NMA Contest: chance to go hands-on with Fallout: New Vegas

Meh. I could only play the game in 15 minute bursts as there where queues and the PR kicked me off. I didn't have enough time with the game to make any informed judgments. I hate to say this since I am supposed to be an oldcore gamer, but the graphics are looking pretty dated now. The dudes movement is really annoying as well. Oh! oh! the geckos are so cute. The animations for them are brilliant.

I hooked up with Public, and we played pretty much everything there. The only PC section was for Indie games, and there where a few cute ones. I had allot of trouble with the 360 / PS3 controllers: I was begging for a mouse and keyboard, as it's such a pain in the ass in aim properly.


I forgot to say. That stupid physics bug where everything floats in the air, when you pick something up is still there.
The expo was fun, though I didn't spend much time with New Vegas. It seemed almost silly showing that game off in an environment where almost everything else has the flashiest and latest graphics. It looked really dated and clunky and I imagine it will be punished for this in reviews.

However, the glimpses I saw of the dialogue were definitely promising, and it was great to see a farm environment, complete with crops. This attention to detail confirmed my sense that NV might do the original games justice - Bethsoft's engine, and the combat, excepted.

Stuff that impressed me: Kinect, surprisingly. Whereas Move just seems like a Wii clone 4 years too late, Kinect may possibly be the next big thing. People dancing with an animated partner I suspect will prove a massive hit with casuals - and combined with 3D TVs, Minority Report's floating menus might be just around the corner.

Stuff that wasn't impressive: well, lots of big dumb shooty games. But Crysis 2 in particular was embarrassing on the consoles - awful frame rate, bland graphics, worse than generic console-shooter X. But on the PCs it looked stunning. So - yeah.

Overall it was a good day, so thanks for the opportunity, NMA.
The same as Dude said. Graphics are VERY dated, the players walking animation looks like if he's flying in the air 50% of the time, and most of the game is about wondering around the 'stony' deserts and talking so there's no time for anything than shooting stuff when you have the PR guy sniffing your back.

I hate that XBox controller!

Killzone 3(d) was interesting game out there, also the Saw game and some oldschool looking adventure, Prince of Persia look-alike game, which I forgot the name as usual, were the only games that cought my eye.
Others were like...the same.

Funny thing was, when you enter the main hall with under 18 games, all the games were like silent, colourful about fairy tails and all that shit. And when you enter the 18+ hall, which was separated like under a quarantine, you also enter into a chaos of sounds of killing, shooting and explosions.

Uhh, 99% of the games over 18 are shooters these days, where 90% of that 99% are similar minded bullshits.
And the lines were huge!!

Did I mention I hate an XBox controller?