Nine Inch Nails – Ghosts

If I had a video cam and video editing software I'd be all over it. There are some really cool locations not far from where I live that would fit perfectly (in my mind) some of the tracks from Ghosts.
Malky said:
Terrible Lie (Pretty Hate Machine): The first nine inch nails song I heard and therefore the most iconic for me. There's definitely a reason it has been played at every live show the band has ever done. It's the perfect live into song and the additions they've made to it since 1989 have all been awesome. Nothing like hearing everyone in the band shout "HEY GOD" then Trent asking Him for an apology to get me fucking stoked. Amazingly simple song, but man, it's terrific.

Man, your not kidding.


NIN is one of those bands I've never gotten around to seeing live. Heh, thanks, you've made me a believer.
I seen them twice. Their one of the few bands that actually made me want to mosh especially since Jeordie White (Twiggy) was playing bass.
Well, believe it or not but a spanking new track called 'Discipline' is doing rounds on radio stations. It will be available at soon, free of charge.

Till then, enjoy this radio rip.

edit - this one is better.
Thanks a lot for that. Enjoyed that single but thought it was a little uninspired and really repetitive. Sounds like a happy version of a song that could have been on With Teeth.

Nevermind, The track is free of charge. It isn't technically the bad W.
It's up on in high quality, if anyone wonders. Check the ID3 tag while you are at it.

My opinion? It's the popiest (and maybe the simplest) NIN song yet, even moreso than THTF and Only coupled together. The lyrics are quite shitty, disappointing to see such drop after Year Zero. It's not bad to listen to, but certainly won't be among my favorites.
Yeah, the song is sorta mediocre. Not exactly bad but I'm not listening to it on repeat or anything.

Hopefully the rest of the forthcoming album will be better.
I agree, far from the best that NIN put out. But it is catchy and probably being used as a marketing tool.
Wooz said:
Like your sig.


At lest i get something out of having my sig and as i said earlier i hung out with some of the band members, so it works out for everyone.
Yeah, but uh, Type 0 Negative sucks. So I guess it's cool that you hung out with losers who are in a shitty band?
Drunk, why do you feel the need to keep telling everyone that? No one gives a shit. They're a shitty band, and even if anyone here likes them, I doubt they enjoy hearing some asshole name drop them over and over again.
Awww, don't be so hard on him. He probably hasn't had the chance do much more in his life. Maybe he will someday.

Type O Negative does suck IMO
Maybe if some douchebag would stop bringing up my Sig i would not have to justify it. Its not hurting anyone so why not leave it be?

Also I don't care if you like TON or not, I don't recall every making negative comments based on anyones Icon or Sig.

So Nex i think you might be really confused in regards to the whole asshole thing.
I got my Ghosts CDs yesterday. The case is the same like The Fragile. Looks really retro and I like it.