NMA Fantasy Football 2011: Can You Feel That Hybrid Rainbow

No to money, yes to a rule that if you've gone dead you can't play. I'd also love to get a bigger league going. Any other boards we can merge with?
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
No to money, yes to a rule that if you've gone dead you can't play. I'd also love to get a bigger league going. Any other boards we can merge with?
I think 12 players is optimal.
I'd like to join again but since I stopped playing like half way though last season I'll let you guys decided. Regardless I've fixed the problem which stopped me from participating in half of last year's season.
ManWithNoName said:
I'd like to join again but since I stopped playing like half way though last season I'll let you guys decided. Regardless I've fixed the problem which stopped me from participating in half of last year's season.

If you're going to do it, fine. Just say so.

Also: Jebus...you serious? No abandoning your team halfway through the season. That's the big rule.
I've been remiss as a commish, but that's mostly coz Twinkie put up this thread before me.

To join:
URL: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/308517
Leaguename: nomutantsallowed
Password: allhailherrgoogly

I auto-invited all previous competitors. So far everyone is back except UDub and Prez

Leftover issues:
- Tweaking DEF team scoring - I'll take a look
- Including IDPs - probably not
- Enabling waivers - done
- How to handle absenteeism - well?
- Pay league - majority against

Are we going to try and do a live draft? It is currently set for that, on Thu Sep 1 3:00pm CEST. Thoughts?
Brother None said:
- How to handle absenteeism - well?
That's a tough one. Even in my money league we had some problems with it, especially when a team starts out 1-6 and the owner figures it's all over anyway.

In the end we implemented a system of weekly bonus payouts for individual performances -- highest scoring RB, highest scoring kicker, and so on. It helps, but ultimately there's no substitute for solid team owners who are going to stick around just because they want to see what happens and possibly act as spoilers.

I think the playoff system in my money league helps too. All but two or three teams remain in the running up until the final week.

I thought the live draft was good last year. I'm all for it.
Live draft, yes. But I don't think I can do the 1st as my band has a show that evening and I won't be stationary for very long all day.
Live draft can still be rescheduled. If you can't make it, Yahoo will autopick for you.

Absenteeism can't be prevented, the question is more what do you do when it happens. Does the commish (me) shuffle in the guys Yahoo! projects to score best, without ever picking up guys even in case of injury. Or do we leave the roster as it was when he left? Or do I push everyone to the bench?

I prefer the first
Brother None said:
Absenteeism can't be prevented, the question is more what do you do when it happens. Does the commish (me) shuffle in the guys Yahoo! projects to score best
That might actually promote absenteeism. Also, it would be pretty amusing if an absentee owner ended up knocking another owner out of the playoffs. I could see it happening.
Yes. It's not perfect. Clearing the roster is how we used to do it on another football league, but obviously it's unfair to teams who already played the absenteeist.

Just leave the roster be is what we did the last few times. Also not perfect.
I'm very confused, when I click that link it says I can't join because I'm not in the league? But if I can't get to the league page, how do I join?

It's all very confusing.
Go here and fill in the league ID (308517) and password (allhailherrgoogly )

It's all very confusing.
I knew I wasn't an internet retard!

However, I am *some* kind of retard. I thought this fantasy football was about, well, football; not that pasy-ass version of rugby the Muricans call football.

Since I don't know jack shit about NFL, I won't be joining after all... Sorry!

Why do you euro-trash Murican wannabe's not start a fantasy 'soccer'?