Vault Fossil

Sooo Herr Mike time?
Nice vetting process we have.Sander said:Yeah, he's also someone who has 3 posts or so on NMA in total.Cimmerian Nights said:Looks like we have an absentee (or just absent mided?) owner already. Fuel Cell Regs.
Cimmerian Nights said:Nice vetting process we have.Sander said:Yeah, he's also someone who has 3 posts or so on NMA in total.Cimmerian Nights said:Looks like we have an absentee (or just absent mided?) owner already. Fuel Cell Regs.
SimpleMinded said:Sooo Herr Mike time?
Good, I want my first victory to be against someone with a pulse.Sander said:Looks like Fuel Cell Regulators isn't MIA after all
Which is mostly why I wanted Cadillac. :STwinkieStabllis said:i'm pretty thick at WR, too....what i really want is at least one (aside from the DEF) GB player for extra cheering purposes.
Send him a trashtalking PM, see what he does.TwinkieStabilis said:re: FuelCellReg
why is he not hanging out and talkin' shit amongst us then? that's half the fun, idn't it?
TwinkieStabllis said:so i was in Phoenix visiting the gf for a week, last week and i hung out with her family for the first time on Sat night and then all day Sunday. her sister and brother-in-law have the NFL ticket and Superfan package with direct tv and offered their login and password to me so that i could watch HD streaming games with their account! shit man, as if i'm not in love with this chick enough.
Done.Cimmerian Nights said:Someone please kick me in the nuts for starting Darren McFadden.
Awesome return man too. So versatile and explosive. He's always been way underutilized by the Jets.Sander said:Also, I love the fact that I have Leon Washington. He really is the Jets main runner.
I take it all back, that was before he scored a game wining TD in the final minute, pushing him into double digits. I'm back on the Raiders bandwagon!UniversalWolf said:Done.Cimmerian Nights said:Someone please kick me in the nuts for starting Darren McFadden.