Thanks for this article, actually I am one of these persons, who didn't stay in touch with the community more and more. But thanks to this article I remembered all these hard times, the hope and then again the disappointment, kinda sad. I was already at the point giving up the spirit standing behind NMA, being long time a great fan of them (I have allready started to support all this Bethesda shit, defending their position by saying "Hey guys, let's just look what the final result is"), but this article motivated to continue representing our voices of protest..
But to be honest, you reminded me, we already have been fucked up too many times, and now, after years of waiting, we don't even get the opportunity to support the development of F3 by mentioning our experience with the first two parts. I mean, man, we are the people that played this game most, we know what we are talking about. And then, all we get is just a big piece of ignorance? I understand that it isn't quite motivating as developer to follow this community's voices, but hell : you gotta learn to deal with constructive criticism (even if it's negative, which it actually is in most cases). So why not just stop following the rumors and just invest some time and THINK about what people are really writing here, instead of picking some words like "fuck bethesda" blabla, I mean, it's not like they are a fucking spam filter, they've got a brain (at least I hope).
All I want to say is, that I now, after this remotivation again found back to the good ol' mentality here. This is one of the best communities, cause it has balls. This community doesn't put up with something. This community supports their opinion with 100%, and that's the way it has to be, it's our damn right (actually most people today forgot the meaning of democracy).
I remember times when NMA has announced closing the site (or was it DAC, or even both, fuck I don't remember), was one of the saddest days in my life ^^. I never posted here before, but I'm reading the posts since many years, I like the molded positions people here are representing, so it was quite depressing.
Yeah, so, finally I apologize for my bad english ^^ aaaaand don't give it up guys, I love this community, and if Bethesda messes it up it's only in your hands (maybe also in mine when I finish my studies of informatics) to make the Fallout sequel we all are waiting for since a long time.
edit : oh yeah, played Vampire Bloodlines the last days thanks to a topic on NMa, great game, i could hit myself for overlooking such a great cRPG. Again a real pitty what happened to Troika, another great game immersed in the main stream.