NMA article: About Fallout Fans

if feel the article is a bit too soft around the edges. spice it up for the next two. ;)

Lancelot said:
I wonder what would it take to make this article appear in some gaming magazine.
divine intervention?
Briosafreak said:
Chuck probably still trembles when he hears from us, keeping a smile, of course, he's the smiley type.

I think he has a special place for me :twisted:
Grotesque said:
...It should be the first step in making a stand against perverting Fallout and should be posted by other sites too as an official declaration.

War is brewing at the horizon so buy war bonds!

This is a fine example of why people think many Fallout fans are are rabid.
WDS said:
This is a fine example of why people think many Fallout fans are are rabid.

...Because they want other people to read an article that explains why they're not rabid?

Or is it the use of the word "war"? Yes, very rabid.

At least pick up a good example if you're going to make a remark like that
jfreund said:
The combat system in Fallout is brilliant...

Actually, Fallout is brilliant for many things (the setting, the music, the memorable characters, the plot, ...) but the combat system is NOT one of them. It has some real problems even compared with contemporary games of similar combat style (like Jagged Alliance 2).
Kharn said:
WDS said:
This is a fine example of why people think many Fallout fans are are rabid.

...Because they want other people to read an article that explains why they're not rabid?

Or is it the use of the word "war"? Yes, very rabid.

At least pick up a good example if you're going to make a remark like that

It was the "preventing perversion" and "official declaration" and "war is coming" parts. It sounds like a far right wing Republican ranting against the evils of modern society. How can a new game pervert Fallout? The new game may be terrible but that's not going to somehow pervert anything unless it encourages kiddie porn or something.
Quoted 'random envious arguer' said:
"You guys just want it to be 1998 all over again."


Yes we do!

We want a similar feeling playing Fallout 3 as we got playing Fallout.
Of course these are high demands. Fallout and Fallout 2 are both inestimable.
But I am not ready to settle for a 'not completely disastrous' Fallout 3.

Thank you for writing an article that will help 'the others' to understand why we are mildly frustrated.
Do I have permision to post the article, once it is completed, in my modest portuguese fansite, with translated major sentences and the link?


The link's in my sig.
Meu o fallout3 ainda está em quinto lugar nos jogos mais esperados do ano pelos leitores? De onde é que apareceram tantos fans de repente?

I just asked something about a popular vote list on the games that are most expected on this year, on the magazine Morbus has in his signature. Fallout3 is steadily on number 5 or 6, wich I find bizarre.
WDS said:
It was the "preventing perversion" and "official declaration" and "war is coming" parts. It sounds like a far right wing Republican ranting against the evils of modern society.

Yes, I think it was meant to. Parody?
Let us know if spot mention of it elsewhere, people, and feel free to SPREAD THE WORD WITH FIRE AND BLADE...I mean, uhm, spread the word
Kharn said:
Grotesque said:
This article should be NMA's manifesto and should be seen by as many people as possible.
It should be the first step in making a stand against perverting Fallout and should be posted by other sites too as an official declaration.

Uhm...considering you've only seen 1/3rd of the article, I think that might be a pre-emptive conclusion.

It certainly isn't intended as a manifesto-form. Just a reply.

PS: RPGWatch, RPGCodex and DaC all linked to it in their news, though, so spread should not be a problem. Feel free to pamfletteer and get more sites to cover it, tho'

I know I've seen just one third but if the article will stay objective and will present facts in a pragmatic manner, any SANE person will understand something from it...that if we are "gems of hatered" we become so because we were molded so by some drastic events.

Yes, is just a reply, but these days I've seen people on the forum wanting to make a stand but not knowing how and people saying that its nothing to do.
So I like to see this article like a non aggressive stand.
English colonialism and apartheid were brought down by non aggressive stand, so why not a grotesque Fallout 3? :))

RPGWatch, RPGCodex and DaC got link to the article, but somehow I feel that its in closed circuit.
My dream si to see this article as a "sticky" on the major mainstream gaming sites on the internet.
We are famous!

I never really liked Fallout, though - I'm in here for the groupies.
From what I can see from the Codex and RPG-watch, it looks like there is more negativity from the anti-NMAers then from NMA.
Thanks for this article, actually I am one of these persons, who didn't stay in touch with the community more and more. But thanks to this article I remembered all these hard times, the hope and then again the disappointment, kinda sad. I was already at the point giving up the spirit standing behind NMA, being long time a great fan of them (I have allready started to support all this Bethesda shit, defending their position by saying "Hey guys, let's just look what the final result is"), but this article motivated to continue representing our voices of protest..

But to be honest, you reminded me, we already have been fucked up too many times, and now, after years of waiting, we don't even get the opportunity to support the development of F3 by mentioning our experience with the first two parts. I mean, man, we are the people that played this game most, we know what we are talking about. And then, all we get is just a big piece of ignorance? I understand that it isn't quite motivating as developer to follow this community's voices, but hell : you gotta learn to deal with constructive criticism (even if it's negative, which it actually is in most cases). So why not just stop following the rumors and just invest some time and THINK about what people are really writing here, instead of picking some words like "fuck bethesda" blabla, I mean, it's not like they are a fucking spam filter, they've got a brain (at least I hope).

All I want to say is, that I now, after this remotivation again found back to the good ol' mentality here. This is one of the best communities, cause it has balls. This community doesn't put up with something. This community supports their opinion with 100%, and that's the way it has to be, it's our damn right (actually most people today forgot the meaning of democracy).

I remember times when NMA has announced closing the site (or was it DAC, or even both, fuck I don't remember), was one of the saddest days in my life ^^. I never posted here before, but I'm reading the posts since many years, I like the molded positions people here are representing, so it was quite depressing.

Yeah, so, finally I apologize for my bad english ^^ aaaaand don't give it up guys, I love this community, and if Bethesda messes it up it's only in your hands (maybe also in mine when I finish my studies of informatics) to make the Fallout sequel we all are waiting for since a long time.

edit : oh yeah, played Vampire Bloodlines the last days thanks to a topic on NMa, great game, i could hit myself for overlooking such a great cRPG. Again a real pitty what happened to Troika, another great game immersed in the main stream.
Kharn said:
Read? I *wrote* that, nevermind reading.

Hey, I was addressing jfreund. What'd I say about reading? :D

I think the article was fairly solid, though. It could have gone further in explaining the community's attitude by touching on things like false promises made by developers and the Elara Incident, but solid nontheless. Then again, I haven't seen the other installments. Maybe it will touch on those. It's good work in any case.

WDS said:
It was the "preventing perversion" and "official declaration" and "war is coming" parts. It sounds like a far right wing Republican ranting against the evils of modern society. How can a new game pervert Fallout? The new game may be terrible but that's not going to somehow pervert anything unless it encourages kiddie porn or something.


You attempted to discredit his actual message by blowing the seriousness of its phrasing far out of proportion, then standing back and shouting "Watch out! HE'S FOAMING AT THE MOUTH!!". Was he dead serious about the war bonds, too? Why of course he was, Precious!

Tell me. When I see other fuckwits pulling the same trick as you, is that a coincidence, or are you all reading from the same handbook?

Do enlighten me.