NMA generally

Bradylama said:
How long, exactly, has this policy been in place,

This deserves a seperate answer, a lot of which has been adressed by Biosafreak. A clear divide should also be made between starting a rumour or propagating one that's from a major gaming mag or site. If you don't understand the difference, I'm not going to explain it, though.

That said, the policy is fairly young and has to do with a shift in journalistic quality that started with Briosafreak. Miroslav and Odin, who both did the news completely on their own, can shape and reshape the news whichever way they wanted to, and usually adapted to the current situation and/or feel of Fallout. Around the rumble-heavy time of Fallout Tactics you'll notice a lot of strange posts and rumours, but it fits with the excited times.

Ever since Briosafreak basically "took over" the news forum we have kept, more or less, the journalistic standard he set, journalistic standards that are not heavy, but relatively serious for as fansite. There's a number of reasons for this, but the most important has been named by Briosafreak. We're not riding any easy wave here, and the days of our friendly neighbourhood Boyarsky or Puuk are long gone, which is why the staff is being a lot more conscientuous about newsposting than they normally would. Whether or not this changes depends on Bethesda, but right now posting rumours haphazourdly would only give Bethesda's PR staff an oppertunity to marginalize us.
welsh said:
Ok, everyonce and awhile I drop a note for general discussion about the site generally and what you guys would like to see more of, or less of.

So- any suggestions?
I would like to see some good articles about the nature of the Fallout setting and about what makes Fallout Fallout.
Sorrow said:
I would like to see some good articles about the nature of the Fallout setting and about what makes Fallout Fallout.

Agreed and excellent suggestion, though one that occured to us before. I suggested it to Rosh at some point, he liked the idea but never worked on it. We're throwing it about a bit between staff members now, but it's quite frankly harder than it sounds.

So good idea, we're thinking about it and occasionally working on it.
it's just we need to maintain good editorial standards

What you mean re-posting news from other sites thats a great standard. You guys we should be trying to get exclusive information, if no-one wants to put in the effort we are not going to get anything. I am willing to put some effort in all I ask is a NMA email address I don't want any powers just and address so people who I contact will see I am from this site not just some random guy asking for shit.

If you guys don't want to put rumours on the main page what about a sticky thread which rumours could be placed. A lot of people really wanna know what is going on with FO3 and I think it is your jobs to provide that.
What Briosafreak said about standards and verification.

Not to say we won't post a rumour, but even a rumour needs a grain of truth, and not only one exclusively known to us, but also to the reader, so he knows we're posting good information and accept that, instead of accusing us of vague speculation. In other words, we will only post rumours that are believable, and because the facts would point towards those rumours, and not just because we wanted tham to.
Thats fine and I understand.

What I want to know now is has anyone from NMA contacted Beth for any information or an interview?
Serifan said:
What you mean re-posting news from other sites thats a great standard.

Yeah, ok, thanks Rosh :roll: Do you also have original thought, or is this broken record act all ya got? Try and go through the newsforum and see how many reposts you see vis-a-vis original posts.

Serifan said:
You guys we should be trying to get exclusive information, if no-one wants to put in the effort we are not going to get anything. I am willing to put some effort in all I ask is a NMA email address I don't want any powers just and address so people who I contact will see I am from this site not just some random guy asking for shit.

We don't like you, we barely tolerate you. Please stop.

Serifan said:
If you guys don't want to put rumours on the main page what about a sticky thread which rumours could be placed. A lot of people really wanna know what is going on with FO3 and I think it is your jobs to provide that.

Ding-ding-ding, we got a winner, it is our job to provide *that*, not rumours. Are you even vaguely aware how much bullshit is out there.

Serifan said:
What I want to know now is has anyone from NMA contacted Beth for any information or an interview?

Uh, yes. But go ahead and mail them if you want to :roll:

SimpleMinded said:
I want to see this finished. There are still plenty of people in the pictures who haven't been interviewed.

Another good suggestion. That was Odin's pet project, mostly, and we got most of the guys we have/had good contact with. Tracking down people that you don't know is a mite harder, though, and don't always give the best interviews (Charles Deenen) but we'll see.
Yeah, ok, thanks Rosh Do you also have original thought, or is this broken record act all ya got? Try and go through the newsforum and see how many reposts you see vis-a-vis original posts.

What because I agree on someones idea makes me have no thought. I am not the only one who thinks it is a good idea.

We don't like you, we barely tolerate you. Please stop.

Kharn you are a smartass prick just like Sander. I am just trying to contribute something to this site, Which some members don't have the time to do this or even care.

Ding-ding-ding, we got a winner, it is our job to provide *that*, not rumours. Are you even vaguely aware how much bullshit is out there.

Yes I am aware and I am not asking for you to post shit from people with no proof of inside contacts but some people do have inside information which could be classed as "News*

Uh, yes. But go ahead and mail them if you want to

I will then and if I do get information I am sure DAC will be pleased to get the news first.

