NMA Contest: chance to go hands-on with Fallout: New Vegas

I live outside London, but National Express does a directish coach trip from manchester.

EDIT: Actually, i really want to go anyhow, so i'm gonna buy a ticket for friday. It's only 8 quid and lets me squeeze in a few other things to do.
I live 1hr away from London and thought of going there anyway, but it would be nice to have a golden ticket!
Re: NMA Contest: chance to go hands-on with Fallout: New Ve

Blackened said:
Brother None said:
We will randomly pick and announce the winners on Sunday the 26th at 18:00 GMT.
You mean now?

Getting to it now.

Sorry about that.

Will contact winners.
Dude101 said:
Yay! won a ticket (Facebook). I can't wait. Thanks so much NMA.

Me too.

See you there Dude ;) I'll finally meet you in person.

Now...I need to find this damn place :D Oh wait, is it in Earl's Court? Easy.

And how am I supposed to...get inside? They'll have my name on the list or something?
Public said:
And how am I supposed to...get inside? They'll have my name on the list or something?

Just sent in the names and emails to the organizers, you should be provided with an e-ticket via email very soon.
Lemme know when you guys get the e-tickets so I know everything is set.

Not every winner has got back to me but, err, that's on them? Some people are overly private on Facebook which kinda makes it hard to, y'know, message them
Oh and before I forget, any of you are very welcome to submit short impression pieces to No Mutants Allowed (or, heck, DaC if you prefer, Teatime ;) ) for us to publish as a right-before-release-preview. No obligation, and your angle/attitude towards Fallout 3 is not our concern article-wise.

If any of you are interested let me know, but like I said, no obligation.
I might write something up if I'm particularly inspired by the game, which NMA would be welcome to publish. It was your competition, after all :)

Though I imagine pretty much everything's been said about the demo on show. Maybe there'll be a dev or a PR guy there whom I can speak to.
I've got the ticket.

It says...NORMAL ticket. Damn, and I thought we'll get a VIP one :P

Oh well, now I need to print it and off we go on Sunday! What's the time I need to be there again?

Also, maybe we should share phone numbers to meet up?
Public said:
Oh well, now I need to print it and off we go on Sunday! What's the time I need to be there again?

You don't have to be there at any time, but it's open from 11am to 7pm. New Vegas is available on the floor the whole day.