NMA article: About Fallout Fans

I've never seen any dev that posts on NMA get flammed

Well the company itself got some flack, so they decided to keep us on the dark, which only helps to escalate rumours and distrust. Truth to be told they did help us out with the article regarding the state of the Fallout license and assets, kudos to them, Obsidian and Interplay for helping out with that.
Sander said:
And then there are the VDweller and Rosh leaks...

Maybe my brain is still in vacation mode but what leaks?

Maybe they make crap games, maybe they dont. Maybe I'd rather have access to the devs in a constructive manner so that I could at least *try* to influence them in ideas for FO3. I'd love it if some of the devs or other beth people dropped by, I know that we have a lot of people with great ideas and thoughts here who could make a real difference if they had a method of submitting the ideas to the beth people. We have some really talaneted modders here who have a really good understanding of the FO world and stuff.

maybe it's to late in teh dev cycle to implement ideas anyway, but I still think it would be useful.

Does Beth actaully have a forum for FO3 up yet? Or did we flame it until they shut it down?
Wild_qwerty said:
Maybe my brain is still in vacation mode but what leaks?
They leaked, subtly and without a source (hence the no frontpage reports) that it'd be poor art design, poor story, first-person and real-time. They reported this independently of eachother, though.

wild_qwerty said:
Maybe they make crap games, maybe they dont. Maybe I'd rather have access to the devs in a constructive manner so that I could at least *try* to influence them in ideas for FO3. I'd love it if some of the devs or other beth people dropped by, I know that we have a lot of people with great ideas and thoughts here who could make a real difference if they had a method of submitting the ideas to the beth people. We have some really talaneted modders here who have a really good understanding of the FO world and stuff.

maybe it's to late in teh dev cycle to implement ideas anyway, but I still think it would be useful.

Does Beth actaully have a forum for FO3 up yet? Or did we flame it until they shut it down?
Nope, they have nothing. There has never been any communcation toward fans.
The anger in the Fallout fan community was well earned by Herve and Co through their (his) idiotic, bordering on criminal, mismanagement of Interplay, BIS, Micro Forte, and the Fallout property. The only vision Herve has is a view of the inside of his own colon.

Really, to allow Interplay to lose the D&D rights, thereby killing the cash cow that was Baldur's Gate, is inexcusable. If Interplay had had any kind of halfway responsible board of directors, Herve would have been sacked for that alone.

The combat system in Fallout is brilliant; it is good enough to support a game on its own. The problems with Tactics were, in this order,

1. Fallout fans wanted Fallout 3.

2. Tactics was not faithful enough to the Fallout universe, and did not successfully capture the atmosphere.

3. Herve screwed Micro Forte.

BoS deserved the drubbing it got. People interested in Fallout again wanted Fallout 3. There was no demand for a brainless console title ripped off from a previous console title. Herve served up a steaming pile of merde on a 5 1/4" disc.

If not for the hardcore Fallout fan base keeping the faith, Interplay would not have gotten $1+ million for the rights, and there would have been no market to justify Bethesda spending the money.

It is unfortunate and, I think, somewhat inevitable, that some of the anger of the Fallout fanbase transferred to Bethesda.

I want my Fallout 3. I want it on the SPECIAL system with a 3rd person isometric view (camera rotate/zoom would be cool) and turn-based combat. I want the vacuum-tube, no microprocessor, 50's idea of the future, M-rated, shoot a mutant in the nards, blackout when the player character gets laid atmosphere.

I will not condemn Bethesda until I see the game. Nor will I be an apologist for them until I see the game. The only established fact at this point is that the game will use the Gamebryo engine, which IS capable of presenting a true Fallout game (though the system requirements WILL be higher than those for Fallout 2). I pray that they did not shell out a million bucks to defecate all over Fallout a la Interplay.

I would rather see the Fallout franchise die than see the name slapped on Oblivion with guns (though I will admit, perhaps to my own peril, that I did enjoy both Morrowind and Oblivion). Better to let the wound heal so we can look at the scar and cherish our memories (Planescape: Torment) than to keep ripping open the wound.
I personally am not so jaded that I expect to get the same feeling playing Fallout 3 as I did playing the original so long ago, but I do hope that I do enjoy it. The original was such a departure from what had been done previously, and since. There's no replacing it, and there's no real improvements that could be made. I just hope Fallout 3 doesn't suck as bad as some of the rumors suggest so far.

I'll play it, and I'll enjoy it. How much is in Bethsoft's hands.