I am just trying to help get information for the fans I am sick of just posting shit here I also want to contribute a little to this site.
Jabberwocky said:
Another good suggestion. That was Odin's pet project, mostly, and we got most of the guys we have/had good contact with. Tracking down people that you don't know is a mite harder, though, and don't always give the best interviews (Charles Deenen) but we'll see.

I know what you mean by that and am finding the same issue with the site I maintain. All the same, is there a way the developer profile page can be made more easily accessible from the main page? If it is, forgive me, but I feel like the only way to find it is by digging through the news archives (or searching the forums for correct terms) and that feature is an incredible one that really helps highlight fallout and its history.

Serifan said:
Kharn you are a smartass prick just like Sander. I am just trying to contribute something to this site, Which some members don't have the time to do this or even care.

Seri, the problem here is you talk like no one is doing anything. Do you really think Kharn and Briosa and the rest of the gang just sit on their asses and twiddle their thumbs, waiting for bethesda to shove the information in their faces? If they bother to run this site, I think it's safe to say, they care enough about fallout that they are trying to get the information you want.
Seri, the problem here is you talk like no one is doing anything. Do you really think Kharn and Briosa and the rest of the gang just sit on their asses and twiddle their thumbs, waiting for bethesda to shove the information in their faces? If they bother to run this site, I think it's safe to say, they care enough about fallout that they are trying to get the information you want.

Yes I know they are not just sitting there and I didn't say they where not doing anything. I don't mean to sound like I am saying you are all useless, I am just saying we should try really hard to push for exclusive information which I think we should be able to get. I also was stating I am willing to help out as much as I can.

Kharn I respect you and all but you have a thing against me ever since I got here. I have tried to makes things right with Kharn but he spat back in my face on several occasions. I am an easy going person and I don't like having a go a people but I won't just take it from someone and not dish anything back.
Serifan said:
I am sick of just posting shit here

I have to say I completely agree on this one :wink:

Seri, how can you even begin to think someone would take your position seriously? Half your posts are in the Vats, you're barely able to formulate an intelligible or grammatically correct sentence, you'll be on the blacklist in a few weeks (I can predict things), and the only qualification you provided in your proposal is that you have a lot of free time on your hands. To conclude...

Wooz said:
Nigga please.
Serifan, calm down, I understand what you are saying, but there are some things you must understand, first of all; yes, we are doing everything we can to get information, second of all; we can't really afford to post speculation, unfounded and unconfirmed rumors as news as that would also give Beths PR department the excuse to say that we are unprofessional and that therefore our opinions don't matter. Speaking of Beth, we also cannot start kissing their asses in the hope of getting tidbits of information as that would pretty much discredit our opinions also.

So, please, relax, we are neither lazy nor incompetent no matter what you might hear some people say so stop insulting the staff and this site. Consider yourself warned.
Serifan said:
I will then and if I do get information I am sure DAC will be pleased to get the news first.

Man, I wouldn't even care as long as some news was finally released, that said, many people have contacted Bethesda many times, including our staff and fans who keep informing us Bethesda gave them the sendaround.

Bethesda don't answer no questions. They'll make no exception for you.

I know what you mean by that and am finding the same issue with the site I maintain. All the same, is there a way the developer profile page can be made more easily accessible from the main page? If it is, forgive me, but I feel like the only way to find it is by digging through the news archives (or searching the forums for correct terms) and that feature is an incredible one that really helps highlight fallout and its history.

It's in the left-hand menu on the frontpage, under "Latest Articles"
Serifan said:
What I want to know now is has anyone from NMA contacted Beth for any information or an interview?

What do you think? Do you really think we have been sitting on our asses this whole time?

In the beginning when the news broke about bethesda we here at NMA have kept in touch with some of the workers of Beth, but sadly they cant really say much and if they can...then sometimes we gotta keep our mouth shut.. Its politics.

SimpleMinded said:
I want to see this finished. There are still plenty of people in the pictures who haven't been interviewed.

I actually tried to do some digging and tried to contact people who werent on this list, but sadly it all died out because I got no respons from the ones that arent filled out.

I've gone through friends, companies, white pages (yes and I hated it) and the web.. in the end it was too much hassle to dig out these old farts :P
But a few members and staff really don't deserve there place here. But, whatever, I can't change that, so I'd better get used to it right?

Ducky if you have problems PM me, I'm sure we can work out your grievances. And maybe you can find out why the Portuguese in Family Guy speak as Carmen Miranda in the fourties, I'm not complaining since it's hilarious for us to watch and ear what they say, but still very straight Luso-American guys talking like Brazilian transvestites is rather mysterious...

We're not riding any easy wave here, and the days of our friendly neighbourhood Boyarsky or Puuk are long gone, which is why the staff is being a lot more conscientious about newsposting than they normally would. Whether or not this changes depends on Bethesda, but right now posting rumours haphazardly would only give Bethesda's PR staff an opportunity to marginalize us.

