in the South other than Texas so at the risk of treading similar ground from the first games I will say the Sacramento/Yuba City/Lake Tahoe area. You have a lot of varied terrain with two cities, some towns, rivers and national parks along with farm land.

Just shrink the geographic area like in previous titles. Have the cities be scavenger hellscapes with starving gangs of raiders and just desperate people. Excellent source of salvage and equipment, but at high risk. Not really much opportunity for post war civilization. Speaking of which I'd like to see a settlement built around an intact power station and have guard towns/trading hubs/communication outposts along the transmission lines. This place would trade with settlements built around farmland and water. Would make for interesting politics for the player to influence as they see fit.

Also have mercenary groups you can join, or form on your own that would protect areas similar to the Minute men, but not written to be as cliche/irritating. this is actually how civilization first formed with groups of hired warriors being hired by farming villages for protection. These merc groups would likely charge extortionate rates, or ask for payments in despicable form and be raiders themselves in their own way. Either changing one from within, creating a rival group, or even letting them continue on as they are would make for interesting side quests with impact.





Allow for the player to choose if they are vault dweller, or wasteland born amnesiac with different beginnings for each.