I really don't mind any of the change rumors that are floating around. The actual gameplay and engine aren't going to effect me in either direction, so long as the feeling and atmosphere are there.
Sander said:
Nope, they have nothing. There has never been any communcation toward fans.

Indeed. Some interview sometimes containing promises but no facts.
But here is a possible reason : The lack of a fan community at Beth's forum.
OK - they should have come to NMA, but Beth is planning a new Fallout forum.

And I suspect that there are other reasons :
They are planning to realize a Fallout 3 which will not satisfy the needs of the old fans but which will satisfy the needs of console kiddies and marketing using the good name to sell their crops...
Wild_qwerty said:
I've never seen any dev that posts on NMA get flammed, they are always treated with a reverrent awe of sorts.

More or less when they post themselves, yes, but people like Chuck Cuevas and Sean K ping-pong Reynolds who've had a tough time of it.
Sean still likes us though, in general, he was one of the devs that saw that in the end we were right on a number of issues and posted quite a bit here. Chuck probably still trembles when he hears from us, keeping a smile, of course, he's the smiley type.
This article should be NMA's manifesto and should be seen by as many people as possible.
It should be the first step in making a stand against perverting Fallout and should be posted by other sites too as an official declaration.

War is brewing at the horizon so buy war bonds!
Grotesque said:
This article should be NMA's manifesto and should be seen by as many people as possible.
It should be the first step in making a stand against perverting Fallout and should be posted by other sites too as an official declaration.

Uhm...considering you've only seen 1/3rd of the article, I think that might be a pre-emptive conclusion.

It certainly isn't intended as a manifesto-form. Just a reply.

PS: RPGWatch, RPGCodex and DaC all linked to it in their news, though, so spread should not be a problem. Feel free to pamfletteer and get more sites to cover it, tho'
jfreund said:
The only established fact at this point is that the game will use the Gamebryo engine

... And that it isn't being designed as a Fallout cRPG("You could make some fairly safe leaps of faith that [Fallout 3] would be similar in style [to Morrowind]").

Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention that it isn't being designed as a Fallout cRPG("We'll do what we do best, and we don't do isometric Baldur's Gate style").

Doubly so should I omit how it isn't being designed as a Fallout cRPG("I think people can look at how we've treated the Elder Scrolls and know that we'll give the same care to Fallout").

Setting that aside, I'm afraid even if Bethesda were attempting to make anything other than Oblivion With Guns, complications from their permanent clue-ectomy would prove severe("I think [the qualities of TES games] are consistent with those in Fallout").

Please do read. It's your gateway to a magical place.
I hope they get it right... And it paves the way for more post apocalypse themed games. Post Apocalypse is a sadly neglected genere in all media. *slams his fist onto the podium breaking it* They shalt git it right or we shalt hang them from the gallows made from rusted guns!

Who's with me!
im proud of being part of this community, article rocks, hope fallout 1 and 2 is just begining of our history, bethesda-u-cant-disappoint-us.
I dont know how much to thank the Author...

I mean all of the stuff here is well-written, but this one in particular is magazine editor quality. What really surprises me though is how much more easily this could be used to spread and represent whats went on and how it put us where we are today.

I think Grotesque summed it up perfectly when he said it should serve as a manifesto. I've frequently had to take long periods of time explaining the events and how it relates to where we are now to outsiders and its damn hard due to all the information. I could easily skip parts or present them in an uninteresting fashion.

PS: RPGWatch, RPGCodex and DaC all linked to it in their news, though, so spread should not be a problem. Feel free to pamfletteer and get more sites to cover it, tho'

Thank God!

The Vault Dweller
Great article.

Funny to think that I've hardly even thought about Fallout until shortly before Van Buren was cancelled.
I lived my entire life as Fallout-fan in the post-burenal wasteland.

I never had a chance to be positive.
RPG of the year!! said:

Read? I *wrote* that, nevermind reading.

That said, I didn't think that was the place to stick my toe into that pool. I keep Bethesda's intentions in the realm of possibilities all through the article intentionally, to keep it from getting bogged down on peripheral arguments. After all, the article is not about Bethesda's Fallout 3, it's about the Fallout fanbase and franchise...and yes, it's about the risks Bethesda will run if they fail to understand what makes the franchise valuable.

I don't think the practical difference between "if Bethesda does this..." or "Bethesda is doing this..." and drawing a consequence to it is big enough. I might be wrong, but again, I think the practical conclusions are the same without running the risk of bogging the article down.

I never had a chance to be positive.

Dude, that must suck.