To marginalise us even further, the policy of not posting here (while coming here a lot...) and posting a bit on DAC seemed as a way to try to divide the Fallout community. If that was indeed their idea it didn't work... still they always keep things very quiet until late in the development process, we'll know more in a few months.

The Van Buren days were an exercise in media social networking, with us from NMA in touch with Interplay middle management, BIS devs, carbon and online newspeople, hidden sources at DAC, RPGCodex and the main gaming sites included, fans from other places, people that lived in Irvine, etc...

All of this people were linked either directly or indirectly through our work, providing first hand info or confirmation. That way we only had to pull down two newsbits (to protect innocents from being harmed by Interplay) and I only made one mistake, that had to redraw, when I said something silly about the Van Buren menu.

Using these guidelines we achieved enough credibility to give an extraordinary amount of info and stir things up when it was necessary. When the former devs from BIS and gaming and media people flocked to NMA in order to discuss the news of the leaked pics and the end of the project I kind of felt that our mission was accomplished, and that we did a good work, although it ended prematurely.

The better standards are needed now more than ever, since we have to deal with a company that doesn't seem to understand what Interplay never did too, and many at BIS were slow to realise but in the end accepted, as well as Troika:

That we are an excellent source on all things Fallout, and our resilience and love to the games helps to balance our own problems and limitations, and therefore we can be considered good, even if a bit erratic, partners in everything Fallout related.

We are just humans (not mutants ;) ) but we're not the worse humans around :)

I don't think it's possible to make such an enormous effort again (I had a physical breakdown in the end, Odin was almost completely burned out) but you can be sure that people at No Mutants Allowed are continuing the efforts to bring the best possible info for all of us that come here.

Can we make things in a better way than we have? Sure, we're just warming up ;)

I would like to see some good articles about the nature of the Fallout setting and about what makes Fallout Fallout.

Ahhh tell me about it, this has been talked so many times... I would like to do a more discussion focused article, with a bunch of questions on the roots of the setting and design choices, just to spark the discussion again. I would like to see Role Player's take on Fallout fans turned into a real article too, or VDweller's take on Bethesda, 4Too speading his wings in a series of pieces. I would also want to see articles on eastern europe fans, treaties on combat in RPG's, nostalgia lanes on the past events surrounding the developments of the games... so many ideas...

is there a way the developer profile page can be made more easily accessible from the main page?

We should put another link on the menus on the left. Just saying...

More later.
Odin said:
I actually tried to do some digging and tried to contact people who werent on this list, but sadly it all died out because I got no respons from the ones that arent filled out.

I've gone through friends, companies, white pages (yes and I hated it) and the web.. in the end it was too much hassle to dig out these old farts :P

My compliments to the chef all the same. As I said earlier, it's my favorite piece at NMA and really sheds some light on the behind the scenes stuff of Fallout.

I would like to see some good articles about the nature of the Fallout setting and about what makes Fallout Fallout.

I agree with the stuff on what makes Fallout Fallout. It would be a nice way to hopefully get the newcomers to shut up with the "As long as there are drugs and hoes in Fallout with lots of cursing, it'll be true to the setting w00t w00t!"

Briosafreak said:
Ahhh tell me about it, this has been talked so many times... I would like to do a more discussion focused article, with a bunch of questions on the roots of the setting and design choices, just to spark the discussion again. I would like to see Role Player's take on Fallout fans turned into a real article too, or VDweller's take on Bethesda, 4Too speading his wings in a series of pieces. I would also want to see articles on eastern europe fans, treaties on combat in RPG's, nostalgia lanes on the past events surrounding the developments of the games... so many ideas...

My mouth is watering on the descriptions of those potential pieces. It would be nice to shed some light on WHY Eastern Europe seems to be the haven of a lot of the fan made projects and what have you and to get more actual articles would be nice. The main site hasn't really been updated in a long time beyond news posts.
SimpleMinded said:
The main site hasn't really been updated in a long time beyond news posts.


1. Since the move to telefragged and the switch to a php-based cms-esque system, many pages were broken. They've been fixed over the past few years.

2. "Articles" has been slow, but updated since the ending of Van Buren and beginning of Fallout 3, including the recent Fallout 3 timeline update.

3. Reviews/previews/walkthroughs has been sifted through over and over quite recently.

4. Gallery has been steady.

5. Files have been big and integral.

6. Alec's comic has been added.

So, uhm, "no fair". That said;

1. I have been working on my contacts with some of the Russian fans. Always slow going, though, but I'm hopeful I can get them interesting in letting us know what they've been up to.

2. I have been slowly tracking down and reminding some developer profilers, right up until a mail exchange today. I'm hoping to have a result soon, I've been chipping away at several people for months now (what Odin said).

3. We have been chipping away at some articles. Easy to start, hard to finish, though.

In other words, you wouldn't believe the enormous mess of movement behind the scenes.